* nearly the entire dog ninja rework lol. didn't think it would be this easy just a few more things to fix and we're good * fix some things, add NOT WORKING updater * final optimizations and fixes damn i didn't think the preparing stuff would be such a big deal * actual last fixes + ass buns --------- Co-authored-by: AstrlJelly <bdlawson115@gmail.com>
371 lines
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371 lines
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using NaughtyBezierCurves;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
using HeavenStudio.InputSystem;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using Jukebox;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
using static Minigames;
public static class NtrDogNinjaLoader
public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller)
RiqEntity ObjectUpdater(string datamodel, RiqEntity e)
if (datamodel == "dogNinja/ThrowObject" && e.version == 0)
e["diffObjs"] = e["direction"] == 2 && e["typeL"] != e["typeR"];
e["type"] = e["direction"] is 0 or 2 ? (int)e["typeL"] : e["typeR"];
e.version = 1;
return e;
return null;
// // Beatmap.Entities isn't available in a riqentity updater...
// RiqEntity BirdUpdater(string datamodel, RiqEntity e)
// {
// if (datamodel == "dogNinja/CutEverything" && e.version == 0)
// {
// RiqEntity nextBird = eventCaller.gameManager.Beatmap.Entities.Find(c => c.datamodel is "dogNinja/CutEverything" && c.beat > e.beat);
// if (nextBird != null) nextBird.datamodel = "dogNinja/DELETE THIS";
// e.length = nextBird != null ? (float)(nextBird.beat - e.beat) : 4;
// e.version = 1;
// return e;
// }
// return null;
// }
RiqBeatmap.OnUpdateEntity += ObjectUpdater;
// RiqBeatmap.OnUpdateEntity += BirdUpdater;
return new Minigame("dogNinja", "Dog Ninja", "554899", false, false, new List<GameAction>()
new GameAction("Bop", "Bop")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
if (eventCaller.gameManager.minigameObj.TryGetComponent(out DogNinja instance)) {
instance.Bop(e.beat, e.length, e["auto"], e["toggle"]);
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("toggle", true, "Bop", "Toggle if Dog Ninja should bop for the duration of this event."),
new Param("auto", false, "Bop (Auto)", "Toggle if Dog Ninja should automatically bop until another Bop event is reached."),
new GameAction("Prepare", "Prepare")
function = delegate {
if (eventCaller.gameManager.minigameObj.TryGetComponent(out DogNinja instance)) {
defaultLength = 0.5f,
new GameAction("ThrowObject", "Throw Object")
preFunction = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
DogNinja.QueueObject(e.beat, e["direction"], e["diffObjs"], e["type"], e["typeL"], e["typeR"], e["shouldPrepare"], e["muteThrow"], e);
defaultLength = 2,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("direction", DogNinja.ObjectDirection.Left, "Which Side", "Choose the side(s) the object(s) should be thrown from."),
new Param("diffObjs", false, "Different Objects", "Toggle if the sides should be different.", new() {
new((x, _) => (bool)x, "typeL", "typeR"),
new((x, _) => !(bool)x, "type"),
new Param("type", DogNinja.ObjectType.Random, "Object", "Choose the object to be thrown."),
new Param("typeL", DogNinja.ObjectType.Random, "Left Object", "Choose the object to be thrown from the left."),
new Param("typeR", DogNinja.ObjectType.Random, "Right Object", "Choose the object to be thrown from the right."),
new Param("shouldPrepare", true, "Prepare", "Toggle if Dog Ninja should automatically prepare for this cue."),
new Param("muteThrow", false, "Mute", "Toggle if the cue should be muted. This only applies when the cue is started from another game."),
new GameAction("CutEverything", "Mister Eagle's Sign")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
if (eventCaller.gameManager.minigameObj.TryGetComponent(out DogNinja instance)) {
instance.CutEverything(e.beat, e.length, e["toggle"], e["text"]);
defaultLength = 4f,
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("toggle", true, "Play Sound", "Toggle if the sound effect should play for flying in."),
new Param("text", "Cut everything!", "Sign Text", "Set the text to be displayed on the sign.")
new GameAction("HereWeGo", "Here We Go!")
preFunction = delegate { DogNinja.HereWeGo(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat); },
defaultLength = 2,
preFunctionLength = 1,
new List<string>() { "ntr", "normal" },
"ntrninja", "en",
new List<string>() { }
namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using Jukebox;
using Scripts_DogNinja;
public class DogNinja : Minigame
private struct QueuedThrow
public int[] types;
public string sfxNumL, sfxNumR;
public Animator DogAnim; // dog misc animations
public Animator BirdAnim; // bird flying in and out
[SerializeField] ThrowObject ObjectBase;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer WhichObject;
[SerializeField] TMP_Text CutEverythingText;
[SerializeField] Sprite[] ObjectTypes;
private bool autoBop = true;
public bool queuePrepare;
public bool preparing;
public enum ObjectDirection
public enum ObjectType : int
Random, // random fruit
Apple, // fruit
Broccoli, // fruit
Carrot, // fruit
Cucumber, // fruit
Pepper, // fruit
Potato, // fruit
Bone, // bone
Pan, // pan
Tire, // tire
// custom objects that aren't in the og game
protected static bool IA_PadAny(out double dt)
return PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.East, out dt)
|| PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Up, out dt)
|| PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Down, out dt)
|| PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Left, out dt)
|| PlayerInput.GetPadDown(InputController.ActionsPad.Right, out dt);
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_Press =
new("NtrNinjaPress", new int[] { IAPressCat, IAFlickCat, IAPressCat },
IA_PadAny, IA_TouchFlick, IA_BatonBasicPress);
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_TouchPress =
new("NtrNinjaTouchRelease", new int[] { IAEmptyCat, IAPressCat, IAEmptyCat },
IA_Empty, IA_TouchBasicPress, IA_Empty);
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_TouchRelease =
new("NtrNinjaTouchRelease", new int[] { IAEmptyCat, IAReleaseCat, IAEmptyCat },
IA_Empty, IA_TouchBasicRelease, IA_Empty);
public override void OnLateBeatPulse(double beat)
if (autoBop && !preparing && !queuePrepare && (DogAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || DogAnim.IsPlayingAnimationNames("Idle"))) {
DogAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f);
public override void OnPlay(double beat)
foreach (var e in gameManager.Beatmap.Entities.FindAll(e => e.datamodel is "dogNinja/ThrowObject" && beat > e.beat && beat < e.beat + 1))
DogAnim.Play("Prepare", 0, 1);
preparing = true;
QueueObject(e.beat, e["direction"], e["diffObjs"], e["type"], e["typeL"], e["typeR"], e["shouldPrepare"], true, e);
public override void OnGameSwitch(double beat)
foreach (var e in gameManager.Beatmap.Entities.FindAll(e => e.datamodel is "dogNinja/ThrowObject" && beat >= e.beat - 2 && beat < e.beat + 1))
QueuedThrow t = e["throwData"];
bool shouldPrepare = e["shouldPrepare"];
if (beat > e.beat) {
shouldPrepare = false;
DogAnim.Play("Prepare", 0, 1);
preparing = true;
ThrowObject(e.beat, e["direction"], shouldPrepare, t.types, t.sfxNumL, t.sfxNumR);
private void Update()
// prepare queuing stuff
if (queuePrepare && !preparing && (DogAnim.IsAnimationNotPlaying() || DogAnim.IsPlayingAnimationNames("Bop")))
DogAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Prepare", 0.5f);
preparing = true;
queuePrepare = false;
// controls stuff
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_TouchPress) && !GameManager.instance.autoplay)
// queuePrepare = true;
DogAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Prepare", 0.5f);
preparing = true;
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_TouchRelease) && (!IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_Press)) && (!GameManager.instance.autoplay))
DogAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Unprepare", 0.5f);
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(InputAction_Press) && !IsExpectingInputNow(InputAction_Press))
string slice = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 1f) < 0.5f ? "WhiffRight" : "WhiffLeft";
DogAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync(slice, 0.5f);
public void Bop(double beat, float length, bool auto, bool bop)
autoBop = auto;
if (!bop) return;
List<BeatAction.Action> actions = new();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
actions.Add(new(beat + i, delegate { DogAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Bop", 0.5f); }));
if (actions.Count > 0) BeatAction.New(this, actions);
public static void QueueObject(double beat, int direction, bool diffObjs, int type, int typeL, int typeR, bool prepare, bool muteThrow, RiqEntity e)
int randomObj = 1;
int[] types = diffObjs ? new[] { typeL, typeR } : new[] { type, type };
string[] sfxNums = new string[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (types[i] == 0 && (diffObjs || i == 0)) randomObj = UnityEngine.Random.Range((int)ObjectType.Apple, (int)ObjectType.Potato + 1);
if (types[i] == 0) types[i] = randomObj;
sfxNums[i] = "dogNinja/" + (types[i] < 7 ? "fruit" : Enum.GetName(typeof(ObjectType), types[i]));
if (!muteThrow) {
for (int i = 0; i < (direction == 2 && diffObjs ? 2 : 1); i++) {
SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame(sfxNums[i] + "1", beat, forcePlay: true);
if (GameManager.instance.minigame is DogNinja instance) {
instance.ThrowObject(beat, direction, prepare, types, sfxNums[0], sfxNums[1]);
} else {
var queuedThrow = new QueuedThrow() {
types = types,
sfxNumL = sfxNums[0],
sfxNumR = sfxNums[1],
// funny static variable workaround :)
if (!e.dynamicData.TryAdd("throwData", queuedThrow)) {
e["throwData"] = queuedThrow;
public void ThrowObject(double beat, int direction, bool prepare, int[] types, string sfxNumL, string sfxNumR)
if (prepare) {
BeatAction.New(this, new() {
new(beat, () => queuePrepare = PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle != InputController.ControlStyles.Touch || GameManager.instance.autoplay)
for (int i = 0; i < (direction == 2 ? 2 : 1); i++)
bool l = direction is 2 ? i == 0 : direction == 0;
WhichObject.sprite = ObjectTypes[l ? types[0] : types[1]];
ThrowObject obj = Instantiate(ObjectBase, transform);
obj.startBeat = beat;
obj.direction = direction;
obj.fromLeft = l;
obj.type = l ? types[0] : types[1];
obj.sfxNum = l ? sfxNumL : sfxNumR;
if (direction == 2) obj.shouldSfx = l == (types[0] == types[1]);
public void CutEverything(double beat, float length, bool sound, string customText)
if (sound) SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("dogNinja/bird_flap");
BirdAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("FlyIn", 0.5f);
CutEverythingText.text = customText;
BeatAction.New(this, new() {
new(beat + length, () => BirdAnim.Play("FlyOut", 0, 0))
public void StopPrepare()
preparing = false;
queuePrepare = false;
public void DoPrepare()
if (PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle == InputController.ControlStyles.Touch && PlayerInput.PlayerHasControl()) return;
DogAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Prepare", 0.5f);
preparing = true;
public static void HereWeGo(double beat)
// // sound sequence isn't working?
// PlaySoundSequence("dogNinja", "here_we_go", beat);
MultiSound.Play(new List<MultiSound.Sound>() {
new("dogNinja/here", beat + 0),
new("dogNinja/we", beat + 0.5),
new("dogNinja/go", beat + 1),
}, forcePlay: true);