* Pose Backgrounds The cool backgrounds that appear on a successful pose are now fully added. Also implemented the new upscales. * Stomp Camera Shake The way it is coded is not good at all, but the stomp shakes look *ok* when the game runs at triple digit tempos. * Better Stomp Shake & Alternate BGs Made the stomp shake look MUCH better, and added an option to poses to automatically alternate between background types. * Sumo Pose anims v4 Animated most of all the remaining pose animations, missing the miss animations + glasses being thrown. Also will want to add a version where the glasses aren't thrown. Pig? * Sumo Pose anims v4.5 Added the missing miss animations. Added the glasses actually being thrown. Fixed a bug with head layering w/ the Look at Camera event. Fixed some other bugs that aren't important. * New Icon i made it myself * Sumo Pose anims v4.9 You can now toggle if the blue sumo bro will throw his glasses on the finale pose. Also changed selecting the pose type from an integer slider to a dropdown menu. You can also now change which direction the sumo brothers begin stomping in. * Sumo Pose anims v5 D se dab * Finalizing stuff Changed ALL the animations (minus InuTweet) to use linear interpolation instead of the default setting since that's what megamix does afaik. Combined the two sumohead animators into one just to allow for more play animation shenanigans. Assigned all the sumo assets to a new ctrsumou asset bundle to get ready for packing it all up. Added new nerd bg because Mage just happened to make one * Bug Fixed + Tweaks + Finish Fixed a bug where the game would end up cueing inputs that extended into other games. It wouldn't do anything until you went back to Sumo Brothers where all those extra cues would run the frame the game loaded. Tweaked all the BG sliding in animations to be accurate to the original game. I started implementing asset bundles, but for some reason actually using them breaks the Blue Sumo Bro's animations for *some* reason. I forgot to include this in *one* of the previous change notes, but you can now change which direction the Bros start stomping in. * Kill reference images Removed ALL of the reference images from the files there were like 135 images
2420 lines
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