607 lines
16 KiB
607 lines
16 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
using PrefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage;
using PrefabStageUtility = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility;
namespace BezierSolution
[AddComponentMenu( "Bezier Solution/Bend Mesh Along Bezier" )]
[HelpURL( "https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityBezierSolution" )]
[RequireComponent( typeof( MeshFilter ) )]
public class BendMeshAlongBezier : MonoBehaviour
public enum VectorMode { DontModify = 0, ModifyOriginals = 1, RecalculateFromScratch = 2 };
public enum Axis { X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2 };
#pragma warning disable 0649
private BezierSpline m_spline;
public BezierSpline spline
get { return m_spline; }
if( m_spline != value )
if( m_spline )
m_spline.onSplineChanged -= OnSplineChanged;
m_spline = value;
if( m_spline && isActiveAndEnabled )
m_spline.onSplineChanged -= OnSplineChanged;
m_spline.onSplineChanged += OnSplineChanged;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
[MinMaxRange( 0f, 1f )]
private Vector2 m_splineSampleRange = new Vector2( 0f, 1f );
public Vector2 SplineSampleRange
get { return m_splineSampleRange; }
value.x = Mathf.Clamp01( value.x );
value.y = Mathf.Clamp01( value.y );
if( m_splineSampleRange != value )
m_splineSampleRange = value;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
[Header( "Bend Options" )]
private bool m_highQuality = false;
public bool highQuality
get { return m_highQuality; }
if( m_highQuality != value )
m_highQuality = value;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private Axis m_bendAxis = Axis.Y;
public Axis bendAxis
get { return m_bendAxis; }
if( m_bendAxis != value )
m_bendAxis = value;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
[Range( 0f, 360f )]
private float m_extraRotation = 0f;
public float extraRotation
get { return m_extraRotation; }
value = Mathf.Clamp( value, 0f, 360f );
if( m_extraRotation != value )
m_extraRotation = value;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private bool m_invertDirection = false;
public bool invertDirection
get { return m_invertDirection; }
if( m_invertDirection != value )
m_invertDirection = value;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private Vector2 m_thicknessMultiplier = Vector2.one;
public Vector2 thicknessMultiplier
get { return m_thicknessMultiplier; }
if( m_thicknessMultiplier != value )
m_thicknessMultiplier = value;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
[Header( "Vertex Attributes" )]
private VectorMode m_normalsMode = VectorMode.ModifyOriginals;
public VectorMode normalsMode
get { return m_normalsMode; }
if( m_normalsMode != value )
m_normalsMode = value;
if( mesh )
if( m_normalsMode == VectorMode.DontModify && originalNormals != null )
mesh.normals = originalNormals;
originalNormals = null;
if( m_normalsMode != VectorMode.ModifyOriginals )
normals = null;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private VectorMode m_tangentsMode = VectorMode.ModifyOriginals;
public VectorMode tangentsMode
get { return m_tangentsMode; }
if( m_tangentsMode != value )
m_tangentsMode = value;
if( mesh )
if( m_tangentsMode == VectorMode.DontModify && originalTangents != null )
mesh.tangents = originalTangents;
originalTangents = null;
if( m_tangentsMode != VectorMode.ModifyOriginals )
tangents = null;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
[Header( "Other Settings" )]
private bool m_autoRefresh = true;
public bool autoRefresh
get { return m_autoRefresh; }
if( m_autoRefresh != value )
m_autoRefresh = value;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private bool executeInEditMode = false;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private BezierSpline prevSpline;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private VectorMode prevNormalsMode, prevTangentsMode;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private bool prevHighQuality;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
private Mesh originalMesh; // If this isn't serialized, then sometimes exceptions occur on undo/redo
#pragma warning restore 0649
private MeshFilter meshFilter;
private Mesh mesh;
private Vector3[] vertices, originalVertices;
private Vector3[] normals, originalNormals;
private Vector4[] tangents, originalTangents;
private float minVertex, _1OverVertexRange;
private void OnEnable()
// Restore normals and tangents after assembly reload if they are set to DontModify because otherwise they become null automatically (i.e. information gets lost)
if( mesh && originalMesh )
if( m_normalsMode == VectorMode.DontModify )
mesh.normals = originalMesh.normals;
if( m_tangentsMode == VectorMode.DontModify )
mesh.tangents = originalMesh.tangents;
EditorSceneManager.sceneSaving -= OnSceneSaving;
EditorSceneManager.sceneSaving += OnSceneSaving;
EditorSceneManager.sceneSaved -= OnSceneSaved;
EditorSceneManager.sceneSaved += OnSceneSaved;
if( m_spline )
m_spline.onSplineChanged -= OnSplineChanged;
m_spline.onSplineChanged += OnSplineChanged;
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private void OnDisable()
if( m_spline )
m_spline.onSplineChanged -= OnSplineChanged;
EditorSceneManager.sceneSaving -= OnSceneSaving;
EditorSceneManager.sceneSaved -= OnSceneSaved;
if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying )
private void OnDestroy()
MeshFilter _meshFilter = meshFilter;
meshFilter = null;
if( _meshFilter && originalMesh )
_meshFilter.sharedMesh = originalMesh;
if( mesh )
DestroyImmediate( mesh );
// This allows removing the 'modified' flag of Mesh Filter's Mesh property but these sorts of things
// may cause new problems in edge cases so it is commented out
//if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying && _meshFilter && originalMesh )
// // Revert modified status of the prefab instance's MeshFilter Mesh if possible
// MeshFilter prefabMeshFilter = null;
// if( PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceStatus( _meshFilter ) == PrefabInstanceStatus.Connected )
// prefabMeshFilter = PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource( _meshFilter ) as MeshFilter;
// if( prefabMeshFilter && prefabMeshFilter.sharedMesh == originalMesh )
// PrefabUtility.RevertPropertyOverride( new SerializedObject( _meshFilter ).FindProperty( "m_Mesh" ), InteractionMode.AutomatedAction );
public void Activate()
enabled = true;
public void Deactivate()
enabled = false;
private void OnValidate()
EditorApplication.update -= OnValidateImplementation;
EditorApplication.update += OnValidateImplementation;
// Calling this code inside OnValidate throws "SendMessage cannot be called during Awake, CheckConsistency, or OnValidate" warnings
private void OnValidateImplementation()
EditorApplication.update -= OnValidateImplementation;
if( !this )
BezierSpline _spline = m_spline;
m_spline = prevSpline;
spline = prevSpline = _spline;
bool _highQuality = m_highQuality;
m_highQuality = prevHighQuality;
highQuality = prevHighQuality = _highQuality;
VectorMode _normalsMode = m_normalsMode;
m_normalsMode = prevNormalsMode;
normalsMode = prevNormalsMode = _normalsMode;
VectorMode _tangentsMode = m_tangentsMode;
m_tangentsMode = prevTangentsMode;
tangentsMode = prevTangentsMode = _tangentsMode;
if( !executeInEditMode && !EditorApplication.isPlaying )
else if( isActiveAndEnabled )
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private void OnSceneSaving( UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, string path )
// Restore original mesh before saving the scene
if( scene == gameObject.scene )
private void OnSceneSaved( UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene )
// Restore modified mesh after saving the scene
if( scene == gameObject.scene && isActiveAndEnabled )
OnSplineChanged( m_spline, DirtyFlags.All );
private void OnSplineChanged( BezierSpline spline, DirtyFlags dirtyFlags )
if( !executeInEditMode && !EditorApplication.isPlaying )
if( BuildPipeline.isBuildingPlayer )
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
// Don't execute the script in prefab mode
UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage openPrefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
if( openPrefabStage != null && openPrefabStage.IsPartOfPrefabContents( gameObject ) )
if( m_autoRefresh && ( dirtyFlags & ( DirtyFlags.SplineShapeChanged | DirtyFlags.NormalsChanged ) ) != DirtyFlags.None )
private void Initialize()
meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if( meshFilter.sharedMesh ) // It can sometimes be null during undo&redo which causes issues
originalMesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
if( !originalMesh )
if( mesh )
DestroyImmediate( mesh );
mesh = Instantiate( originalMesh );
meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying )
mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
originalVertices = mesh.vertices;
originalNormals = null;
originalTangents = null;
private void RecalculateVertexRange()
if( originalVertices == null )
minVertex = float.PositiveInfinity;
float maxVertex = float.NegativeInfinity;
switch( m_bendAxis )
case Axis.X:
for( int i = 0; i < originalVertices.Length; i++ )
float vertex = originalVertices[i].x;
if( vertex < minVertex )
minVertex = originalVertices[i].x;
if( vertex > maxVertex )
maxVertex = originalVertices[i].x;
case Axis.Y:
for( int i = 0; i < originalVertices.Length; i++ )
float vertex = originalVertices[i].y;
if( vertex < minVertex )
minVertex = originalVertices[i].y;
if( vertex > maxVertex )
maxVertex = originalVertices[i].y;
case Axis.Z:
for( int i = 0; i < originalVertices.Length; i++ )
float vertex = originalVertices[i].z;
if( vertex < minVertex )
minVertex = originalVertices[i].z;
if( vertex > maxVertex )
maxVertex = originalVertices[i].z;
_1OverVertexRange = 1f / ( maxVertex - minVertex );
public void Refresh()
if( !m_spline )
if( !meshFilter || ( meshFilter.sharedMesh && meshFilter.sharedMesh != mesh && meshFilter.sharedMesh != originalMesh ) )
if( !originalMesh )
if( vertices == null || vertices.Length != originalVertices.Length )
vertices = new Vector3[originalVertices.Length];
if( m_normalsMode == VectorMode.ModifyOriginals )
if( originalNormals == null )
originalNormals = originalMesh.normals;
if( originalNormals == null || originalNormals.Length < originalVertices.Length ) // If somehow above statement returned null
normals = null;
else if( normals == null || normals.Length != originalNormals.Length )
normals = new Vector3[originalNormals.Length];
normals = null;
if( m_tangentsMode == VectorMode.ModifyOriginals )
if( originalTangents == null )
originalTangents = originalMesh.tangents;
if( originalTangents == null || originalTangents.Length < originalVertices.Length ) // If somehow above statement returned null
tangents = null;
else if( tangents == null || tangents.Length != originalTangents.Length )
tangents = new Vector4[originalTangents.Length];
tangents = null;
Vector2 _splineSampleRange = m_splineSampleRange;
if( m_invertDirection )
float temp = _splineSampleRange.x;
_splineSampleRange.x = _splineSampleRange.y;
_splineSampleRange.y = temp;
bool isSampleRangeForwards = _splineSampleRange.x <= _splineSampleRange.y;
float splineSampleLength = _splineSampleRange.y - _splineSampleRange.x;
bool dontInvertModifiedVertexAttributes = ( m_thicknessMultiplier.x > 0f && m_thicknessMultiplier.y > 0f );
BezierSpline.EvenlySpacedPointsHolder evenlySpacedPoints = m_highQuality ? m_spline.evenlySpacedPoints : null;
Vector3 initialPoint = m_spline.GetPoint( 0f );
for( int i = 0; i < originalVertices.Length; i++ )
Vector3 vertex = originalVertices[i];
float vertexPosition;
Vector3 vertexOffset;
switch( m_bendAxis )
case Axis.X:
vertexPosition = vertex.x;
vertexOffset = new Vector3( vertex.z * m_thicknessMultiplier.x, 0f, vertex.y * m_thicknessMultiplier.y );
case Axis.Y:
vertexPosition = vertex.y;
vertexOffset = new Vector3( vertex.x * m_thicknessMultiplier.x, 0f, vertex.z * m_thicknessMultiplier.y );
case Axis.Z:
vertexPosition = vertex.z;
vertexOffset = new Vector3( vertex.y * m_thicknessMultiplier.x, 0f, vertex.x * m_thicknessMultiplier.y );
float normalizedT = _splineSampleRange.x + ( vertexPosition - minVertex ) * _1OverVertexRange * splineSampleLength; // Remap from [minVertex,maxVertex] to _splineSampleRange
if( m_highQuality )
normalizedT = evenlySpacedPoints.GetNormalizedTAtPercentage( normalizedT );
BezierSpline.Segment segment = m_spline.GetSegmentAt( normalizedT );
Vector3 point = segment.GetPoint() - initialPoint;
Vector3 tangent = isSampleRangeForwards ? segment.GetTangent() : -segment.GetTangent();
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis( m_extraRotation, tangent ) * Quaternion.LookRotation( segment.GetNormal(), tangent );
Vector3 direction = rotation * vertexOffset;
vertices[i] = point + direction;
if( normals != null ) // The only case this happens is when Normals Mode is ModifyOriginals and the original mesh has normals
normals[i] = rotation * ( dontInvertModifiedVertexAttributes ? originalNormals[i] : -originalNormals[i] );
if( tangents != null ) // The only case this happens is when Tangents Mode is ModifyOriginals and the original mesh has tangents
float tangentW = originalTangents[i].w;
tangents[i] = rotation * ( dontInvertModifiedVertexAttributes ? originalTangents[i] : -originalTangents[i] );
tangents[i].w = tangentW;
mesh.vertices = vertices;
if( m_normalsMode == VectorMode.ModifyOriginals )
mesh.normals = normals;
if( m_tangentsMode == VectorMode.ModifyOriginals )
mesh.tangents = tangents;
if( m_normalsMode == VectorMode.RecalculateFromScratch )
// Cache original normals so that we can reset normals in OnValidate when normals are reset back to DontModify
if( originalNormals == null )
originalNormals = originalMesh.normals;
if( m_tangentsMode == VectorMode.RecalculateFromScratch )
// Cache original tangents so that we can reset tangents in OnValidate when tangents are reset back to DontModify
if( originalTangents == null )
originalTangents = originalMesh.tangents;
} |