* slot monster GO!
* Rearrangement
+ work on prep anim
* A bit more anim work
* oops
* oops! again!
* grayscale buttons
* basic code + sfx
* bg
* unassigned animation clip, oops
* basic logic, sfx
* more anim stuff
* tweaks
no the bounce on the release anim isnt done that crap is way too elastic rn
* icon
* eye sprites!! ill do more later
* baby's first text changes
* push before i revert the prepare
* flash/inputs actually working, create SlotButton.cs
flash now lerps in the SlotButton class, which makes things so. so much easier.
* coin pile,,,
(+ some tweaked anims, may further tweak)
* test block is kil
* slight eyes rework + early barely anims
* fixed eye 3
i am foolish
* eye barelies, consecutive c&rs
we're so close!
* reimport spritesheet
goodbye spritesheet weirdness
* Revert "reimport spritesheet"
This reverts commit f7bd24d149
* okay reimported for realsies this time
* lose anim + larger coins
* I'm stupid + button tweaks
particles, win animation, etc.
* fix particles
* so close to being done :(( but weird input bug
* cleaning up
fix some bugs, add some stuff. this is almost ready for pr!!
* oops star tweak
* ass buns
Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <seanbenedit@gmail.com>
992 lines
23 KiB
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