* air rally assetbundles
* blue bear assetbundles
* board meeting assetbundles
* more board meeting stuff
* built to scale ds assetbundles
* clappy trio & cheer readers assetbundles
agbclap and rvlbooks
* crop stomp assetbundles
* dj school adjustment
* dog ninja assetbundles
* double date assetbundles
* drumming practice assetbundles
NOTE: the mii system will probably need to be changed if we ever use miistudio
* fireworks & first (second) contact assetbundles
agbexplode and ctrinterpreter
* flipper flop assetbundles
* fork lifter assetbundles
* glee club assetbundles
* kitties assetbundles
* launch party assetbundles
* lockstep assetbundles
* meat grinder assetbundles
* mr upbeat assetbundles + meat grinder tag change
* munchy monk assetbundles
* octopus machine assetbundles :cherryhappy:
* Revert "octopus machine assetbundles :cherryhappy:"
This reverts commit a177e9b3c4
* quiz show assetbundles
* a lot of games because i forgot to commit
* im just gonna start doing these commits in bulk
* all assetbundles except octopus machine & tram and pauline
* octopus machine assetbundles
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