* so much * reworked everything (AGAIN.) -everything just uses recursive methods and beatactions, and only uses the update loop for inactive queuing * count-ins -need hq 4 sound effect, kitties doesn't have the og :( * mr. downbeat rere-revived (unfortunately enough.) * huge change to how stepping works, to make it so you can't step over it the wrong way, and so that missing looks good * added missing miss anim, which happens in the same way as the og * added a check on game switch to use the last bg change/blip color block's attributes -i think i might add these to other games; it should make the process of remixing more intuitive and fun, even if it's a small change currently all i'm missing is blip jank fix. but im not staying up another hour for that lol * letter/blip jank fixed + force stepping * instead of being a separate animator, the letter is instead set to have a scale of (1, 1, 1) in the update loop, so that no graphical bugs happen even when the scale is changed. * hopefully this new system is a lot less janky, but if bugs do still come up they'll be a lot easier to fix now
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