* Air Rally Text Update * Blue Bear Text Update * Board Meeting Text Update * Built To Scale DS Text Update also changed Air Rally's assetbundle tag from "normal" to "keep" * Catchy Tune Text Update also changed some minor wording in Board Meeting and Built To Scale DS * Cheer Readers Text Update * The Clappy Trio Text Update * Coin Toss Text Update * Crop Stomp Text Update * DJ School Text Update * Dog Ninja Text Update * Double Date Text Update * Drumming Practice Text Update * Fan Club Text Update * Fireworks Text Update * Second Contact Text Update * Flipper-Flop Text Update also fix an error in Catchy Tune * Fork Lifter Text Update * Glee Club Text Update * Karate Man Text Update also minor updates to other games * Kitties! Text Update * Launch Party Text Update * Lockstep Text Update * Marching Orders Text Update * Meat Grinder Text Update also fixed an error in Second Contact * Mr. Upbeat Text Update * Munchy Monk Text Update * Octopus Machine Text Update * Pajama Party Text Update * Quiz Show Text Update also changed some wording in meat grinder * Rhythm Rally Text Update * Rhythm Somen Text Update that was easy * Rhythm Tweezers Text Update * Ringside Text Update * Rockers Text Update this sucked * Samurai Slice DS Text Update * See Saw Text Update * Sneaky Spirits Text Update * Spaceball Text Update * Space Dance Text Update * Space Soccer Text Update * Splashdown Text Update * Tambourine Text Update * Tap Trial Text Update * Tap Troupe Text Update * The Dazzles Text Update * Toss Boys Text Update * Tram & Pauline Text Update also added translation for Fireworks * Tunnel Text Update * Wizard's Waltz Text Update * Working Dough Text Update * fix compiler errors * fix editor offset bug(?) * fix missing param in second contact * Ball Redispense text * remove space soccer swing * Trick on the Class Text Update * Non-Game Text Update * fix pre-function sorting * camera shake ease * remove a bunch of prints * rhythm tweezers bug fix * Update Credits.txt * ssds nop samurai bop * swap order of shake properties * Update FirstContact.cs --------- Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
302 lines
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302 lines
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using NaughtyBezierCurves;
using DG.Tweening;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_CropStomp
public class Veggie : MonoBehaviour
static float pickedRotationSpeed = -1080f;
public bool isMole;
public Sprite[] veggieSprites;
public Animator moleAnim;
public SpriteRenderer veggieSprite;
public Transform veggieTrans;
public BezierCurve3D curve;
private BezierCurve3D hitCurve;
public double targetBeat;
private double stompedBeat;
private double pickedBeat;
private float pickTime = 1f;
private int veggieState = 0;
private bool boinked; // Player got barely when trying to pick.
private bool pickEligible = true;
private int veggieType;
private double landBeat;
private Tween squashTween;
private CropStomp game;
public void Init()
game = CropStomp.instance;
// if (Conductor.instance.isPlaying)
game.ScheduleInput(targetBeat - 1, 1f, CropStomp.InputAction_BasicPress, StompJust, StompMiss, Out);
if (!isMole)
veggieType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, veggieSprites.Length);
veggieSprite.sprite = veggieSprites[veggieType];
pickTime = 1.5f;
private bool gotStomped; // Safeguard in case nested Update() call breaks.
private void Update()
if (!game.isMarching) return;
switch (veggieState)
case -1: MissedUpdate(); return;
// case 0:
case 2: PickedUpdate(); return;
case 1:
float airPosition = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(stompedBeat, landBeat - stompedBeat);
veggieTrans.position = curve.GetPoint(Mathf.Clamp(airPosition, 0, 1));
if (PlayerInput.GetIsAction(CropStomp.InputAction_FlickRelease) && !game.IsExpectingInputNow(CropStomp.InputAction_FlickRelease))
pickEligible = false;
// default:
private void StompJust(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
if (GameManager.instance.autoplay)
if (state >= 1f)
veggieState = -1;
else if (state > -1f)
private void StompMiss(PlayerActionEvent caller)
veggieState = -1;
private void Out(PlayerActionEvent caller) { }
private void PickJust(PlayerActionEvent caller, float state)
game.bodyAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Pick", 0.5f);
game.isFlicking = true;
if (!pickEligible) return;
if (GameManager.instance.autoplay)
if (state <= -1f || state >= 1f)
veggieState = -1;
boinked = true;
curve.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; // Return curve to normal size in the case of mole curves.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
var key = curve.KeyPoints[i];
var keyPos = key.Position;
key.Position = new Vector3(keyPos.x, veggieTrans.position.y + (i * 2), keyPos.z);
// var key1 = curve.KeyPoints[0];
// var key1Pos = key1.Position;
// key1.Position = new Vector3(key1Pos.x, veggieTrans.position.y, key1Pos.z);
// var key2 = curve.KeyPoints[1];
// var key2Pos = key2.Position;
// key2.Position = new Vector3(key2Pos.x, veggieTrans.position.y + 2f, key2Pos.z);
pickedBeat = Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
private void PickMiss(PlayerActionEvent caller)
veggieState = -1;
if (!isMole) SoundByte.PlayOneShotGame("cropStomp/veggieMiss");
bool moleLaughing;
private void MissedUpdate()
if (boinked)
float fallPosition = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(pickedBeat, 1f);
fallPosition = Mathf.Clamp(fallPosition, 0, 1);
veggieTrans.position = curve.GetPoint(fallPosition);
if (fallPosition < 1f)
var rotSpeed = isMole ? pickedRotationSpeed : -pickedRotationSpeed;
veggieTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, veggieTrans.rotation.eulerAngles.z + (rotSpeed * Time.deltaTime));
veggieTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180f);
if (isMole && !moleLaughing)
var distDiff = transform.position.x - game.farmerTrans.position.x;
if (distDiff > 1.5f)
moleAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Chuckle", 0.5f);
moleLaughing = true;
private void PickedUpdate()
float pickPosition = Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(pickedBeat, pickTime);
pickPosition = Mathf.Clamp(pickPosition, 0, 1);
veggieTrans.position = hitCurve.GetPoint(pickPosition);
var rotSpeed = isMole ? -pickedRotationSpeed : pickedRotationSpeed;
veggieTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, veggieTrans.rotation.eulerAngles.z + (rotSpeed * Time.deltaTime));
if (!isMole)
var veggieScale = Mathf.Min(1.5f - pickPosition, 1f);
veggieTrans.localScale = Vector2.one * veggieScale;
if (pickPosition >= 1f)
private void StompVeggie(bool autoTriggered)
// Juuuuuust in case.
if (gotStomped)
Debug.Log("Recursion moment?");
gotStomped = true;
var cond = Conductor.instance;
ParticleSystem spawnedHit = Instantiate(game.hitParticle, game.hitParticle.transform.parent);
veggieState = 1;
game.ScheduleInput(targetBeat, isMole ? 0.5f : 1f, CropStomp.InputAction_FlickRelease, PickJust, PickMiss, Out);
targetBeat = targetBeat + (isMole ? 0.5f : 1f);
stompedBeat = cond.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
landBeat = targetBeat + (float)cond.SecsToBeats(Minigame.NgLateTime() - 1, cond.GetBpmAtBeat(targetBeat));
if (autoTriggered)
game.bodyAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Stomp", 0.5f);
if (!isMole)
new MultiSound.Sound[] { new MultiSound.Sound("cropStomp/veggieOh", targetBeat - 0.5f) }
moleAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Idle", 0.5f);
var veggieScale = veggieTrans.localScale;
veggieTrans.localScale = new Vector3(veggieScale.x * 0.5f, veggieScale.y, veggieScale.z);
squashTween = veggieTrans.DOScaleX(veggieScale.x, cond.pitchedSecPerBeat * 0.5f);
Update(); // Update flying veggie state immediately.
private void PickVeggie(bool autoTriggered)
veggieState = 2;
if (autoTriggered)
game.bodyAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Pick", 0.5f);
game.isFlicking = true;
var key1 = game.pickCurve.KeyPoints[0];
var keyPos = key1.Position;
key1.Position = new Vector3(keyPos.x, veggieTrans.position.y, keyPos.z);
pickedBeat = Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeatsAsDouble;
if (!isMole)
BeatAction.New(this, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(pickedBeat + 0.5f, delegate { veggieSprite.sortingOrder = -1; }),
new BeatAction.Action(pickedBeat + pickTime, delegate { GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); })
hitCurve = game.pickCurve;
BeatAction.New(this, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(pickedBeat + pickTime, delegate { GameObject.Destroy(gameObject); })
hitCurve = game.moleCurve;
if (squashTween != null)