* play sfx and play animation blocks i also changed prescheduleFunction to preFunction, and removed the unused preFunction argument in GameAction i can revert this if need be but it just seemed vestigial * count in rework + preloading, multisound addition multisound was using an array that was converted to a list..? very silly when you consider it's a list first so sometimes it's list -> array -> list lol new Count-In and Play SFX block preloads sfx now!! epic. * prefab-ify event properties, Button EntityType * things are very nearly working! however i just hit an insane hurdle. how do i modify a dropdown while still being able to access the index/int value of that param directly. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH * okay it's WORKING now i just need to do some better dropdown stuff * ITS WORKING ITS WORKING ITS WORKING arbitrary animations, now accessible to those without prefab knowledge! and it's piss easy to use!! * about to make a struct + class, tooltip improvements gonna make the struct define it, then the class will actually be the dropdown this is gonna make things so so so so much easier to comprehend * finishing up, probably one more commit after this * split up Dropdown into Dropdown and DropdownObj, which basically fixed all of my problems lol * fixed a count bug * added param tooltip toggle * grah it's ALMOST DONE * it's 99.9% finished. just some touch ups, i don't think i even know of any bugs * alright, looks like that's all the bugs gone * EVERYTHING IS FINISHED!!
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