Rapandrasmus d83900fe5b
Added Flipper-Flop! Fliptastic! (#333)
* Begun

* horizon

* Added animators and attention company voiceline

* Success Inputs and audio done

* some flipper flop anims

* Icon + Flipper roll improvements + anim implementation

* Code cleanified

* Begun work on missing logic and sounds and faces

* Faces fixing

* Barely faces and sound

* forgort this

* Miss faces for the player implemented

* flippers done

* a few fixes

* Gave captain tuck's head an animator

* mirrored anims

* more anim stuff

* Implemented some anims and shit

* more anim stufff

* Implemented dem anims

* captain tuck anims

* More implementations

* reverse rolls

* captain tuck walk

* more animation nonsense

* more tweaks lol

* camera and move stuff, buggy though

* I hate this bug !

* Implemented more anims! WOw!

* Walking

* Grrr

* More stuff implemented yippee

* roll fixes

* anim stuff 2

* oops

* new anim scaling

* Fixed stuff

* fixing past mistakes

* Exposed roll distance in inspector

* anim nonsense

* Lots of fixes and tweaks and small additions

* Fixes!!!!!!

* Changed to an uh slider instead of tickbox

* animation adjustments

* snow particles

* implemented snow particle

* Miss sound improved and whiffs added

* miss anims

* Updated bop and ability to mute attention company voice line

* Impact fixes


Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-03-08 18:58:16 +00:00

109 lines
2.4 KiB

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