Adds a new optional parameter to Multisounds, Soundbytes, and BeatActions, allowing them to ignore swing. Currently the only game to use these new parameters is Launch Party, but whoever codes Donk-Donk in the future will have a small bit of the weight taken off their shoulders.
127 lines
4 KiB
127 lines
4 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HeavenStudio.Util
public class MultiSound : MonoBehaviour
private double startBeat;
private bool game;
private bool forcePlay;
private bool commited;
public List<Sound> sounds = new List<Sound>();
public List<Util.Sound> playingSounds = new List<Util.Sound>();
public class Sound
public string name { get; set; }
public double beat { get; set; }
public float pitch { get; set; }
public float volume { get; set; }
public bool looping { get; set; }
public double offset { get; set; }
public bool ignoreSwing {get; set; }
public Sound(string name, double beat, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, double offset = 0f, bool ignoreSwing = false)
| = name;
this.pitch = pitch;
this.volume = volume;
this.looping = looping;
this.offset = offset;
if (ignoreSwing) this.beat = Conductor.instance.GetSwungBeat(beat);
else this.beat = beat;
public static MultiSound Play(Sound[] sounds, bool game = true, bool forcePlay = false, bool ignoreSwing = false)
return Play(sounds.ToList(), game, forcePlay, ignoreSwing);
public static MultiSound Play(List<Sound> sounds, bool game = true, bool forcePlay = false, bool ignoreSwing = false)
if (Conductor.instance == null || sounds.Count < 1) return null;
GameObject go = new GameObject("MultiSound");
MultiSound ms = go.AddComponent<MultiSound>();
ms.sounds = sounds;
| = game;
ms.forcePlay = forcePlay;
ms.commited = false;
if (ignoreSwing) ms.startBeat = Conductor.instance.GetSwungBeat(sounds[0].beat);
else ms.startBeat = sounds[0].beat;
if (Conductor.instance.WaitingForDsp)
Debug.Log("Multisound waiting for DSP, deferring play");
return ms;
void CommitPlay()
for (int i = 0; i < sounds.Count; i++)
Util.Sound s;
if (game)
s = SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame(sounds[i].name, sounds[i].beat, sounds[i].pitch, sounds[i].volume, sounds[i].looping, forcePlay, sounds[i].offset);
s = SoundByte.PlayOneShot(sounds[i].name, sounds[i].beat, sounds[i].pitch, sounds[i].volume, sounds[i].looping, null, sounds[i].offset);
commited = true;
async UniTaskVoid PlayDeferred()
await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => !Conductor.instance.WaitingForDsp, PlayerLoopTiming.LastUpdate);
Debug.Log("Multisound DSP ready, playing");
private void Update()
if (!commited) return;
foreach (Util.Sound sound in playingSounds)
if (sound == null) continue;
if (!sound.available) return;
public void Delete()
foreach (Util.Sound sound in playingSounds)
public void StopAll(bool destroy = false)
foreach (Util.Sound sound in playingSounds)
if (destroy)
} |