ev fc55712779
Nightwalk GBA ()
* Nightwalks set up

* Play yan with balloons

* platformSetUp

* Platform handler fundamentals

* Count In Added

* small thing

* Got em inputs in nightwalk gba to work

* Platforms now spawn when there's no count-in

* He jumps now!

* Decreased platform count

* Height changes added

* Randomness for height changes

* Name changing

* Fixed a bug with no count in blocks

* Ok height changes should be flawless now

* No jumping added

* Umbrella and lollipop added

* Umbrella drum pattern added

* Fallyan :(

* Implemented falling :(

* Fixed drum patterns not working

* Fish implemented

* Fixed kick sound being weird

* 4 beat count in added

* Tweaked landing pos

* Walking Count-In added

* new sprites touched up anims

* oops1

* barely anims

* Implemented barelies into nightwalk gba

* Balloons have random positioning now

* New sounds and whiff/barely sounds

* Fall smear added

* Fixed issues with platform heights on gameswitches

* 24 platforms

* walk is normalized now

* Star scrolling functionality done

* Blink animations n stuff


* Force evolve added + tweaks

* Fixed stars not stopping + upped amount of stars

* End event setup

* Finding end blocks logic added

* end event functionality finished

* end platform anim

* fixed anim

* only stars on screen evolve

* 2 evolve by default

* End event fixes

* more blinking

* star blinks now and has string

* minor tweak

* fix to interaction between fish and end block

* tweaked dropdown values

* removed fish sound

* named some sprites in the spritesheet

* high jump and roll anims

* Roll sound should only play if valid

* Small fix to roll cue sound logic

* Another small fix to roll cue sound logic

* ok actually fixed roll sound

* roll platform added to jumpl platform prefab

* Roll cue platform visuals done

* Basic Roll Cue implemented

* flower

* umbrella

* barely for roll release


* smol fixes

* fixed visual stuff and added missing to rolls

* redid sheet, new anims

* slow walkin'

* adjustments

* oops

* adjusted smear

* improved interaction between roll and end block

* improved interaction between roll cue and platform heights

* 32 stars

* made the star boundary way smaller

* how was i this stupid

* fixed more interactions

* stack proof roll cue and also end block + roll cue fix

* Fixed things related to stars

* fixed no jumping not working with end block + roll

* nearing the final stages

* rolls counts for 2 jumps now

* fixed a bug to do with roll platforms and made roll platform sounds not be able to be played on invalid beats

* made stage 2 stars bigger

* added destroy roll platform sprites

* update to new systems


Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2024-01-28 06:03:53 +00:00

1948 lines
54 KiB

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