Rapandrasmus 3e20013a1a
Totem Climb ()
* setup

* scroll stuff

* tons of stuff

* totem bop

* bopping and new assets

* soem more

* frog fit

* fixed order of operation issue

* triple proto

* wow i love super curves


* frog fall

* the spinny

* dragon initial

* functional dragon

* fixed un bug

* the deets

* the deets have been fixed

* miss stuff

* smol fix

* no log

* fixed some issues

* switch to next state

* particle

* remove useless logic

* zoomed out

* sound and line fix

* new bg sheet

* minor tweaks

* pillar tops

* background objects

* background tweak

* triple sound tweak

* background rework

* frog wings and new jump anim

* fix

* birds

* disable pillars

* landing end

* fix again

* minor fix

* fixes and icon

* background scroll logic rework

* put in fixed sheet

* fixed sounds
2024-01-28 03:43:54 +00:00

740 lines
17 KiB

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