Rapandrasmus 3678dff0e5
See Saw ()
* Basic Set Up

* See Saw - Init, Rod Anims

* Got some basic code down

* Got the basics down

* The man won't jump now unless he is ready!

* High jumps added

* Fixed a bug

* See Saw - Base Animation Stuff

* See Saw - The Hard Animations fuck fuck fuc, fuck

* See saw more animations yeah

* im almost done

* home stretch baby

* See Saw - wait what do you mean i'm done

* Basic setup for curves

* Jump start curve is in

* smol figs

* OutOut curves

* They now how to get up now, may need tweaking

* InIn curves added

* Implemented more curves

* Added ground jumps

* Saw properly positions himself

* Fixed an issue with see not landing correctly out or in

* See reacts to you missing now

* High jumps + get up plays at the correct moment now

* Tweaks to high jumps

* particles and missing stuff

* anims

* new sheet and anim fixes

* oops

* bigger background

* Oops. Again

* more anim fixes sorry

* see saw tweaks and visual additions also added a way to scale particle systems to the tempo

* bg color change added

* Bops and choke added

* Fix

* lightning anim

* particle particle particle

* See saw - implemented lightning anim and fixed logic

* Gradient is now actually a gradient

* Implemented inverted colors on the see saw guys

* Recolorable See saw!

* Tiny tweak

* Some things that weren't recolorable are now recolorable

* Fixed a bug with the bg

* new sheet the end

* Barelies fixed


Co-authored-by: saladplainzone <chocolate2890mail@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-05-19 22:20:57 +00:00

82 lines
2.1 KiB

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