minenice55 caf7d9465f
Play Mode Features Part 1 (#413)
* add pause menu assets

* layout and animation for pause

* make play mode prefab function

re-assign unused class inheritance

* remove filepath

* don't init medals twice

* remove PlayerActionObject

* initial attempt at anti-note lock

TODO: circumvent inputs clearing themselves making the functionality not work

* properly implement input lock prevention

* fix error on editor open

* functional pause menu

* bugfix

* make unpausing not reset current play statistics

* serialize initializer components in inspector instead of procedurally generating

* sanity check

* note for fade

* make flashes in the camera prefabs instead of in world space

remove / reorganize script files
address issue #411

* fix bug with perfect campaign

make minigame transitions hide the game canvas
adjust animation of the song credits textbox

* fully functional intro scene (placeholder for future title screen)

refactored entire game loading procedure
re-organized some files

* add interaction query to disclaimer text

* reword legal

* anchor section medals to section display

more tempo change placement controls

* operation order bugfix

* prep for future ratings and stats

* loading text

* autoload opening scene

* splash screen adjustments

added setting to force enable splash screen

* adjust setting entry
2023-05-07 20:33:15 +00:00

73 lines
2 KiB

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