* update icons * add background loading of sound sequences - fix bug with preFunction - remove most of the old preloading code * update spritesheets for karate man, marching orders * file explorer chart loading * update icon for trick on the class
463 lines
21 KiB
463 lines
21 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
namespace HeavenStudio
public class DynamicBeatmap
public static int CurrentRiqVersion = 0;
public float bpm;
[JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Populate)]
[DefaultValue(100)] public int musicVolume; // In percent (1-100)
public Dictionary<string, object> properties =
new Dictionary<string, object>() {
// software version (MajorMinorPatch, revision)
{"productversion", 000},
{"productsubversion", 0},
// file format version
{"riqversion", CurrentRiqVersion},
// mapper set properties? (future: use this to flash the button)
{"propertiesmodified", false},
// general chart info
{"remixtitle", "New Remix"}, // chart name
{"remixauthor", "Your Name"}, // charter's name
{"remixdesc", "Remix Description"}, // chart description
{"remixlevel", 1}, // chart difficulty (maybe offer a suggestion but still have the mapper determine it)
{"remixtempo", 120f}, // avg. chart tempo
{"remixtags", ""}, // chart tags
{"icontype", 0}, // chart icon (presets, custom - future)
{"iconurl", ""}, // custom icon location (future)
// chart song info
{"idolgenre", "Song Genre"}, // song genre
{"idolsong", "Song Name"}, // song name
{"idolcredit", "Artist"}, // song artist
// chart prologue
{"prologuetype", 0}, // prologue card animation (future)
{"prologuecaption", "Remix"}, // prologue card sub-title (future)
// chart results screen messages
{"resultcaption", "Rhythm League Notes"}, // result screen header
{"resultcommon_hi", "Good rhythm."}, // generic "Superb" message (one-liner, or second line for single-type)
{"resultcommon_ok", "Eh. Passable."}, // generic "OK" message (one-liner, or second line for single-type)
{"resultcommon_ng", "Try harder next time."}, // generic "Try Again" message (one-liner, or second line for single-type)
// the following are shown / hidden in-editor depending on the tags of the games used
{"resultnormal_hi", "You show strong fundamentals."}, // "Superb" message for normal games (two-liner)
{"resultnormal_ng", "Work on your fundamentals."}, // "Try Again" message for normal games (two-liner)
{"resultkeep_hi", "You kept the beat well."}, // "Superb" message for keep-the-beat games (two-liner)
{"resultkeep_ng", "You had trouble keeping the beat."}, // "Try Again" message for keep-the-beat games (two-liner)
{"resultaim_hi", "You had great aim."}, // "Superb" message for aim games (two-liner)
{"resultaim_ng", "Your aim was a little shaky."}, // "Try Again" message for aim games (two-liner)
{"resultrepeat_hi", "You followed the example well."}, // "Superb" message for call-and-response games (two-liner)
{"resultrepeat_ng", "Next time, follow the example better."}, // "Try Again" message for call-and-response games (two-liner)
public List<DynamicEntity> entities = new List<DynamicEntity>();
public List<TempoChange> tempoChanges = new List<TempoChange>();
public List<VolumeChange> volumeChanges = new List<VolumeChange>();
public List<ChartSection> beatmapSections = new List<ChartSection>();
public float firstBeatOffset;
public class DynamicEntity : ICloneable
public float beat;
public int track;
[JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore)] public float length;
[JsonProperty(DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore)] public float swing;
public Dictionary<string, dynamic> DynamicData = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
public string datamodel;
[JsonIgnore] public Editor.Track.TimelineEventObj eventObj;
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
public DynamicEntity DeepCopy()
DynamicEntity copy = (DynamicEntity)this.MemberwiseClone();
copy.DynamicData = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>(this.DynamicData);
return copy;
public dynamic this[string propertyName]
switch (propertyName)
case "beat":
return beat;
case "track":
return track;
case "length":
return length;
case "swing":
return swing;
case "datamodel":
return datamodel;
if (DynamicData.ContainsKey(propertyName))
return DynamicData[propertyName];
Minigames.Minigame game = EventCaller.instance.GetMinigame(datamodel.Split(0));
Minigames.Param param = EventCaller.instance.GetGameParam(game, datamodel.Split(1), propertyName);
return param.parameter;
switch (propertyName)
case "beat":
case "track":
case "length":
case "swing":
case "datamodel":
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning($"Property name {propertyName} is reserved and cannot be set.");
if (DynamicData.ContainsKey(propertyName))
DynamicData[propertyName] = value;
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"This entity does not have a property named {propertyName}! Attempted to insert value of type {value.GetType()}");
public void CreateProperty(string name, dynamic defaultValue)
if (!DynamicData.ContainsKey(name))
DynamicData.Add(name, defaultValue);
public class TempoChange : ICloneable
public float beat;
public float length;
public float tempo;
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
public class VolumeChange : ICloneable
public float beat;
public float length;
public float volume;
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
public class ChartSection : ICloneable
public float beat;
public bool startPerfect;
public string sectionName;
public bool isCheckpoint; // really don't think we need this but who knows
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
public dynamic this[string propertyName]
return properties[propertyName] ?? null;
if (properties.ContainsKey(propertyName))
properties[propertyName] = value;
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"This beatmap does not have a property named {propertyName}! Attempted to insert value of type {value.GetType()}");
/// <summary>
/// converts from the old "rhmania" / "tengoku" format to the new "riq" format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="beatmap">a deserialized .rhmania or .tengoku beatmap</param>
/// <returns>a .riq beatmap</returns>
public static DynamicBeatmap BeatmapConverter(Beatmap beatmap)
DynamicBeatmap dynamicBeatmap = new DynamicBeatmap();
dynamicBeatmap.bpm = beatmap.bpm;
dynamicBeatmap.musicVolume = beatmap.musicVolume;
dynamicBeatmap.firstBeatOffset = beatmap.firstBeatOffset;
Minigames.Minigame game;
Minigames.GameAction action;
System.Type type, pType;
foreach (var e in beatmap.entities)
game = EventCaller.instance.GetMinigame(e.datamodel.Split(0));
action = EventCaller.instance.GetGameAction(game, e.datamodel.Split(1));
if (game == null || action == null)
//FUTURE: attempt to convert to a new entity if a converter exists for this datamodel
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"Could not find game or gameaction from datamodel {e.datamodel} @ beat {e.beat}, skipping entity");
// Debug.Log($"{game.name} {action.displayName} @ beat {e.beat}");
Dictionary<string, dynamic> dynamicData = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
//check each param of the action
if (action.parameters != null)
foreach (var param in action.parameters)
type = param.parameter.GetType();
pType = e[param.propertyName].GetType();
// Debug.Log($"adding parameter {param.propertyName} of type {type}");
if (!dynamicData.ContainsKey(param.propertyName))
if (pType == type)
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, e[param.propertyName]);
if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Integer))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (int) e[param.propertyName]);
else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Float))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (float) e[param.propertyName]);
else if (type.IsEnum && param.propertyName != "ease")
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (int) e[param.propertyName]);
else if (pType == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, e[param.propertyName].ToObject(type));
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, Convert.ChangeType(e[param.propertyName], type));
Debug.LogWarning($"Property {param.propertyName} already exists in the entity's dynamic data! Skipping...");
dynamicBeatmap.entities.Add(new DynamicEntity()
beat = e.beat,
track = e.track,
length = e.length,
swing = e.swing,
datamodel = e.datamodel,
DynamicData = dynamicData
foreach (var tempoChange in beatmap.tempoChanges)
dynamicBeatmap.tempoChanges.Add(new TempoChange()
beat = tempoChange.beat,
length = tempoChange.length,
tempo = tempoChange.tempo
foreach (var volumeChange in beatmap.volumeChanges)
dynamicBeatmap.volumeChanges.Add(new VolumeChange()
beat = volumeChange.beat,
length = volumeChange.length,
volume = volumeChange.volume
return dynamicBeatmap;
/// <summary>
/// FUTURE: converts from a karateka mania chart ("bor") to the "riq" format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bor">a rawtext .bor chart</param>
/// <returns>a .riq beatmap</returns>
/// <remarks>not implemented yet</remarks>
public static DynamicBeatmap KManiaBorConverter(String bor)
return null;
/// <summary>
/// updates an "riq" beatmap
/// </summary>
/// <param name="beatmap">old beatmap</param>
/// <param name="version">version of old beatmap</param>
/// <returns>updated beatmap</returns>
/// <remarks>not implemented yet</remarks>
public static DynamicBeatmap BeatmapUpdater(DynamicBeatmap beatmap, int version)
return beatmap;
/// <summary>
/// processes an riq beatmap after it is loaded
/// </summary>
public void PostProcess()
DynamicBeatmap beatmapModel = new DynamicBeatmap();
Minigames.Minigame game;
Minigames.GameAction action;
System.Type type, pType;
foreach (var e in entities)
var gameName = e.datamodel.Split(0);
var actionName = e.datamodel.Split(1);
game = EventCaller.instance.GetMinigame(gameName);
if (game == null)
Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown game {gameName} found in remix.json! Adding game...");
game = new Minigames.Minigame(gameName, DisplayName(gameName) + " \n<color=#eb5454>[inferred from remix.json]</color>", "", false, true, new List<Minigames.GameAction>());
if (Editor.Editor.instance != null)
action = EventCaller.instance.GetGameAction(game, actionName);
if (action == null)
Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown action {gameName}/{actionName} found in remix.json! Adding action...");
var parameters = new List<Minigames.Param>();
foreach (var item in e.DynamicData)
var value = item.Value;
if (value.GetType() == typeof(long))
value = new EntityTypes.Integer(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, (int)value);
else if (value.GetType() == typeof(double))
value = new EntityTypes.Float(float.NegativeInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, (float)value);
parameters.Add(new Minigames.Param(item.Key, value, item.Key, "[inferred from remix.json]"));
action = new Minigames.GameAction(actionName, DisplayName(actionName), e.length, true, parameters);
Dictionary<string, dynamic> dynamicData = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
//check each param of the action
if (action.parameters != null)
foreach (var param in action.parameters)
if (!dynamicData.ContainsKey(param.propertyName))
type = param.parameter.GetType();
//FUTURE: attempt to convert to a new entity if a converter exists for this datamodel
//add property if it doesn't exist
if (!e.DynamicData.ContainsKey(param.propertyName))
Debug.LogWarning($"Property {param.propertyName} does not exist in the entity's dynamic data! Adding...");
if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Integer))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, ((EntityTypes.Integer)param.parameter).val);
else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Float))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, ((EntityTypes.Float)param.parameter).val);
else if (type.IsEnum && param.propertyName != "ease")
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (int)param.parameter);
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, Convert.ChangeType(param.parameter, type));
pType = e[param.propertyName].GetType();
if (pType == type)
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, e[param.propertyName]);
if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Integer))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (int)e[param.propertyName]);
else if (type == typeof(EntityTypes.Float))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (float)e[param.propertyName]);
else if (type == typeof(EasingFunction.Ease) && pType == typeof(string))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, Enum.Parse(typeof(EasingFunction.Ease), (string)e[param.propertyName]));
else if (type.IsEnum)
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, (int)e[param.propertyName]);
else if (pType == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject))
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, e[param.propertyName].ToObject(type));
dynamicData.Add(param.propertyName, Convert.ChangeType(e[param.propertyName], type));
Debug.LogWarning($"Property {param.propertyName} already exists in the entity's dynamic data! Skipping...");
e.DynamicData = dynamicData;
//go thru each property of the model beatmap and add any missing keyvalue pair
foreach (var prop in beatmapModel.properties)
if (!properties.ContainsKey(prop.Key))
properties.Add(prop.Key, prop.Value);
private string DisplayName(string name)
// "gameName" -> "Game Name"
// "action name" -> "Action Name"
if (!name.Contains(" "))
name = SplitCamelCase(name);
System.Globalization.TextInfo textInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
return textInfo.ToTitleCase(name);
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/5796793
public static string SplitCamelCase(string str)
return Regex.Replace(
"$1 $2"
"$1 $2"
} |