フマジメ 39039b447c
Bouncy Road (#854)
* Bouncy Road Stuff

-weirdly set up prefab so i can see animations side by side
- animations for the 3 podium things

we ball

* modified:   Assets/Resources/Games/bouncyRoad.prefab

* Preliminary stage of sorting according to the equation

* reached a point where it's functional

* miss curve

* proper spawn

* oops

* bounce sound avoid duplication


Co-authored-by: GhostiGuy <srskok1@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: GhostiGuy <156829475+GhostiGuy@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-04-12 01:40:52 +00:00

2045 lines
77 KiB

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