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synced 2025-03-06 12:09:39 +00:00
Merge branch 'fork-graveyard/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -87,10 +87,15 @@ proc parseVideo(js: JsonNode): Video =
result.description = description.getStr
for v in js{"video_info", "variants"}:
contentType = parseEnum[VideoType](v{"content_type"}.getStr("summary"))
url = v{"url"}.getStr
result.variants.add VideoVariant(
contentType: parseEnum[VideoType](v{"content_type"}.getStr("summary")),
contentType: contentType,
bitrate: v{"bitrate"}.getInt,
url: v{"url"}.getStr
url: url,
resolution: if contentType == mp4: getMp4Resolution(url) else: 0
proc parsePromoVideo(js: JsonNode): Video =
@ -137,6 +137,21 @@ proc getSource*(js: JsonNode): string =
let src = js{"source"}.getStr
result = src.substr(src.find('>') + 1, src.rfind('<') - 1)
proc getMp4Resolution*(url: string): int =
# parses the height out of a URL like this one:
# https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/<tweet-id>/pu/vid/720x1280/<random>.mp4
const vidSep = "/vid/"
vidIdx = url.find(vidSep) + vidSep.len
resIdx = url.find('x', vidIdx) + 1
res = url[resIdx ..< url.find("/", resIdx)]
return parseInt(res)
except ValueError:
# cannot determine resolution (e.g. m3u8/non-mp4 video)
return 0
proc extractSlice(js: JsonNode): Slice[int] =
result = js["indices"][0].getInt ..< js["indices"][1].getInt
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ type
contentType*: VideoType
url*: string
bitrate*: int
resolution*: int
Video* = object
durationMs*: int
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import strutils, sequtils, strformat, options
import strutils, sequtils, strformat, options, algorithm
import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles]
from jester import Request
@ -62,11 +62,14 @@ proc renderAlbum(tweet: Tweet): VNode =
a(href=getOrigPicUrl(orig), class="still-image", target="_blank"):
proc isPlaybackEnabled(prefs: Prefs; video: Video): bool =
case video.playbackType
proc isPlaybackEnabled(prefs: Prefs; playbackType: VideoType): bool =
case playbackType
of mp4: prefs.mp4Playback
of m3u8, vmap: prefs.hlsPlayback
proc hasMp4Url(video: Video): bool =
video.variants.anyIt(it.contentType == mp4)
proc renderVideoDisabled(video: Video; path: string): VNode =
case video.playbackType
@ -84,9 +87,11 @@ proc renderVideoUnavailable(video: Video): VNode =
p: text "This media is unavailable"
proc renderVideo*(video: Video; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
let container =
if video.description.len > 0 or video.title.len > 0: " card-container"
else: ""
container = if video.description.len == 0 and video.title.len == 0: ""
else: " card-container"
playbackType = if not prefs.proxyVideos and video.hasMp4Url: mp4
else: video.playbackType
buildHtml(tdiv(class="attachments card")):
tdiv(class="gallery-video" & container):
@ -95,13 +100,16 @@ proc renderVideo*(video: Video; prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode =
if not video.available:
elif not prefs.isPlaybackEnabled(video):
elif not prefs.isPlaybackEnabled(playbackType):
renderVideoDisabled(video, path)
let vid = video.variants.filterIt(it.contentType == video.playbackType)
let source = getVidUrl(vid[0].url)
case video.playbackType
vars = video.variants.filterIt(it.contentType == playbackType)
vidUrl = vars.sortedByIt(it.resolution)[^1].url
source = if prefs.proxyVideos: getVidUrl(vidUrl)
else: vidUrl
case playbackType
of mp4:
if prefs.muteVideos:
video(poster=thumb, controls="", muted=""):
Reference in a new issue