* I'm a menace to society * Made some small fixes * added missing stuff, realignment * Added Animators * Unity Shenanigans * all contestee anims * mb * Changed how the contestee is structured in the hierachy * ymf * I love quiz show * more anim implementation * anim fixes and bg upscale * oops * implemented prepare and rest * oops2 * timer * Implemented Head Animations * Added the timer * Oopsie * there we go * changed wizards waltz default length * Added explosions * Made consecutive intervals possible * Implementing counting for the contestant * The quiz host now has numbers * host anims * host anims done * Implemented all host anims and fixed some stuff * implemented more stuff * oops * anim fixes * Bug fixes woohoo! * Fixes * Fixed something !!!! * upscale and more * updated reveal answer to not remove the black on reveal of the number * new sheet2 * Added ForceExplode * They now go grey * upscale done anim stuff * smoke and explosion * Stage0 added * KABOOM * tweaks * icon and anim fixes * Added randomPresses event and prefunction to start interval * Fixed a bug with random presses and also made the sign change color * Fixed small bug * fixed a spaceball bug * New Metronome --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: saladplainzone <chocolate2890mail@gmail.com>
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