* oh yeah i forgot about github lmao no prefab yet, but a bunch of the coding and sfx are implemented * some stuff did some prefab assembly, added background color block, idk i'm tired * a bunch more stuff idk i'm tired again, i really doubt this will even be read by anybody btw if you're reading this, type "charging chicken should be replaced with a piece of pizza" and ping me in the HS discord server * even more more stuff holy shit i did a lot lmao * oh god there's so much done and still so much to do help * the stone platforms man my god this took so much work * god dammit fuck this game * buncha text stuff this wasn't so bad, hopefully i won't want to eat my own shorts next time i work on miss stuff * water speed finally fixed this once and for all i think * stufr music fade, ending text, making platforms fall under the chicken when the chicken falls, general bug fixes * getting there i'd say we're roughly 70% ready for a PR or so * almost done just needs (a lot of) finishing touches * hjgdf stuff * boogledop doobedy deoooebb * buncha shit again oh lawd we getting close, if only these fuckin game breaking bugs would stop showing up * almost done except for the new game breaking bug still. that'll probably take a while * it's getting too real AND the game breaking bug is gone! * checkpoint use this for reverting back while changing how stone platforms spawn * blorf god i have so much shit to do tomorrow * some stuff doobety * trippy added shaders for the "future" bg * colors and stuffs yayy * background objects do be comin tho too real * yo holy shit this is coming together nicely * we cookin frfr * real all too real... * idk something changed but idk what * platforms are cool now yay (still have a bunch of stuff to do tho) * chicken is almost gosh dang done woot * almost there but for real this time probably the second or third to last commit * chiken is feature complete i literally just need three audio files, then set up assbuns, then draft PR * chimken is done yahoo * finishing tooches boopin snoots
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