* Freeze Frame Hey, I'm about done with Freeze Frame and I'm just gonna commit the game as it is right now, it's almost done thx -playinful * Freeze Frame - finishing touches before finalized assets Still waiting to implement the upscaled assets and the sound effects. Code-wise this is as much as I can do for now. * i fixed a couple bugs the dim screen is back and no input duplication when switching games. hallelujah * FreezeFrame randomness update hey AJ so i was cleaning my room when i was struck by an idea for how to make the randomization more consistent without seeding. *yes unfortunately* it requires a static variable but i promise u i used it responsibly. * initial commit * mar 13 * Updated cloud particles * 3/22 * First PR * corrected a mistake * forgot to change that goofy ahh icon * Bugfixes Fixed a bug where fishes could be reeled in before the bite animation played and get stuck in the bite animation. Fixed a bug where the count-in for the pausegill played at the incorrect time. Fixed a bug where the threefish would cause a scene transition at the incorrect time. * Crossfade close to done * The Long Awaited Crossfade Update * added sort key * one last quick bugfix (hopefully) --------- Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
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