HeavenStudio/Assets/Bundled/Games/BoardMeeting/Sprites/Assistant BM.png.meta
minenice55 1c6eae8005
Resource Optimization (#812)
* right foot creep

* look around stay low

* optimize the fan club prefab

use anim layers for the monkeys

* dansa med oss

* klappa era hander

* cossack sandvich

* soldier of dance

add speed halving / doubling functionality to choreographies

* fix selection of starting dance

* asset re-organization

* organize the last of the 1.0 games

* Wall

* floating windows can no longer become larger than the actual screen
2024-03-30 02:52:14 +00:00

576 lines
13 KiB

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Assistant BM_0: -1164235511
Assistant BM_1: 1141107300
Assistant BM_10: -1575812490
Assistant BM_11: -2021326580
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Assistant BM_13: 503035135
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Assistant BM_18: 1106505629
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Assistant BM_3: 2079955675
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Assistant BM_8: 1478534680
Assistant BM_9: 1407635467
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