* right foot creep * look around stay low * optimize the fan club prefab use anim layers for the monkeys * dansa med oss * klappa era hander * cossack sandvich * soldier of dance add speed halving / doubling functionality to choreographies * fix selection of starting dance * asset re-organization * organize the last of the 1.0 games * Wall * floating windows can no longer become larger than the actual screen
1011 lines
24 KiB
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cellanim.tpl.mm1_32: -5976009055941440191
cellanim.tpl.mm1_33: 8154423759569281189
cellanim.tpl.mm1_34: 2304743923719419823
pSDRemoveMatte: 0
pSDShowRemoveMatteOption: 0
assetBundleName: rvldough/common