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2016-07-14 13:06:53 -07:00
irs.py Added functionality to download an entire playlist based off of a textfile. Also wrote instructions for how to do it in the README 2016-07-14 13:06:53 -07:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2016-07-07 18:24:47 -07:00
README.md Added functionality to download an entire playlist based off of a textfile. Also wrote instructions for how to do it in the README 2016-07-14 13:06:53 -07:00
requirements.txt Wrote more of the readme and made a requirments.txt 2016-07-07 22:59:12 -07:00

The Ingenious Redistribution System (IRS)

Downloads or streams media from the name of the song / album / movie / tv-show that you requested.


First, actually install python and pip:

  • To install python3 and pip for Ubuntu run this command:
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
  • For Windows follow this guide to install python (remember to install ~v3.4), and this guide to install pip.
  • For OSX follow this guide that goes through python and pip. Also, remember to install ~v3.4.

Then install requirements.txt from the repository:

$ python install -r requirements.txt

There are some more external command-line programs that are essential to movies, tv-shows, and streaming:

$ sudo apt-get install rtorrent
  • mpv: https://mpv.io/installation/
  • Peerflix:
    • Windows: follow this guide to install npm and then run this command:
    $ npm install -g peerflix
    • OSX: Same as Windows, except follow this guide.
    • Ubuntu: Again, the same, only follow this guide instead.
  • VLC: Just download and install it here.


$ git clone https://github.com/kepoorhampond/IngeniousRedistributionSystem.git

And that should be it! Eventually it'll be put up on pip, to make it much, much easier to install.


Currently the system can stream or download the following:

  • Specific songs.
  • Complete albums.
  • Movies.
  • TV shows.

When downloading music, the system will fill out the specific meta-data so that it will appear organized in your player of choice. It parses the following pieces of meta-data:

  • Title.
  • Artist.
  • Album.
  • Album cover/art.*
  • Year released.
  • Tracknumber.*

* Album art is slightly buggy, and tracknumber only works when downloading complete album.

On a personal judgement, we would judge that the complete meta-data parsing works ~90% of the time.


$ irs (stream | download) movie <movie-name>
$ irs (stream | download) tv <tv-show> <episode>
$ irs (stream | download) song <song-name> by <artist>
$ irs (stream | download) album <album-name> by <artist>
$ irs (stream | download) playlist <txt-file-name>

The text file should be formatted like so: <song>: <artist>

Unforgettable: Nat King Cole
99 Luftballons: Nena
Ride Of The Valkyries: Budapest Symphony Orchestra
MTV Theme "Man On The Moon": Jonathan Elias & John Peterson
The Times They Are A-Changin': Bob Dylan
Everybody Wants To Rule The World: Studio Group
Protest: Philip Glass
The Sound Of Silence: Simon & Garfunkel
All Along The Watchtower: Jimi Hendrix
Desolation Row: My Chemical Romance
First We Take Manhattan: Dominic Frontiere


$ irs stream movie Fight Club
$ irs download album A Night At The Opera by Queen
$ irs stream song Where Is My Mind by The Pixies
$ irs download tv mr.robot s01e01
$ irs stream album A Day At The Races by Queen
$ irs download playlist "Raid The Arcade.txt"


Copyrighted content may be illegal to stream and/or download in your country.