* Fixed Hearts(???????) * """Fixed""" hearts * Fixed Love Lab Hearts! (well okay there's still a *tiny* visual glitch I'm not sure how to attack yet but this is infinitely better than what it was) * Fixed furry animations to be more accurate
295 lines
11 KiB
295 lines
11 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DG.Tweening;
using HeavenStudio.Editor.Track;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_LoveLab
public class LoveLabHearts : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] heartType whatHeartType;
public double prevHeartBeat;
public double heartBeat;
public double nextHeartBeat;
public Animator heartAnim;
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem death;
[SerializeField] GameObject outline;
[SerializeField] GameObject fill;
LoveLab game;
Conductor cond;
Timeline timeLine;
//public double counter;
public bool stop;
//float testContainer;
//public float testSmth;
//float speed;
Vector3 origPos;
public float addPos = 0;
float speedMultiplier;
public float startPos = 0f;
public double length;
double duration;
double startTime;
double endTime;
public int heartCount;
public bool hasChecked;
public float playBackSpeed;
public double intervalSpeed;
public float _step;
public bool tweenComplete;
Tween movePos;
public bool onlyOne = true;
public Vector3 end;
public double timer;
public bool isWaiting = true;
SpriteRenderer heartRenderer;
public Vector3 dropStart;
public double currentBeat;
//y = 0 (endpoint)
public int getHeartType()
return (int)whatHeartType;
enum heartType
private void Awake()
{if (whatHeartType != heartType.completeHeart)
if(heartCount == 0)
transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 2f);
transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 4f);
playBackSpeed = Timeline.instance.PlaybackSpeed.value;
addPos = 2.5f; //3f
heartRenderer = this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
//dropStart = new Vector3 (transform.position.x, origPos.y+(addPos), transform.position.z);
void Start()
DOTween.SetTweensCapacity(2000, 100);
game = LoveLab.instance;
cond = Conductor.instance;
timeLine = Timeline.instance;
origPos = transform.position;
speedMultiplier = game.speedForHeartsMultiplier;
//end.position = new Vector2(-2.7f, -3f);
//test = (((float)intervalSpeed / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * playBackSpeed);
//var currentBeat = cond.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
//if (whatHeartType == heartType.completeHeart)
// tempDestroy(currentBeat+1.25f); //temporary until I can get the drop to work -- Wook
if(heartCount == 0)
_step = 1;
//test = .2f * ((60 / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat) * _step) * playBackSpeed);
//DOTween.timeScale = 1f * playBackSpeed;
//DOTween.timeScale = (float)((intervalSpeed / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60) * playBackSpeed;
//Debug.LogWarning("Sec per beat: " + cond.secPerBeat);
//if (length <= .5f && onlyOne)
// addPos = 1.5f;
//DOTween.timeScale = playBackSpeed;
var a = (float)(length * cond.secPerBeat) / playBackSpeed;
//Debug.LogWarning("Length: " + length);
//Debug.LogWarning("Sec per beat: " + cond.secPerBeat);
//Debug.LogWarning("Playback: " + playBackSpeed);
//debugSmth<float>(ref a);
endValue = transform.position.y + addPos;
upTween = transform.DOMoveY(endValue, (float)((length * cond.secPerBeat) / playBackSpeed)).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);
public void debugSmth<T>(ref T idk)
public void startDrop()
public void updateBeat()
//test = .2f * ((60 / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat) * _step) * playBackSpeed);
public void continousUp()
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + .1f * playBackSpeed);
public Tweener upTween;
public float endValue;
void FixedUpdate()
currentBeat = cond.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
if(!stop && whatHeartType != heartType.completeHeart)
//DOTween.timeScale = .7f * playBackSpeed;
//DOTween.timeScale = (float)cond.secPerBeat * playBackSpeed;
//transform.DOMoveY(origPos.y + (1 + game.guyHearts.Count * .5f), 2 * (float)((length / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60)).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);
//transform.DOMoveY(origPos.y + (addPos), (float)((length / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60 )).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);
//transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + .1f * playBackSpeed);
//transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x , (transform.position.y + (float)(intervalSpeed / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60) * playBackSpeed);
//transform.DOMoveY(origPos.y + (addPos), (float)((intervalSpeed / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60)).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);
//transform.DOMoveY(origPos.y + (addPos), (float)((intervalSpeed * cond.secPerBeat / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60) * playBackSpeed).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);
//transform.DOMoveY(origPos.y + (addPos), (float)((intervalSpeed * cond.secPerBeat / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60) * playBackSpeed).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);
goUp((float)((intervalSpeed * cond.secPerBeat / cond.GetBpmAtBeat(heartBeat)) * 60) * playBackSpeed);
//DOTween.timeScale = playBackSpeed;
//DOTween.timeScale = cond.pitchedSecPerBeat;
//float normalizedBeat = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(heartBeat, length);
//if (normalizedBeat <= 1) goUp((float)(((length * cond.secPerBeat)) / playBackSpeed));
//upTween.ChangeEndValue(new Vector3(transform.position.x, endValue, transform.position.z));
//var t = ((float)cond.secPerBeat * length) * (transform.position.y - origPos.y) / addPos;
//upTween.Goto((float)t, true);
else if (!isWaiting)
float normalizedBeat = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(heartBeat, ((timer/2)*playBackSpeed));
float newPosY = EasingFunction.EaseInQuad(dropStart.y, end.y, normalizedBeat);
if (normalizedBeat<=1) transform.position = new Vector2(dropStart.x, newPosY);
else Destroy(this.gameObject);
//else destroyWhenDone();
//if (normalizedBeat >= 1) {destroyWhenDone();}
//transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(dropStart, end.position, newPosY);
//transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, newPosY);
//if (isWaiting)
//transform.DOMoveY(transform.position.y, (float)(cond.secPerBeat / intervalSpeed) * playBackSpeed).SetEase(Ease.InBack);
//else if (!isWaiting)
//DOTween.timeScale = cond.songPositionInBeats;
//HandleHeartDrop( (float)timer);
//transform.DOMoveY(transform.position.y, (float)(cond.secPerBeat / intervalSpeed) * playBackSpeed).SetEase(Ease.InBack);
//else {transform.position = new Vector2(dropStart.x, dropStart.y);}
//transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(origPos, new Vector3(origPos.x, origPos.y + addPos), Mathf.SmoothStep(0, 1, testContainer));
public void goUp(float timer)
transform.DOMoveY(origPos.y + (addPos), timer).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);
//float newPosY = EasingFunction.EaseInQuad(origPos.y, (origPos.y+(addPos)), timer);
//transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, newPosY);
public void goDown()
//DOTween.timeScale = cond.pitchedSecPerBeat;
//transform.DOLocalMoveY(end.position.y, (float)timer).From(true).SetEase(Ease.InBack);
//Debug.LogWarning("go down");
//DOTween.timeScale = playBackSpeed;
//DOTween.timeScale = cond.secPerBeat * playBackSpeed;
//double fallingTimeScale = cond.secPerBeat * playBackSpeed;
//transform.DOMoveY(end.position.y, 2.25f).SetEase(Ease.InBack);
//sorting layer = 1020
public void HandleHeartDrop(float fallDuration, double currentBeat)
//float dropTimeScale = length * cond.pitchedSecPerBeat;
//float newYValue = Mathf.Lerp(dropStart.y, end.position.y, dropTimeScale);
//transform.position = new Vector3 (transform.position.x, newYValue, transform.position.z);
//heartRenderer.sortingOrder = 1020;
//float dropTimeScale = (length/cond.secPerBeat)/playBackSpeed;
//transform.DOMove (new Vector2 (transform.position.x, end.position.y), ((length*cond.pitchedSecPerBeat)), false).SetEase(Ease.InQuad);
//if (transform.position.y == end.position.y) destroyWhenDone();
//var currentBeat = cond.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
//float currentBeatPosition = ((float)currentBeat*fallDuration);
////float newPosY = EasingFunction.EaseInSine(dropStart.y, end.position.y, currentBeatPosition);
//transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, newPosY);
public void destroyWhenDone()
public void tempDestroy(double startBeat)
BeatAction.New(game, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(startBeat + 1f, delegate
public async void deadHeart()
//just instantiate this shit idk
await Task.Delay(500);
private void OnDestroy()