* Somewhat Playable Launch Party Pitches/Animations are almost finished * idk what you'd call this anymore * More Launch Party Code * Actually Approachable Code! * Some other stuff idk * Cleanup preparation * Beginning too rebuild * Got the rocket and cracker crackin' * Basics done codewise * Started setting up the movement of the launch pad * You can now move da launch pad and rotate it too * Scrolling Background effect added * Small tweak * Name changes * Rise animation adjustment * animations stuff * miss and launch anims are in * Implemented animations * Adjusted sizing of launch pad * Able to change scroll speed, but with major issues * more anims * More anim implementations * more final touches * Bug fixes --------- Co-authored-by: Jellirby <80490342+Jellirby@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
265 lines
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265 lines
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