* i Am trying * changes * i moved boxes by like 3 pixels * particle * done w the pose particle * edited the particle a bit oops * The dazzles is now initiliazed * Lol added a script to the girl prefab * girl * Girl in scene activated * Added animator to girl * should be good now * almost all the animations * night walk stars * oops * scddfxcdx * Got Started on the inputs * Started on custom poses * box stuff * anim changes * Custom poses! * oops * grr * Box moment * Stretchables crouch + star enable/disable dropdown * fixed box animation * anim fix again * Bopping added * Fixes to bops and other weird stuff * mis s stuff * oops * Sound improvements * blackflash is funky * The heads are in... kinda * Angy >:( * small fix * fixed heads * fixed mouth * Whiff inputs should be more accurate now * Fixed every possible Issue I could find * Fixed the lighting, only missing an icon now * Force hold event added + sound fixes * made them autobop by default * anims fixes lol * Fixed some inputs being inaccurate * temp icon * oops * some tweaks and We are done! * Count in is more accurate * fixed the sounds yet again * new icon * oops --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
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