2022-02-14 01:53:58 -07:00

301 lines
11 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using NaughtyBezierCurves;
using DG.Tweening;
using RhythmHeavenMania.Util;
namespace RhythmHeavenMania.Games.RhythmRally
public class RhythmRally : Minigame
public enum RallySpeed { Slow, Normal, Fast, SuperFast }
public Transform renderQuadTrans;
public Transform cameraPos;
[Header("Ball and curve info")]
public GameObject ball;
public GameObject ballShadow;
public BezierCurve3D serveCurve;
public BezierCurve3D returnCurve;
public Animator playerAnim;
public Animator opponentAnim;
public RallySpeed rallySpeed = RallySpeed.Normal;
public bool started;
public bool missed;
public bool served;
public float serveBeat;
public float targetBeat;
public Paddlers paddlers;
public GameEvent bop = new GameEvent();
public static RhythmRally instance;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
void Start()
var cam = GameCamera.instance.camera;
var camHeight = 2f * cam.orthographicSize;
var camWidth = camHeight * cam.aspect;
renderQuadTrans.localScale = new Vector3(camWidth, camHeight, 1f);
playerAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 0);
opponentAnim.Play("Idle", 0, 0);
const float tableHitTime = 0.58f;
bool opponentServing = false; // Opponent serving this frame?
void Update()
var cond = Conductor.instance;
var currentBeat = cond.songPositionInBeats;
var hitBeat = serveBeat; // Beat when the last paddler hit the ball
var beatDur1 = 1f; // From paddle to table
var beatDur2 = 1f; // From table to other paddle
var playerState = playerAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
var opponentState = opponentAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
bool playerPrepping = false; // Player using prep animation?
bool opponentPrepping = false; // Opponent using prep animation?
if (started)
// Determine hitBeat and beatDurs.
switch (rallySpeed)
case RallySpeed.Normal:
if (!served)
hitBeat = serveBeat + 2f;
case RallySpeed.Fast:
if (!served)
hitBeat = serveBeat + 1f;
beatDur1 = 1f;
beatDur2 = 2f;
beatDur1 = 0.5f;
beatDur2 = 0.5f;
case RallySpeed.SuperFast:
if (!served)
hitBeat = serveBeat + 1f;
beatDur1 = 0.5f;
beatDur2 = 0.5f;
case RallySpeed.Slow:
if (!served)
hitBeat = serveBeat + 4f;
beatDur1 = 2f;
beatDur2 = 2f;
// Ball position.
var curveToUse = served ? serveCurve : returnCurve;
float curvePosition;
var hitPosition1 = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(hitBeat, beatDur1);
if (hitPosition1 >= 1f)
var hitPosition2 = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(hitBeat + beatDur1, beatDur2);
curvePosition = tableHitTime + hitPosition2 * (1f - tableHitTime);
curvePosition = hitPosition1 * tableHitTime;
if (!missed)
float curveHeight = 1f;
if (rallySpeed == RallySpeed.Fast && !served && hitPosition1 >= 1f)
curveHeight = 2f;
else if (rallySpeed == RallySpeed.Slow)
curveHeight = 3f;
curveToUse.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, curveHeight, 1f);
ball.transform.position = curveToUse.GetPoint(Mathf.Clamp(curvePosition, 0, 1));
// TODO: Make conditional so ball shadow only appears when over table.
ballShadow.transform.position = new Vector3(ball.transform.position.x, -0.399f, ball.transform.position.z);
var timeBeforeNextHit = hitBeat + beatDur1 + beatDur2 - currentBeat;
// Check if the opponent should swing.
if (!served && timeBeforeNextHit <= 0f)
List<Beatmap.Entity> rallies = GameManager.instance.Beatmap.entities.FindAll(c => c.datamodel == "rhythmRally/rally" || c.datamodel == "rhythmRally/slow rally");
for (int i = 0; i < rallies.Count; i++)
var rally = rallies[i];
if (rally.beat - currentBeat <= 0f && rally.beat + rally.length - currentBeat > 0f)
Serve(hitBeat + beatDur1 + beatDur2, rallySpeed);
opponentServing = true;
// Check if paddler should do ready animation.
bool readyToPrep;
if (rallySpeed == RallySpeed.Slow || (!served && rallySpeed == RallySpeed.Fast))
readyToPrep = timeBeforeNextHit <= 2f;
readyToPrep = timeBeforeNextHit <= 1f;
// Paddler ready animation.
if (readyToPrep && !opponentServing)
if (served)
playerPrepping = true;
if ((playerState.IsName("Swing") && playerAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying()) || (!playerState.IsName("Swing") && !playerState.IsName("Ready1")))
else if (!opponentServing)
opponentPrepping = true;
if ((opponentState.IsName("Swing") && opponentAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying()) || (!opponentState.IsName("Swing") && !opponentState.IsName("Ready1")))
// If player never swung and is still in ready state, snap them out of it.
if (missed && playerState.IsName("Ready1"))
// Paddler bop animation.
if (cond.ReportBeat(ref bop.lastReportedBeat, bop.startBeat % 1))
if (currentBeat >= bop.startBeat && currentBeat < bop.startBeat + bop.length)
if (!playerPrepping && (playerAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || playerState.IsName("Idle") || playerState.IsName("Beat")))
playerAnim.Play("Beat", 0, 0);
if (!opponentPrepping && !opponentServing && (opponentAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || opponentState.IsName("Idle") || opponentState.IsName("Beat")))
opponentAnim.Play("Beat", 0, 0);
opponentServing = false;
public void Bop(float beat, float length)
bop.length = length;
bop.startBeat = beat;
public void Serve(float beat, RallySpeed speed)
served = true;
missed = false;
started = true;
opponentServing = true;
serveBeat = beat;
rallySpeed = speed;
var bounceBeat = 0f;
switch (rallySpeed)
case RallySpeed.Normal:
targetBeat = serveBeat + 2f;
bounceBeat = serveBeat + 1f;
case RallySpeed.Fast:
case RallySpeed.SuperFast:
targetBeat = serveBeat + 1f;
bounceBeat = serveBeat + 0.5f;
case RallySpeed.Slow:
targetBeat = serveBeat + 4f;
bounceBeat = serveBeat + 2f;
opponentAnim.Play("Swing", 0, 0);
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[] { new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Serve", serveBeat), new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/ServeBounce", bounceBeat) });
public void PrepareFastRally(float beat, RallySpeed speedChange)
if (speedChange == RallySpeed.Fast)
BeatAction.New(gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 2f, delegate { Serve(beat + 2f, RallySpeed.Fast); })
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[]
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tonk", beat),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tink", beat + 0.5f),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tonk", beat + 1f)
else if (speedChange == RallySpeed.SuperFast)
BeatAction.New(gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 4f, delegate { Serve(beat + 4f, RallySpeed.SuperFast); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 6f, delegate { Serve(beat + 6f, RallySpeed.SuperFast); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 8f, delegate { Serve(beat + 8f, RallySpeed.SuperFast); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 10f, delegate { Serve(beat + 10f, RallySpeed.SuperFast); })
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[]
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tonk", beat),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tink", beat + 0.5f),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tonk", beat + 1f),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tink", beat + 1.5f),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tonk", beat + 2f),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tink", beat + 2.5f),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tonk", beat + 3f),
new MultiSound.Sound("rhythmRally/Tink", beat + 3.5f)