Rapandrasmus bbca7457cc
Toss Boys (#424)
* sprites and stuff lolol

* oops

* Real

* akahitanim

* lots of anims done

* more anims

* many anims many sprites


* oops 2

* all anims done

* oops2

* oops3

* special overlay

* Basics

* Inputs stuff

* Basic pass ball implemented

* Transitions 🔥

* Nvm transitions are gay

* Dual toss added

* Idiot proof toss boys

* prepare anims

* Some special logic

* Done with special for dual toss and added bops

* little anim tweak

* Added pop ball and fixed some things

* Funny sound offsets

* Added high toss + fixed a bug

* icons and more animations

* epic insane particle changes (CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!)


* Added call and fixed a bug

* Panning added

* Lightning toss added

* Blur toss Added

* Added fade in for the special overlay and fixed a bug

* cool animation shit

* animations and sprites fully done

* set up basic curves

* The toss boys main script just needs to set the state of the ball now

* All curves implemented - untested though

* Smol fix!

* slightly new sheet

* Bg Recolor + ball anims + whiff cooldown

* Specials now properly handle themselves when chained together

* ball anims

* Fixes and tweaks

* Fixed a bug with lightning toss

* small tweaks

* Only thing toss boys needs is the pitch warble now


Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-05-19 22:21:02 +00:00

124 lines
2.8 KiB

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