* Heh * prefab cat * minigame script + sounds imported * more catgrab * oops * functional objects non visual * More cat ghrab 2 * persist/stretchy logs + cue disable sound + sigh * finished cat grab * sdfsdfsdf * oops * Oops. * Freedom * More * more anime * anims almost dune * all anims * Oops. * Fixing bad animation * I have made a severe and continuous lapse in judgement * bear bop + cut + whiff visuals implemented * rest visuals implemented * added log visuals cut * accomadation for persist/stretch * Oops345 * CATS! * sorting layer oops * fix catgrab object being flipped * bug fix and huh choice * sorting layer fix * anim fixes * upscale almost * upscale done * Huge zoom in * left cat put * two main cats done * particles for main logs * Particles implemented * particle tweaks * bg cats placed * bg cats + zoom toggle * slide offset * more bg cat * new object sheet * bg cats final * more particle * particles fr * Oops * catdance update * I have created an Issue * fixed a lot of shit * Paricle fix * particle fix again im sorry * object upscale wip and more * Mistakes * freezer particle and tweaks * resorted * more particle nonsense im sorry everything hurts * freezer break implement * penguin fix * sorry * halves + upscales done + particles done * fixed particles * particle fixes 2000 * fixed cat dance and rest * snow * icon * oops232323 * Sigh * snow implementation * baby done * layering fix * actual layering fix * particle tweaks * windsnowshit * new rotation * rotation pivots set * all particles should be good now * bat fix * bg cats work better * miss implemented * layer arm fix * rotation changed * expose camera ease + spam prevention * it was just 1 beat long * custom objects * custom objects initial implementation * bomb + ball fix * new sounds * oops * More * big ball implementation 2 * Oops. * Update LBJCatMove.cs --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+iloveoatmeal2022@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
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