* Added sfx, sprites and folders neccesary. And also made an empty game object for working dough * Started work on the background * Implemented all unanimated sprites * Added Init * Added Prefabs * Added Jumping and Idle Animatins for the Dough Dudes * SmallFix * Start Interval Event Implemented * Added Audio and Small and Big Ball events * Code Improvement + starting making the balls * Added bezier curves * Added First Rendition of Balls * Added NPC Balls and starting doing small transporting animations * SmallFixes * SmallSoundChanges * Implemented Audio and prefunction, not done with it though * In process of fixing set interval * Added more prefunction stuff and also started working on player input * Tried adding player balls, not done, many bugs to fix * Reverted trying to make the playerenterdoughball handle inputs, gonna do it through the main script instead * Sat up input code for later * Input works now! Need to add barely and wrong input animations and fix bugs * Tiny fix * Added first draft of wronginput animations * Finished all input anims, trying to fix bugs * Added finished Spaceship animations * Added Mr Game and Watch WIP and lifting dough dudes * Finished GANDW, fixed some bugs and still fixing bugs, almost done! * DONE
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