* add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
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