ev 4d2bb8c782
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444)
* rock hers

* Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added

* little more set up

* anims and mor sprites

* First version of CallAndResponseHandler added

* You can mute now wow

* Got some stuff working

* anim city

* Fixed Inputs

* Visual goodies

* Changed how some events work

* Rockers is now stack proof

* Fixed a bug

* Bend early stages

* bendbendbendbendbendover

* bend fully implemented

* Removed "noise"

* pain

* Many animation

* Bend anims implemented

* strum effect implemented

* Made bends work way better

* dfgdfsgsdffsd

* Implemented strumstart and countin

* hi

* Made strumstart transition into strumidle

* Implemented samples

* All of the btsds samples are in now too

* many anim2

* A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented

* Ok now it's unbuggified

* fixed a small thing

* lightning eff

* anim fixes

* oops

* you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block

* Tweaks to dropdowns

* more tiny anim thing

* more animation stuff

* Bug fixes

* implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event

* Default cmon and last one added

* You can chain last ones and cmons now

* Applause sounds added

* Fixed some bugs

* Made it so you can disable camera movement

* fixed an inconsistency

* Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this

* Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches

* Beat offset eradication

* Made eye size work properly

* Camera quad ease rather than quint

* Inactive intervals added

* Rockers works inactively too now

* Bug fix

* No peeking! No way!

* Alt smile added for tweezers

* early and late riff

* jj miss anim

* icon and miss

* Long hair works properly now

* Miss anims implemented for rockers


Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00

124 lines
2.8 KiB

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