wookywok 2fab37113d
Big Nail Carpenter Updates (#743)
* Made Nail half-speed, changed long nail from hold B to press B, touched up animations

- Made Nail Carpenter half-speed -- it shouldn't change much, just remember to double your tempo!

- Also changed the long nail input from hold and release to simply pressing B -- the old way gives less reaction time and is just less fun overall

- Also touched up the animations to make them snappier and improve gamefeel

* Cleaned up animations a bit further, changed 'fusuma' to 'shoji'

* Further animation improvements

Hit animations are now instant, and the hammer animation is about snappy and responsive as it should be

* Fixed touch controls

FIxed touch controls being a miss no matter what

* reimplemented touch mode whiffing

cuz i forgor

* fixed a sound effect playing at the wrong time

* spawning logic overhaul

also fixed issue where sweets would be hittable if a nail could be instead
cues at full speed for testing need to halve the speed of everything later

* remove stray sfx call

* add missing exclaim animations to the forced object types

* improve chunk based spawning

improve animator setup

* remove unused stuff

* new animations

girl randomly blinks
puddings bounce when passing the girl
nails pop out when missing

* fix the sweet break check


Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2024-03-15 19:18:21 +00:00

519 lines
21 KiB

using HeavenStudio.Util;
using HeavenStudio.InputSystem;
using Jukebox;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
using static Minigames;
public static class PcoNailLoader
public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller)
return new Minigame("nailCarpenter", "Nail Carpenter", "fab96e", false, false, new List<GameAction>()
new GameAction("puddingNail", "Pudding Nail")
defaultLength = 8f,
resizable = true
new GameAction("cherryNail", "Cherry Nail")
defaultLength = 4f,
resizable = true
new GameAction("cakeNail", "Cake Nail")
defaultLength = 4f,
resizable = true
new GameAction("cakeLongNail", "Cake Long Nail")
defaultLength = 4f,
resizable = true
new GameAction("slideFusuma", "Slide Shoji")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
NailCarpenter.instance.SlideShoji(e.beat, e.length, e["fillRatio"], e["ease"], e["mute"]);
defaultLength = 1f,
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("fillRatio", new EntityTypes.Float(0f, 1f, 0.3f), "Ratio", "Set how much of the screen the shoji covers."),
new Param("ease", Util.EasingFunction.Ease.Linear, "Ease", "Set the easing of the action."),
new Param("mute", false, "Mute", "Toggle if the cue should be muted.")
new List<string>() { "pco", "normal" },
"pconail", "en",
new List<string>() { }
namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using Scripts_NailCarpenter;
public class NailCarpenter : Minigame
const double PATTERN_SEEK_TIME = 8.0;
public struct ObjectPatternItem
public double beat;
public ObjectType type;
public enum ObjectType
struct ScheduledPattern
public double beat;
public double length;
public PatternType type;
enum PatternType
[SerializeField] ObjectPatternItem[] puddingPattern;
[SerializeField] ObjectPatternItem[] cherryPattern;
[SerializeField] ObjectPatternItem[] cakePattern;
[SerializeField] ObjectPatternItem[] cakeLongPattern;
[SerializeField] float scrollMetresPerBeat = 4f;
[SerializeField] float boardWidth = 19.2f;
public GameObject baseNail;
public GameObject baseLongNail;
public GameObject baseSweet;
public Animator Carpenter;
public Animator EffectExclamRed;
public Animator EffectExclamBlue;
public Transform scrollingHolder;
public Transform nailHolder;
public Transform boardTrans;
public Transform shojiTrans;
private bool missed;
private bool hasSlurped;
const int IAAltDownCat = IAMAXCAT;
const int IASweetsCat = IAMAXCAT + 1;
protected static bool IA_PadAltPress(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.South, out dt);
protected static bool IA_BatonAltPress(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetSqueezeDown(out dt);
protected static bool IA_TouchRegularPress(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch.Tap, out dt)
&& !instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_AltPress);
protected static bool IA_TouchAltPress(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch.Tap, out dt)
&& instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_AltPress)
&& !instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_RegPress);
protected static bool IA_PadSweetsCheck(out double dt)
return (PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.South, out dt)
|| PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.East, out dt))
&& !(instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_RegPress) || instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_AltPress));
protected static bool IA_BatonSweetsCheck(out double dt)
return (PlayerInput.GetBatonDown(InputController.ActionsBaton.Face, out dt)
|| PlayerInput.GetSqueezeDown(out dt))
&& !(instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_RegPress) || instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_AltPress));
protected static bool IA_TouchSweetsCheck(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetTouchDown(InputController.ActionsTouch.Tap, out dt)
&& !(instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_RegPress) || instance.IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_AltPress));
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_RegPress =
new("PcoNailRegStart", new int[] { IAPressCat, IAPressCat, IAPressCat },
IA_PadBasicPress, IA_TouchRegularPress, IA_BatonBasicPress);
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_AltPress =
new("PcoNailAltStart", new int[] { IAAltDownCat, IAAltDownCat, IAAltDownCat },
IA_PadAltPress, IA_TouchAltPress, IA_BatonAltPress);
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_SweetsHit =
new("PcoNailSweetsHit", new int[] { IASweetsCat, IASweetsCat, IASweetsCat },
IA_PadSweetsCheck, IA_TouchSweetsCheck, IA_BatonSweetsCheck);
public static NailCarpenter instance;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake()
instance = this;
List<ScheduledPattern> scheduledPatterns = new List<ScheduledPattern>();
double patternStartBeat, gameStartBeat;
PatternType patternType, lastPatternType;
int patternIndex, lastPatternIndex = -1;
double slideBeat = double.MaxValue;
double slideLength;
double cachedPatternLengthPudding, cachedPatternLengthCherry, cachedPatternLengthCake, cachedPatternLengthCakeLong;
Util.EasingFunction.Ease slideEase;
float slideRatioLast = 0, slideRatioNext = 0;
void Start()
if (!conductor.isPlaying) return;
public override void OnBeatPulse(double beat)
if (!IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_AltPress) && UnityEngine.Random.value < 0.1f)
Carpenter.Play("eyeBlinkFast", 1, 0);
void Update()
var currentBeat = conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
if (!conductor.isPlaying) return;
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_RegPress) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_RegPress))
Carpenter.DoScaledAnimationAsync("carpenterHit", 0.25f);
hasSlurped = false;
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_AltPress) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_AltPress))
Carpenter.DoScaledAnimationAsync("carpenterHit", 0.25f);
hasSlurped = false;
// Board scroll.
var boardPos = boardTrans.localPosition;
var newBoardX = currentBeat * scrollMetresPerBeat;
newBoardX %= boardWidth;
boardTrans.localPosition = new Vector3((float)newBoardX, boardPos.y, boardPos.z);
public override void OnGameSwitch(double beat)
cachedPatternLengthPudding = puddingPattern[^1].beat;
cachedPatternLengthCherry = cherryPattern[^1].beat;
cachedPatternLengthCake = cakePattern[^1].beat;
cachedPatternLengthCakeLong = cakeLongPattern[^1].beat;
double endBeat = double.MaxValue;
var entities = gameManager.Beatmap.Entities;
gameStartBeat = beat;
patternStartBeat = gameStartBeat;
// find out when the next game switch (or remix end) happens
RiqEntity firstEnd = entities.Find(c => (c.datamodel.StartsWith("gameManager/switchGame") || c.datamodel.Equals("gameManager/end")) && c.beat > gameStartBeat);
endBeat = firstEnd?.beat ?? endBeat;
List<RiqEntity> events = entities.FindAll(v => (v.datamodel is "nailCarpenter/puddingNail" or "nailCarpenter/cherryNail" or "nailCarpenter/cakeNail" or "nailCarpenter/cakeLongNail") && v.beat >= gameStartBeat && v.beat < endBeat);
patternIndex = 0;
foreach (var evt in events)
if (evt.length == 0) continue;
int patternDivisions = (int)Math.Ceiling(evt.length / PATTERN_SEEK_TIME);
PatternType patternType = evt.datamodel switch
"nailCarpenter/puddingNail" => PatternType.Pudding,
"nailCarpenter/cherryNail" => PatternType.Cherry,
"nailCarpenter/cakeNail" => PatternType.Cake,
"nailCarpenter/cakeLongNail" => PatternType.CakeLong,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
for (int i = 0; i < patternDivisions; i++)
var pattern = new ScheduledPattern
beat = evt.beat + (PATTERN_SEEK_TIME * i),
length = Math.Min(evt.length - (PATTERN_SEEK_TIME * i), PATTERN_SEEK_TIME),
type = patternType
public override void OnPlay(double beat)
void UpdatePatterns()
double beat = conductor.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
while (patternStartBeat < beat + PATTERN_SEEK_TIME)
if (patternIndex < scheduledPatterns.Count)
var pattern = scheduledPatterns[patternIndex];
if (pattern.type == PatternType.None)
if (pattern.beat + pattern.length < patternStartBeat)
SpawnPattern(pattern.beat, pattern.length, pattern.type);
patternStartBeat = pattern.beat + pattern.length;
lastPatternIndex = patternIndex;
public void SlideShoji(double beat, double length, float fillRatio, int ease, bool mute)
if (!mute) SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/open", beat, forcePlay: true);
slideBeat = beat;
slideLength = length;
slideEase = (Util.EasingFunction.Ease)ease;
slideRatioLast = slideRatioNext;
slideRatioNext = fillRatio;
void UpdateShoji(double beat)
if (beat >= slideBeat)
float slideLast = 17.8f * (1 - slideRatioLast);
float slideNext = 17.8f * (1 - slideRatioNext);
Util.EasingFunction.Function func = Util.EasingFunction.GetEasingFunction(slideEase);
float slideProg = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(slideBeat, slideLength, true);
slideProg = Mathf.Clamp01(slideProg);
float slide = func(slideLast, slideNext, slideProg);
shojiTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(slide, 0, 0);
private void SpawnPattern(double beat, double length, PatternType pattern)
if (pattern == PatternType.None) return;
double patternLength = pattern switch
PatternType.Pudding => cachedPatternLengthPudding,
PatternType.Cherry => cachedPatternLengthCherry,
PatternType.Cake => cachedPatternLengthCake,
PatternType.CakeLong => cachedPatternLengthCakeLong,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
patternType = pattern;
int patternIterations = (int)Math.Ceiling(length / patternLength);
for (int i = 0; i < patternIterations; i++)
SpawnPatternSegment(beat + (patternLength * i), gameStartBeat, pattern switch
PatternType.Pudding => puddingPattern,
PatternType.Cherry => cherryPattern,
PatternType.Cake => cakePattern,
PatternType.CakeLong => cakeLongPattern,
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
lastPatternType = patternType;
private void SpawnPatternSegment(double beat, double startbeat, ObjectPatternItem[] pattern)
foreach (var item in pattern)
double itemBeat = beat + item.beat;
switch (item.type)
case ObjectType.LongCharge:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/signal2", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
BeatAction.New(instance, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(itemBeat, delegate
Carpenter.DoScaledAnimationAsync("carpenterArmUp", 0.25f);
case ObjectType.Nail:
SpawnNail(itemBeat, startbeat);
case ObjectType.LongNail:
SpawnLongNail(itemBeat, startbeat);
case ObjectType.Sweet:
// dynamically determine sweet based on pattern and last pattern
Sweet.sweetsType sweetType = Sweet.sweetsType.None;
switch (patternType)
case PatternType.Pudding:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/one", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
sweetType = Sweet.sweetsType.Pudding;
case PatternType.Cherry:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/three", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
sweetType = Sweet.sweetsType.CherryPudding;
case PatternType.Cake:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/alarm", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
sweetType = Sweet.sweetsType.ShortCake;
BeatAction.New(instance, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(itemBeat, delegate
EffectExclamRed.DoScaledAnimationAsync("exclamAppear", 0.25f);
case PatternType.CakeLong:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/signal1", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
sweetType = Sweet.sweetsType.LayerCake;
BeatAction.New(instance, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(itemBeat, delegate
EffectExclamBlue.DoScaledAnimationAsync("exclamAppear", 0.25f);
if (lastPatternType == PatternType.Cake)
SpawnSweet(itemBeat, startbeat, Sweet.sweetsType.Cherry);
else if (sweetType != Sweet.sweetsType.None)
SpawnSweet(itemBeat, startbeat, sweetType);
case ObjectType.ForceCherry:
SpawnSweet(itemBeat, startbeat, Sweet.sweetsType.Cherry);
case ObjectType.ForcePudding:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/one", itemBeat);
SpawnSweet(itemBeat, startbeat, Sweet.sweetsType.Pudding);
case ObjectType.ForceCherryPudding:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/three", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
SpawnSweet(itemBeat, startbeat, Sweet.sweetsType.CherryPudding);
case ObjectType.ForceShortCake:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/alarm", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
BeatAction.New(instance, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(itemBeat, delegate
EffectExclamRed.DoScaledAnimationAsync("exclamAppear", 0.25f);
SpawnSweet(itemBeat, startbeat, Sweet.sweetsType.ShortCake);
case ObjectType.ForceLayerCake:
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("nailCarpenter/signal1", itemBeat, forcePlay: true);
BeatAction.New(instance, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(itemBeat, delegate
EffectExclamBlue.DoScaledAnimationAsync("exclamAppear", 0.25f);
SpawnSweet(itemBeat, startbeat, Sweet.sweetsType.LayerCake);
private void SpawnNail(double beat, double startBeat)
var newNail = Instantiate(baseNail, nailHolder).GetComponent<Nail>();
newNail.targetBeat = beat;
newNail.targetX = nailHolder.position.x;
newNail.metresPerSecond = scrollMetresPerBeat;
private void SpawnLongNail(double beat, double startBeat)
var newNail = Instantiate(baseLongNail, nailHolder).GetComponent<LongNail>();
newNail.targetBeat = beat;
newNail.targetX = nailHolder.position.x;
newNail.metresPerSecond = scrollMetresPerBeat;
private void SpawnSweet(double beat, double startBeat, Sweet.sweetsType sweetType)
var newSweet = Instantiate(baseSweet, nailHolder).GetComponent<Sweet>();
newSweet.targetBeat = beat;
newSweet.sweetType = sweetType;
newSweet.targetX = nailHolder.position.x;
newSweet.metresPerSecond = scrollMetresPerBeat;