mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 00:01:17 +00:00
213 lines
6.2 KiB
213 lines
6.2 KiB
import json, strutils, times, tables, macros, htmlgen, uri, unicode, options
import regex
import types, utils, formatters
unRegex = re"(^|[^A-z0-9-_./?])@([A-z0-9_]{1,15})"
unReplace = "$1<a href=\"/$2\">@$2</a>"
htRegex = re"(^|[^A-z0-9-_./?])#([A-z0-9_]+)"
htReplace = "$1<a href=\"/search?q=%23$2\">#$2</a>"
template `?`*(js: JsonNode): untyped =
let j = js
if j == nil: return
else: j
template `with`*(ident, value, body): untyped =
let ident {.inject.} = value
if ident != nil:
template `with`*(ident; value: JsonNode; body): untyped =
let ident {.inject.} = value
if ident != nil and ident.kind != JNull:
proc getCursor*(js: JsonNode): string =
js{"content", "operation", "cursor", "value"}.getStr
proc parseTime(time: string; f: static string; flen: int): Time =
if time.len != flen: return
parseTime(time, f, utc())
proc getDateTime*(js: JsonNode): Time =
parseTime(js.getStr, "yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss\'Z\'", 20)
proc getTime*(js: JsonNode): Time =
parseTime(js.getStr, "ddd MMM dd hh:mm:ss \'+0000\' yyyy", 30)
proc getId*(id: string): string =
let start = id.rfind("-")
if start < 0: return id
id[start + 1 ..< id.len]
proc getId*(js: JsonNode): int64 =
if js == nil: return
case js.kind
of JString: return parseBiggestInt(js.getStr("0"))
of JInt: return js.getBiggestInt()
else: return 0
proc getStrVal*(js: JsonNode; default=""): string =
if js == nil: return default
proc getCardUrl*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"website_url"}.getStrVal
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_url"}.getStrVal(result)
proc getCardDomain*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"vanity_url"}.getStrVal(js{"domain"}.getStr)
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_vanity_url"}.getStrVal(result)
proc getCardTitle*(js: JsonNode; kind: CardKind): string =
result = js{"title"}.getStrVal
if kind == promoVideoConvo:
result = js{"thank_you_text"}.getStrVal(result)
proc getBanner*(js: JsonNode): string =
let url = js{"profile_banner_url"}.getStr
if url.len > 0:
return url & "/1500x500"
let color = js{"profile_link_color"}.getStr
if color.len > 0:
return '#' & color
# use primary color from profile picture color histrogram
with p, js{"profile_image_extensions", "mediaColor", "r", "ok", "palette"}:
if p.len > 0:
let pal = p[0]{"rgb"}.getFields
result = "#"
result.add toHex(pal["red"].getInt, 2)
result.add toHex(pal["green"].getInt, 2)
result.add toHex(pal["blue"].getInt, 2)
return "#161616"
proc getTombstone*(js: JsonNode): string =
let epitaph = js{"epitaph"}.getStr
case epitaph
of "Suspended":
result = "This tweet is from a suspended account."
of "Protected":
result = "This account owner limits who can view their tweets."
of "Missing":
result = "This tweet is unavailable."
result = js{"tombstoneInfo", "richText", "text"}.getStr
if epitaph.len > 0 or result.len > 0:
echo "Unknown tombstone (", epitaph, "): ", result
template getSlice(text: string; slice: seq[int]): string =
text.runeSubStr(slice[0], slice[1] - slice[0])
proc getSlice(text: string; js: JsonNode): string =
if js == nil or js.kind != JArray or js.len < 2 or
js[0].kind != JInt: return text
let slice = js.to(seq[int])
proc expandUrl(text: var string; js: JsonNode; tLen: int; hideTwitter=false) =
let u = js{"url"}.getStr
if u.len == 0 or u notin text:
url = js{"expanded_url"}.getStr
slice = js{"indices"}.to(seq[int])
if hideTwitter and slice[1] >= tLen and url.isTwitterUrl:
text = text.replace(u, "")
text.removeSuffix(' ')
text = text.replace(u, a(shortLink(url), href=url))
proc expandTag(text: var string; js: JsonNode; prefix: char) =
tag = prefix & js{"text"}.getStr
html = a(tag, href=("/search?q=" & encodeUrl(tag)))
oldLen = text.len
text = text.replaceWord(tag, html)
# for edgecases with emojis or other characters around the tag
if text.len == oldLen:
text = text.replace(tag, html)
proc expandMention(text: var string; orig: string; js: JsonNode) =
name = js{"name"}.getStr
href = '/' & js{"screen_name"}.getStr
uname = orig.getSlice(js{"indices"})
text = text.replace(uname, a(uname, href=href, title=name))
proc expandProfileEntities*(profile: var Profile; js: JsonNode) =
orig = profile.bio
ent = ? js{"entities"}
with urls, ent{"url", "urls"}:
profile.website = urls[0]{"expanded_url"}.getStr
with urls, ent{"description", "urls"}:
for u in urls: profile.bio.expandUrl(u, orig.high)
profile.bio = profile.bio.replace(unRegex, unReplace)
.replace(htRegex, htReplace)
for mention in ? ent{"user_mentions"}:
profile.bio.expandMention(orig, mention)
proc expandTweetEntities*(tweet: Tweet; js: JsonNode) =
orig = tweet.text
slice = js{"display_text_range"}.to(seq[int])
hasQuote = js{"is_quote_status"}.getBool
hasCard = tweet.card.isSome
tweet.text = tweet.text.getSlice(slice)
var replyTo = ""
if tweet.replyId != 0:
with reply, js{"in_reply_to_screen_name"}:
tweet.reply.add reply.getStr
replyTo = reply.getStr
let ent = ? js{"entities"}
with urls, ent{"urls"}:
for u in urls:
tweet.text.expandUrl(u, slice[1], hasQuote)
if hasCard and u{"url"}.getStr == get(tweet.card).url:
get(tweet.card).url = u{"expanded_url"}.getStr
with media, ent{"media"}:
for m in media: tweet.text.expandUrl(m, slice[1], hideTwitter=true)
with hashes, ent{"hashtags"}:
for h in hashes: tweet.text.expandTag(h, '#')
with symbols, ent{"symbols"}:
for s in symbols: tweet.text.expandTag(s, '$')
for mention in ? ent{"user_mentions"}:
name = mention{"screen_name"}.getStr
idx = tweet.reply.find(name)
if mention{"indices"}[0].getInt >= slice[0]:
tweet.text.expandMention(orig, mention)
if idx > -1 and name != replyTo:
tweet.reply.delete idx
elif idx == -1 and tweet.replyId != 0:
tweet.reply.add name