mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 12:19:40 +00:00
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ requires "redpool#f880f49"
requires "https://github.com/zedeus/redis#d0a0e6f"
requires "zippy#0.7.3"
requires "flatty#0.2.3"
requires "jsony#1.1.3"
# Tasks
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import std/[options, tables, strutils, strformat, sugar]
import jsony
import ../types/unifiedcard
from ../../types import Card, CardKind, Video
from ../../utils import twimg, https
proc getImageUrl(entity: MediaEntity): string =
entity.mediaUrlHttps.dup(removePrefix(twimg), removePrefix(https))
proc parseDestination(id: string; card: UnifiedCard; result: var Card) =
let destination = card.destinationObjects[id].data
result.dest = destination.urlData.vanity
result.url = destination.urlData.url
proc parseDetails(data: ComponentData; card: UnifiedCard; result: var Card) =
data.destination.parseDestination(card, result)
result.text = data.title
if result.text.len == 0:
result.text = data.name
proc parseMediaDetails(data: ComponentData; card: UnifiedCard; result: var Card) =
data.destination.parseDestination(card, result)
result.kind = summary
result.image = card.mediaEntities[data.mediaId].getImageUrl
result.text = data.topicDetail.title
result.dest = "Topic"
proc parseAppDetails(data: ComponentData; card: UnifiedCard; result: var Card) =
let app = card.appStoreData[data.appId][0]
case app.kind
of androidApp:
result.url = "http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=" & app.id
of iPhoneApp, iPadApp:
result.url = "https://itunes.apple.com/app/id" & app.id
result.text = app.title
result.dest = app.category
proc parseListDetails(data: ComponentData; result: var Card) =
result.dest = &"List · {data.memberCount} Members"
proc parseCommunityDetails(data: ComponentData; result: var Card) =
result.dest = &"Community · {data.memberCount} Members"
proc parseMedia(component: Component; card: UnifiedCard; result: var Card) =
let mediaId =
if component.kind == swipeableMedia:
let rMedia = card.mediaEntities[mediaId]
case rMedia.kind:
of photo:
result.kind = summaryLarge
result.image = rMedia.getImageUrl
of video:
let videoInfo = rMedia.videoInfo.get
result.kind = promoVideo
result.video = some Video(
available: true,
thumb: rMedia.getImageUrl,
durationMs: videoInfo.durationMillis,
variants: videoInfo.variants
proc parseUnifiedCard*(json: string): Card =
let card = json.fromJson(UnifiedCard)
for component in card.componentObjects.values:
case component.kind
of details, communityDetails, twitterListDetails:
component.data.parseDetails(card, result)
of appStoreDetails:
component.data.parseAppDetails(card, result)
of mediaWithDetailsHorizontal:
component.data.parseMediaDetails(card, result)
of media, swipeableMedia:
component.parseMedia(card, result)
of buttonGroup:
case component.kind
of twitterListDetails:
of communityDetails:
else: discard
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import options, tables
from ../../types import VideoType, VideoVariant
UnifiedCard* = object
componentObjects*: Table[string, Component]
destinationObjects*: Table[string, Destination]
mediaEntities*: Table[string, MediaEntity]
appStoreData*: Table[string, seq[AppStoreData]]
ComponentType* = enum
Component* = object
kind*: ComponentType
data*: ComponentData
ComponentData* = object
id*: string
appId*: string
mediaId*: string
destination*: string
title*: Text
subtitle*: Text
name*: Text
memberCount*: int
mediaList*: seq[MediaItem]
topicDetail*: tuple[title: Text]
MediaItem* = object
id*: string
destination*: string
Destination* = object
kind*: string
data*: tuple[urlData: UrlData]
UrlData* = object
url*: string
vanity*: string
MediaType* = enum
photo, video
MediaEntity* = object
kind*: MediaType
mediaUrlHttps*: string
videoInfo*: Option[VideoInfo]
VideoInfo* = object
durationMillis*: int
variants*: seq[VideoVariant]
AppType* = enum
androidApp, iPhoneApp, iPadApp
AppStoreData* = object
kind*: AppType
id*: string
title*: Text
category*: Text
Text = object
content: string
HasTypeField = Component | Destination | MediaEntity | AppStoreData
converter fromText*(text: Text): string = text.content
proc renameHook*(v: var HasTypeField; fieldName: var string) =
if fieldName == "type":
fieldName = "kind"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ proc replaceUrls*(body: string; prefs: Prefs; absolute=""): string =
result = result.replace(tco, https & prefs.replaceTwitter & "/t.co")
result = result.replace(cards, prefs.replaceTwitter & "/cards")
result = result.replace(twRegex, prefs.replaceTwitter)
result = result.replace(twLinkRegex, a(
result = result.replacef(twLinkRegex, a(
prefs.replaceTwitter & "$2", href = https & prefs.replaceTwitter & "$1"))
if prefs.replaceReddit.len > 0 and ("reddit.com" in result or "redd.it" in result):
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import strutils, options, tables, times, math
import packedjson
import packedjson / deserialiser
import packedjson, packedjson/deserialiser
import types, parserutils, utils
import experimental/parser/unifiedcard
proc parseProfile(js: JsonNode; id=""): Profile =
if js.isNull: return
@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ proc parseGif(js: JsonNode): Gif =
proc parseVideo(js: JsonNode): Video =
result = Video(
videoId: js{"id_str"}.getStr,
thumb: js{"media_url_https"}.getImageStr,
views: js{"ext", "mediaStats", "r", "ok", "viewCount"}.getStr,
available: js{"ext_media_availability", "status"}.getStr == "available",
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ proc parseVideo(js: JsonNode): Video =
for v in js{"video_info", "variants"}:
result.variants.add VideoVariant(
videoType: parseEnum[VideoType](v{"content_type"}.getStr("summary")),
contentType: parseEnum[VideoType](v{"content_type"}.getStr("summary")),
bitrate: v{"bitrate"}.getInt,
url: v{"url"}.getStr
@ -129,19 +128,17 @@ proc parsePromoVideo(js: JsonNode): Video =
thumb: js{"player_image_large"}.getImageVal,
available: true,
durationMs: js{"content_duration_seconds"}.getStrVal("0").parseInt * 1000,
playbackType: vmap,
videoId: js{"player_content_id"}.getStrVal(js{"card_id"}.getStrVal(
playbackType: vmap
var variant = VideoVariant(
videoType: vmap,
contentType: vmap,
url: js{"player_hls_url"}.getStrVal(js{"player_stream_url"}.getStrVal(
if "m3u8" in variant.url:
variant.videoType = m3u8
variant.contentType = m3u8
result.playbackType = m3u8
result.variants.add variant
@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ proc parseBroadcast(js: JsonNode): Card =
title: js{"broadcaster_display_name"}.getStrVal,
text: js{"broadcast_title"}.getStrVal,
image: image,
video: some Video(videoId: js{"broadcast_media_id"}.getStrVal, thumb: image)
video: some Video(thumb: image)
proc parseCard(js: JsonNode; urls: JsonNode): Card =
@ -166,6 +163,9 @@ proc parseCard(js: JsonNode; urls: JsonNode): Card =
name = js{"name"}.getStr
kind = parseEnum[CardKind](name[(name.find(":") + 1) ..< name.len], unknown)
if kind == unified:
return parseUnifiedCard(vals{"unified_card", "string_value"}.getStr)
result = Card(
kind: kind,
url: vals.getCardUrl(kind),
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ proc parseCard(js: JsonNode; urls: JsonNode): Card =
result.url = vals{"player_url"}.getStrVal
if "youtube.com" in result.url:
result.url = result.url.replace("/embed/", "/watch?v=")
of audiospace, unified, unknown:
of audiospace, unknown:
result.title = "This card type is not supported."
else: discard
@ -70,12 +70,11 @@ type
vmap = "video/vmap"
VideoVariant* = object
videoType*: VideoType
contentType*: VideoType
url*: string
bitrate*: int
Video* = object
videoId*: string
durationMs*: int
url*: string
thumb*: string
@ -147,8 +146,6 @@ type
Card* = object
kind*: CardKind
id*: string
query*: string
url*: string
title*: string
dest*: string
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ proc renderVideo*(video: Video; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
renderVideoDisabled(video, path)
let vid = video.variants.filterIt(it.videoType == video.playbackType)
let vid = video.variants.filterIt(it.contentType == video.playbackType)
let source = getVidUrl(vid[0].url)
case video.playbackType
of mp4:
Reference in a new issue