Method 3: Manually copy hon folder from latest release to config/custom_components folder.
Restart Home Assistant
Method 1:
Method 2: Settings > Devices & Services > Add Integration > Haier hOn If the integration is not in the list, you need to clear the browser cache.
Any kind of contribution is welcome!
Read out device data
If you want to make a request for adding new appliances or additional attributes and don't want to use the command line, here is how you can read out your device data.
For every device exists a hidden button which can be used to log all info of your appliance.
Enable the "Log Device Info" button This button can be found in the diagnostic section of your device or in the entity overview if "show disabled entities" is enabled.
Press the button
Go to Settings > System > Logs, click load full logs and scroll down The formatting is messy if you not load full logs
Here you can find all data which can be read out via the api
Use the command line tool to read out all appliance data from your account
$ pyhOn
User for hOn account:
Password for hOn account: ********
========== WM - Washing Machine ==========
pauseProgram: pauseProgram command
resumeProgram: resumeProgram command
startProgram: startProgram command
stopProgram: stopProgram command
actualWeight: 0
airWashTempLevel: 0
airWashTime: 0
antiAllergyStatus: 0
Fork this repository and clone it to your local machine
Add the keys of the attributes you'd like to have as EntityDescription into this Repository Example: Add pause button
BUTTONS:dict[str,tuple[ButtonEntityDescription,...]]={"WM":(# WM is the applianceTypeNameButtonEntityDescription(key="pauseProgram",# key from pyhOnname="Pause Program",# name in home assistanticon="mdi:pause",# icon in home assistant...),...
If you want to have some states humanreadable, have a look at the translation_key parameter of the EntityDescription.
If you need to implement some more logic, create a pull request to the underlying library. There we collect special requirements in the appliances directory.
The existing integrations missed some features from the app I liked to have in HomeAssistant.
I tried to create a pull request, but in the structures of these existing repos, I find it hard to fit in my needs, so I basically rewrote everything.
I moved the api related stuff into the package pyhOn.