* everything! conveyor belt is lined up with cans, ive got the blackout in, everythings good. i might add in some recoloring, tho * rename to cannery and The Cannery, respectively * ColorEase struct, new spritesheet * a few anims, uninstancing start compiler errors! just wanna get mannequin factory done * a singular semicolon good job me * update: revoked semicolon and A privileges * The: fix mwuahahhaha * started working on anims * restore lost anims and some new ones * add new anims * add icon, remove colorease adding colorease in a different pr * BG stuffs * Cannery Visual Overhaul Yeah! * ok for some reason this animation was not in the changes list until i closed unity yeah ok fuck you * make bg controlled by code simple ease + speed modifier and it's controlled by delta time and that's cannery finished!! it truly looks amazing now. --------- Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <seanbenedit@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: saladplainzone <chocolate2890mail@gmail.com>
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