* port conductor adjustments * scheduled sounds prebake * allow aiff files to be imported add vbr mp3 warning to readme * improve wording
329 lines
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329 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace HeavenStudio.Util
public class SoundByte
static GameObject oneShotAudioSourceObject;
static AudioSource oneShotAudioSource;
public enum AudioType
/// <summary>
/// Ensures that the jukebox and one-shot audio source exist.
/// </summary>
public static void BasicCheck()
if (FindJukebox() == null)
GameObject Jukebox = new GameObject("Jukebox");
Jukebox.tag = "Jukebox";
if (oneShotAudioSourceObject == null)
oneShotAudioSourceObject = new GameObject("OneShot Audio Source");
oneShotAudioSource = oneShotAudioSourceObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
public static GameObject FindJukebox()
if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Jukebox") != null)
return GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Jukebox");
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all currently playing sounds.
/// </summary>
public static void KillOneShots()
if (oneShotAudioSource != null)
/// <summary>
/// Pauses all currently playing sounds.
/// </summary>
public static void PauseOneShots()
if (oneShotAudioSource != null)
/// <summary>
/// Unpauses all currently playing sounds.
/// </summary>
public static void UnpauseOneShots()
if (oneShotAudioSource != null)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the length of an audio clip
/// </summary>
public static double GetClipLength(string name, float pitch = 1f, string game = null)
AudioClip clip = null;
if (game != null)
string soundName = name.Split('/')[2];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(game);
//first try the game's common assetbundle
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + soundName + " from common");
clip = inf.GetCommonAssetBundle()?.LoadAsset<AudioClip>(soundName);
//then the localized one
if (clip == null)
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + soundName + " from locale");
clip = inf.GetLocalizedAssetBundle()?.LoadAsset<AudioClip>(soundName);
//can't load from assetbundle, load from resources
if (clip == null)
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + name + " from resources");
clip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>($"Sfx/{name}");
if (clip == null)
Debug.LogError($"Could not load clip {name}");
return double.NaN;
return clip.length / pitch;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the length of an audio clip
/// Audio clip is fetched from minigame resources
/// </summary>
public static double GetClipLengthGame(string name, float pitch = 1f)
string gameName = name.Split('/')[0];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(gameName);
if (inf != null)
return GetClipLength($"games/{name}", pitch, inf.usesAssetBundle ? gameName : null);
return double.NaN;
/// <summary>
/// Fires a one-shot sound.
/// Unpitched, non-scheduled, non-looping sounds are played using a global One-Shot audio source that doesn't create a Sound object.
/// Looped sounds return their created Sound object so they can be canceled after creation.
/// </summary>
public static Sound PlayOneShot(string name, double beat = -1, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, string game = null, double offset = 0f)
AudioClip clip = null;
if (game != null)
string soundName = name.Split('/')[2];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(game);
//first try the game's common assetbundle
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + soundName + " from common");
clip = inf.GetCommonAssetBundle()?.LoadAsset<AudioClip>(soundName);
//then the localized one
if (clip == null)
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + soundName + " from locale");
clip = inf.GetLocalizedAssetBundle()?.LoadAsset<AudioClip>(soundName);
//can't load from assetbundle, load from resources
if (clip == null)
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + name + " from resources");
clip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>($"Sfx/{name}");
if (looping || beat != -1 || pitch != 1f)
GameObject oneShot = new GameObject("oneShot");
AudioSource audioSource = oneShot.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
//audioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = Settings.GetSFXMixer();
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
Sound snd = oneShot.AddComponent<Sound>();
snd.clip = clip;
snd.beat = beat;
snd.pitch = pitch;
snd.volume = volume;
snd.looping = looping;
snd.offset = offset;
// snd.pitch = (clip.length / Conductor.instance.secPerBeat);
return snd;
if (oneShotAudioSourceObject == null)
oneShotAudioSourceObject = new GameObject("OneShot Audio Source");
oneShotAudioSource = oneShotAudioSourceObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
oneShotAudioSource.PlayOneShot(clip, volume);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Schedules a sound to be played at a specific time in seconds.
/// </summary>
public static Sound PlayOneShotScheduled(string name, double targetTime, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, string game = null)
GameObject oneShot = new GameObject("oneShotScheduled");
var audioSource = oneShot.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
var snd = oneShot.AddComponent<Sound>();
AudioClip clip = null;
if (game != null)
string soundName = name.Split('/')[2];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(game);
//first try the game's common assetbundle
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + soundName + " from common");
clip = inf.GetCommonAssetBundle()?.LoadAsset<AudioClip>(soundName);
//then the localized one
if (clip == null)
// Debug.Log("Jukebox loading sound " + soundName + " from locale");
clip = inf.GetLocalizedAssetBundle()?.LoadAsset<AudioClip>(soundName);
//can't load from assetbundle, load from resources
if (clip == null)
clip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>($"Sfx/{name}");
audioSource.clip = clip;
snd.clip = clip;
snd.pitch = pitch;
snd.volume = volume;
snd.looping = looping;
snd.scheduled = true;
snd.scheduledTime = targetTime;
return snd;
/// <summary>
/// Fires a one-shot sound located in minigame resources.
/// Unpitched, non-scheduled, non-looping sounds are played using a global One-Shot audio source that doesn't create a Sound object.
/// Looped sounds return their created Sound object so they can be canceled after creation.
/// </summary>
public static Sound PlayOneShotGame(string name, double beat = -1, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, bool forcePlay = false, double offset = 0f)
string gameName = name.Split('/')[0];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(gameName);
if (GameManager.instance.currentGame == gameName || forcePlay)
return PlayOneShot($"games/{name}", beat, pitch, volume, looping, inf.usesAssetBundle ? gameName : null, offset);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Schedules a sound to be played at a specific time in seconds.
/// Audio clip is fetched from minigame resources
/// </summary>
public static Sound PlayOneShotScheduledGame(string name, double targetTime, float pitch = 1f, float volume = 1f, bool looping = false, bool forcePlay = false)
string gameName = name.Split('/')[0];
var inf = GameManager.instance.GetGameInfo(gameName);
if (GameManager.instance.currentGame == gameName || forcePlay)
return PlayOneShotScheduled($"games/{name}", targetTime, pitch, volume, looping, inf.usesAssetBundle ? gameName : null);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Stops a looping Sound
/// </summary>
public static void KillLoop(Sound source, float fadeTime)
// Safeguard against previously-destroyed sounds.
if (source == null)
/// <summary>
/// Gets a pitch multiplier from semitones.
/// </summary>
public static float GetPitchFromSemiTones(int semiTones, bool pitchToMusic)
if (pitchToMusic)
return Mathf.Pow(2f, (1f / 12f) * semiTones) * Conductor.instance.musicSource.pitch;
return Mathf.Pow(2f, (1f / 12f) * semiTones);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the semitones from a pitch.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pitch">The pitch of the sound.</param>
public static int GetSemitonesFromPitch(float pitch, bool pitchToMusic)
if (pitchToMusic) return (int)((12f * Mathf.Log(pitch, 2)) / Conductor.instance.musicSource.pitch);
return (int)(12f * Mathf.Log(pitch, 2));
/// <summary>
/// Gets a pitch multiplier from cents.
/// </summary>
public static float GetPitchFromCents(int cents, bool pitchToMusic)
if (pitchToMusic)
return Mathf.Pow(2f, (1f / 12f) * (cents / 100)) * Conductor.instance.musicSource.pitch;
return Mathf.Pow(2f, (1f / 12f) * (cents / 100));
} |