minenice55 bccd88e164
Beatmap Sections & Latency Reduction (#170)
* prep UI for chart section

* all special layers now on one area

todo: have buttons toggle between special layers  (selection mode shows all?), use the tabs system for this

* swapping between special timelines - prelim

* special entities can be placed

* spec. timeline base functions complete

music volume changes should work now

* attempt at input lag reduction

needs testing

* fix dsp issues

* smaller DSP buffer?

* Revert "smaller DSP buffer?"

This reverts commit 9d36db5ff9.

* make conductor clock use real time (double)

change order of execution of input-related scripts to further attempt a reduction in input latency

* start values can be changed

make the old special entity bar visible when the corresponding type is selected

* creation of Chart Sections (TODO: GO REFERENCE)

* added GO references

* section edit dialog

* disable wrapping on chart section obj

* backspace can now delete entities

* entities don't shift when duplicated

* fix PlayerActionEvent order of operations

- fixed remix loading trying to clear special timeline while it's writing to itself

* make oop check match parity

* more operation order fix

* fix Karate Man BG initialization

* show section progress in editor

todo: section progress in-game

* more fix for entity duping
2022-09-18 16:48:14 -04:00

109 lines
2.4 KiB

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