mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 10:00:30 +00:00
Replace tokens with guest accounts, swap endpoints
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ requires "https://github.com/zedeus/redis#d0a0e6f"
requires "zippy#ca5989a"
requires "flatty#e668085"
requires "jsony#ea811be"
requires "oauth#b8c163b"
# Tasks
@ -33,23 +33,6 @@ proc getGraphUserTweets*(id: string; kind: TimelineKind; after=""): Future[Profi
js = await fetch(url ? params, apiId)
result = parseGraphTimeline(js, "user", after)
# proc getTimeline*(id: string; after=""; replies=false): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
# if id.len == 0: return
# let
# ps = genParams({"userId": id, "include_tweet_replies": $replies}, after)
# url = oldUserTweets / (id & ".json") ? ps
# result = parseTimeline(await fetch(url, Api.timeline), after)
proc getUserTimeline*(id: string; after=""): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
var ps = genParams({"id": id})
if after.len > 0:
ps.add ("down_cursor", after)
url = legacyUserTweets ? ps
js = await fetch(url, Api.userTimeline)
result = parseUserTimeline(js, after)
proc getGraphListTweets*(id: string; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
if id.len == 0: return
@ -112,10 +95,10 @@ proc getTweet*(id: string; after=""): Future[Conversation] {.async.} =
if after.len > 0:
result.replies = await getReplies(id, after)
proc getGraphSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
proc getGraphTweetSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
let q = genQueryParam(query)
if q.len == 0 or q == emptyQuery:
return Profile(tweets: Timeline(query: query, beginning: true))
return Timeline(query: query, beginning: true)
variables = %*{
@ -129,44 +112,29 @@ proc getGraphSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
if after.len > 0:
variables["cursor"] = % after
let url = graphSearchTimeline ? {"variables": $variables, "features": gqlFeatures}
result = Profile(tweets: parseGraphSearch(await fetch(url, Api.search), after))
result.tweets.query = query
proc getTweetSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
var q = genQueryParam(query)
if q.len == 0 or q == emptyQuery:
return Timeline(query: query, beginning: true)
if after.len > 0:
q &= " max_id:" & after
let url = tweetSearch ? genParams({
"q": q ,
"modules": "status",
"result_type": "recent",
result = parseTweetSearch(await fetch(url, Api.search), after)
result = parseGraphSearch[Tweets](await fetch(url, Api.search), after)
result.query = query
proc getUserSearch*(query: Query; page="1"): Future[Result[User]] {.async.} =
proc getGraphUserSearch*(query: Query; after=""): Future[Result[User]] {.async.} =
if query.text.len == 0:
return Result[User](query: query, beginning: true)
var url = userSearch ? {
"q": query.text,
"skip_status": "1",
"count": "20",
"page": page
variables = %*{
"rawQuery": query.text,
"count": 20,
"product": "People",
"withDownvotePerspective": false,
"withReactionsMetadata": false,
"withReactionsPerspective": false
if after.len > 0:
variables["cursor"] = % after
result.beginning = false
result = parseUsers(await fetchRaw(url, Api.userSearch))
let url = graphSearchTimeline ? {"variables": $variables, "features": gqlFeatures}
result = parseGraphSearch[User](await fetch(url, Api.search), after)
result.query = query
if page.len == 0:
result.bottom = "2"
elif page.allCharsInSet(Digits):
result.bottom = $(parseInt(page) + 1)
proc getPhotoRail*(name: string): Future[PhotoRail] {.async.} =
if name.len == 0: return
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, options, strutils, uri
import jsony, packedjson, zippy
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, options, strutils, uri, times, math
import jsony, packedjson, zippy, oauth1
import types, tokens, consts, parserutils, http_pool
import experimental/types/common
@ -29,12 +29,30 @@ proc genParams*(pars: openArray[(string, string)] = @[]; cursor="";
result &= ("cursor", cursor)
proc genHeaders*(token: Token = nil): HttpHeaders =
proc getOauthHeader(url, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret: string): string =
encodedUrl = url.replace(",", "%2C").replace("+", "%20")
params = OAuth1Parameters(
consumerKey: consumerKey,
signatureMethod: "HMAC-SHA1",
timestamp: $int(round(epochTime())),
nonce: "0",
isIncludeVersionToHeader: true,
token: oauthToken
signature = getSignature(HttpGet, encodedUrl, "", params, consumerSecret, oauthTokenSecret)
params.signature = percentEncode(signature)
return getOauth1RequestHeader(params)["authorization"]
proc genHeaders*(url, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret: string): HttpHeaders =
let header = getOauthHeader(url, oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret)
result = newHttpHeaders({
"connection": "keep-alive",
"authorization": auth,
"authorization": header,
"content-type": "application/json",
"x-guest-token": if token == nil: "" else: token.tok,
"x-twitter-active-user": "yes",
"authority": "api.twitter.com",
"accept-encoding": "gzip",
@ -43,24 +61,24 @@ proc genHeaders*(token: Token = nil): HttpHeaders =
"DNT": "1"
template updateToken() =
template updateAccount() =
if resp.headers.hasKey(rlRemaining):
remaining = parseInt(resp.headers[rlRemaining])
reset = parseInt(resp.headers[rlReset])
token.setRateLimit(api, remaining, reset)
account.setRateLimit(api, remaining, reset)
template fetchImpl(result, fetchBody) {.dirty.} =
pool = HttpPool()
var token = await getToken(api)
if token.tok.len == 0:
var account = await getGuestAccount(api)
if account.oauthToken.len == 0:
raise rateLimitError()
var resp: AsyncResponse
pool.use(genHeaders($url, account.oauthToken, account.oauthSecret)):
template getContent =
resp = await c.get($url)
result = await resp.body
@ -79,19 +97,19 @@ template fetchImpl(result, fetchBody) {.dirty.} =
release(token, used=true)
release(account, used=true)
if resp.status == $Http400:
raise newException(InternalError, $url)
except InternalError as e:
raise e
except BadClientError as e:
release(token, used=true)
release(account, used=true)
raise e
except Exception as e:
echo "error: ", e.name, ", msg: ", e.msg, ", token: ", token[], ", url: ", url
echo "error: ", e.name, ", msg: ", e.msg, ", accountId: ", account.id, ", url: ", url
if "length" notin e.msg and "descriptor" notin e.msg:
release(token, invalid=true)
release(account, invalid=true)
raise rateLimitError()
proc fetch*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
@ -103,12 +121,12 @@ proc fetch*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
echo resp.status, ": ", body, " --- url: ", url
result = newJNull()
let error = result.getError
if error in {invalidToken, badToken}:
echo "fetch error: ", result.getError
release(token, invalid=true)
release(account, invalid=true)
raise rateLimitError()
proc fetchRaw*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[string] {.async.} =
@ -117,11 +135,11 @@ proc fetchRaw*(url: Uri; api: Api): Future[string] {.async.} =
echo resp.status, ": ", result, " --- url: ", url
if result.startsWith("{\"errors"):
let errors = result.fromJson(Errors)
if errors in {invalidToken, badToken}:
echo "fetch error: ", errors
release(token, invalid=true)
release(account, invalid=true)
raise rateLimitError()
@ -2,17 +2,13 @@
import uri, sequtils, strutils
consumerKey* = "3nVuSoBZnx6U4vzUxf5w"
consumerSecret* = "Bcs59EFbbsdF6Sl9Ng71smgStWEGwXXKSjYvPVt7qys"
api = parseUri("https://api.twitter.com")
activate* = $(api / "1.1/guest/activate.json")
legacyUserTweets* = api / "1.1/timeline/user.json"
photoRail* = api / "1.1/statuses/media_timeline.json"
userSearch* = api / "1.1/users/search.json"
tweetSearch* = api / "1.1/search/universal.json"
# oldUserTweets* = api / "2/timeline/profile"
graphql = api / "graphql"
graphUser* = graphql / "u7wQyGi6oExe8_TRWGMq4Q/UserResultByScreenNameQuery"
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import asyncdispatch, strformat, logging
from net import Port
from htmlgen import a
from os import getEnv
from json import parseJson
import jester
@ -15,8 +16,14 @@ import routes/[
const instancesUrl = "https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances"
const issuesUrl = "https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues"
let configPath = getEnv("NITTER_CONF_FILE", "./nitter.conf")
let (cfg, fullCfg) = getConfig(configPath)
configPath = getEnv("NITTER_CONF_FILE", "./nitter.conf")
(cfg, fullCfg) = getConfig(configPath)
accountsPath = getEnv("NITTER_ACCOUNTS_FILE", "./guest_accounts.json")
accounts = parseJson(readFile(accountsPath))
initAccountPool(cfg, parseJson(readFile(accountsPath)))
if not cfg.enableDebug:
# Silence Jester's query warning
@ -38,8 +45,6 @@ waitFor initRedisPool(cfg)
stdout.write &"Connected to Redis at {cfg.redisHost}:{cfg.redisPort}\n"
asyncCheck initTokenPool(cfg)
@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ proc parseUser(js: JsonNode; id=""): User =
proc parseGraphUser(js: JsonNode): User =
let user = ? js{"user_result", "result"}
var user = js{"user_result", "result"}
if user.isNull:
user = ? js{"user_results", "result"}
result = parseUser(user{"legacy"})
if "is_blue_verified" in user:
@ -287,169 +289,6 @@ proc parseTweet(js: JsonNode; jsCard: JsonNode = newJNull()): Tweet =
result.text.removeSuffix(" Learn more.")
result.available = false
proc parseLegacyTweet(js: JsonNode): Tweet =
result = parseTweet(js, js{"card"})
if not result.isNil and result.available:
result.user = parseUser(js{"user"})
if result.quote.isSome:
result.quote = some parseLegacyTweet(js{"quoted_status"})
proc parseTweetSearch*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Timeline =
result.beginning = after.len == 0
if js.kind == JNull or "modules" notin js or js{"modules"}.len == 0:
for item in js{"modules"}:
with tweet, item{"status", "data"}:
let parsed = parseLegacyTweet(tweet)
if parsed.retweet.isSome:
parsed.retweet = some parseLegacyTweet(tweet{"retweeted_status"})
result.content.add @[parsed]
if result.content.len > 0:
result.bottom = $(result.content[^1][0].id - 1)
proc parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet: JsonNode; users: TableRef[string, User]): Tweet =
result = parseTweet(tweet, tweet{"card"})
if result.isNil or not result.available:
with user, tweet{"user"}:
let userId = user{"id_str"}.getStr
if user{"ext_is_blue_verified"}.getBool(false):
users[userId].verified = users[userId].verified or true
result.user = users[userId]
proc parseUserTimeline*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Profile =
result = Profile(tweets: Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0))
if js.kind == JNull or "response" notin js or "twitter_objects" notin js:
var users = newTable[string, User]()
for userId, user in js{"twitter_objects", "users"}:
users[userId] = parseUser(user)
for entity in js{"response", "timeline"}:
tweetId = entity{"tweet", "id"}.getId
isPinned = entity{"tweet", "is_pinned"}.getBool(false)
with tweet, js{"twitter_objects", "tweets", $tweetId}:
var parsed = parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet, users)
if not parsed.isNil and parsed.available:
if parsed.quote.isSome:
parsed.quote = some parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet{"quoted_status"}, users)
if parsed.retweet.isSome:
let retweet = parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet{"retweeted_status"}, users)
if retweet.quote.isSome:
retweet.quote = some parseUserTimelineTweet(tweet{"retweeted_status", "quoted_status"}, users)
parsed.retweet = some retweet
if isPinned:
parsed.pinned = true
result.pinned = some parsed
result.tweets.content.add parsed
result.tweets.bottom = js{"response", "cursor", "bottom"}.getStr
# proc finalizeTweet(global: GlobalObjects; id: string): Tweet =
# let intId = if id.len > 0: parseBiggestInt(id) else: 0
# result = global.tweets.getOrDefault(id, Tweet(id: intId))
# if result.quote.isSome:
# let quote = get(result.quote).id
# if $quote in global.tweets:
# result.quote = some global.tweets[$quote]
# else:
# result.quote = some Tweet()
# if result.retweet.isSome:
# let rt = get(result.retweet).id
# if $rt in global.tweets:
# result.retweet = some finalizeTweet(global, $rt)
# else:
# result.retweet = some Tweet()
# proc parsePin(js: JsonNode; global: GlobalObjects): Tweet =
# let pin = js{"pinEntry", "entry", "entryId"}.getStr
# if pin.len == 0: return
# let id = pin.getId
# if id notin global.tweets: return
# global.tweets[id].pinned = true
# return finalizeTweet(global, id)
# proc parseGlobalObjects(js: JsonNode): GlobalObjects =
# result = GlobalObjects()
# let
# tweets = ? js{"globalObjects", "tweets"}
# users = ? js{"globalObjects", "users"}
# for k, v in users:
# result.users[k] = parseUser(v, k)
# for k, v in tweets:
# var tweet = parseTweet(v, v{"card"})
# if tweet.user.id in result.users:
# tweet.user = result.users[tweet.user.id]
# result.tweets[k] = tweet
# proc parseInstructions(res: var Profile; global: GlobalObjects; js: JsonNode) =
# if js.kind != JArray or js.len == 0:
# return
# for i in js:
# if res.tweets.beginning and i{"pinEntry"}.notNull:
# with pin, parsePin(i, global):
# res.pinned = some pin
# with r, i{"replaceEntry", "entry"}:
# if "top" in r{"entryId"}.getStr:
# res.tweets.top = r.getCursor
# elif "bottom" in r{"entryId"}.getStr:
# res.tweets.bottom = r.getCursor
# proc parseTimeline*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Profile =
# result = Profile(tweets: Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0))
# let global = parseGlobalObjects(? js)
# let instructions = ? js{"timeline", "instructions"}
# if instructions.len == 0: return
# result.parseInstructions(global, instructions)
# var entries: JsonNode
# for i in instructions:
# if "addEntries" in i:
# entries = i{"addEntries", "entries"}
# for e in ? entries:
# let entry = e{"entryId"}.getStr
# if "tweet" in entry or entry.startsWith("sq-I-t") or "tombstone" in entry:
# let tweet = finalizeTweet(global, e.getEntryId)
# if not tweet.available: continue
# result.tweets.content.add tweet
# elif "cursor-top" in entry:
# result.tweets.top = e.getCursor
# elif "cursor-bottom" in entry:
# result.tweets.bottom = e.getCursor
# elif entry.startsWith("sq-cursor"):
# with cursor, e{"content", "operation", "cursor"}:
# if cursor{"cursorType"}.getStr == "Bottom":
# result.tweets.bottom = cursor{"value"}.getStr
# else:
# result.tweets.top = cursor{"value"}.getStr
proc parsePhotoRail*(js: JsonNode): PhotoRail =
with error, js{"error"}:
if error.getStr == "Not authorized.":
@ -597,8 +436,8 @@ proc parseGraphTimeline*(js: JsonNode; root: string; after=""): Profile =
tweet.id = parseBiggestInt(entryId)
result.pinned = some tweet
proc parseGraphSearch*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Timeline =
result = Timeline(beginning: after.len == 0)
proc parseGraphSearch*[T: User | Tweets](js: JsonNode; after=""): Result[T] =
result = Result[T](beginning: after.len == 0)
let instructions = js{"data", "search_by_raw_query", "search_timeline", "timeline", "instructions"}
if instructions.len == 0:
@ -607,15 +446,21 @@ proc parseGraphSearch*(js: JsonNode; after=""): Timeline =
for instruction in instructions:
let typ = instruction{"type"}.getStr
if typ == "TimelineAddEntries":
for e in instructions[0]{"entries"}:
for e in instruction{"entries"}:
let entryId = e{"entryId"}.getStr
if entryId.startsWith("tweet"):
with tweetResult, e{"content", "itemContent", "tweet_results", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetResult)
if not tweet.available:
tweet.id = parseBiggestInt(entryId.getId())
result.content.add tweet
elif entryId.startsWith("cursor-bottom"):
when T is Tweets:
if entryId.startsWith("tweet"):
with tweetRes, e{"content", "itemContent", "tweet_results", "result"}:
let tweet = parseGraphTweet(tweetRes)
if not tweet.available:
tweet.id = parseBiggestInt(entryId.getId())
result.content.add tweet
elif T is User:
if entryId.startsWith("user"):
with userRes, e{"content", "itemContent"}:
result.content.add parseGraphUser(userRes)
if entryId.startsWith("cursor-bottom"):
result.bottom = e{"content", "value"}.getStr
elif typ == "TimelineReplaceEntry":
if instruction{"entry_id_to_replace"}.getStr.startsWith("cursor-bottom"):
@ -147,15 +147,15 @@ proc getCachedUsername*(userId: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
if result.len > 0 and user.id.len > 0:
await all(cacheUserId(result, user.id), cache(user))
proc getCachedTweet*(id: int64): Future[Tweet] {.async.} =
if id == 0: return
let tweet = await get(id.tweetKey)
if tweet != redisNil:
result = await getGraphTweetResult($id)
if not result.isNil:
await cache(result)
# proc getCachedTweet*(id: int64): Future[Tweet] {.async.} =
# if id == 0: return
# let tweet = await get(id.tweetKey)
# if tweet != redisNil:
# tweet.deserialize(Tweet)
# else:
# result = await getGraphTweetResult($id)
# if not result.isNil:
# await cache(result)
proc getCachedPhotoRail*(name: string): Future[PhotoRail] {.async.} =
if name.len == 0: return
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ proc timelineRss*(req: Request; cfg: Config; query: Query): Future[Rss] {.async.
var q = query
q.fromUser = names
profile.tweets = await getTweetSearch(q, after)
profile.tweets = await getGraphTweetSearch(q, after)
# this is kinda dumb
profile.user = User(
username: name,
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ proc createRssRouter*(cfg: Config) =
if rss.cursor.len > 0:
respRss(rss, "Search")
let tweets = await getTweetSearch(query, cursor)
let tweets = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, cursor)
rss.cursor = tweets.bottom
rss.feed = renderSearchRss(tweets.content, query.text, genQueryUrl(query), cfg)
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ proc createSearchRouter*(cfg: Config) =
redirect("/" & q)
var users: Result[User]
users = await getUserSearch(query, getCursor())
users = await getGraphUserSearch(query, getCursor())
except InternalError:
users = Result[User](beginning: true, query: query)
resp renderMain(renderUserSearch(users, prefs), request, cfg, prefs, title)
of tweets:
tweets = await getTweetSearch(query, getCursor())
tweets = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, getCursor())
rss = "/search/rss?" & genQueryUrl(query)
resp renderMain(renderTweetSearch(tweets, prefs, getPath()),
request, cfg, prefs, title, rss=rss)
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ proc fetchProfile*(after: string; query: Query; skipRail=false;
result =
case query.kind
of posts: await getUserTimeline(userId, after)
of posts: await getGraphUserTweets(userId, TimelineKind.tweets, after)
of replies: await getGraphUserTweets(userId, TimelineKind.replies, after)
of media: await getGraphUserTweets(userId, TimelineKind.media, after)
else: Profile(tweets: await getTweetSearch(query, after))
else: Profile(tweets: await getGraphTweetSearch(query, after))
result.user = await user
result.photoRail = await rail
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ proc showTimeline*(request: Request; query: Query; cfg: Config; prefs: Prefs;
rss, after: string): Future[string] {.async.} =
if query.fromUser.len != 1:
timeline = await getTweetSearch(query, after)
timeline = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, after)
html = renderTweetSearch(timeline, prefs, getPath())
return renderMain(html, request, cfg, prefs, "Multi", rss=rss)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ proc createTimelineRouter*(cfg: Config) =
# used for the infinite scroll feature
if @"scroll".len > 0:
if query.fromUser.len != 1:
var timeline = await getTweetSearch(query, after)
var timeline = await getGraphTweetSearch(query, after)
if timeline.content.len == 0: resp Http404
timeline.beginning = true
resp $renderTweetSearch(timeline, prefs, getPath())
@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import asyncdispatch, httpclient, times, sequtils, json, random
import strutils, tables
import types, consts
import asyncdispatch, times, json, random, strutils, tables
import types
maxConcurrentReqs = 5 # max requests at a time per token, to avoid race conditions
maxLastUse = 1.hours # if a token is unused for 60 minutes, it expires
maxAge = 2.hours + 55.minutes # tokens expire after 3 hours
failDelay = initDuration(minutes=30)
# max requests at a time per account to avoid race conditions
const maxConcurrentReqs = 5
tokenPool: seq[Token]
lastFailed: Time
accountPool: seq[GuestAccount]
enableLogging = false
let headers = newHttpHeaders({"authorization": auth})
template log(str) =
if enableLogging: echo "[tokens] ", str
if enableLogging: echo "[accounts] ", str
proc getPoolJson*(): JsonNode =
@ -26,141 +19,94 @@ proc getPoolJson*(): JsonNode =
totalPending = 0
reqsPerApi: Table[string, int]
for token in tokenPool:
list[token.tok] = %*{
for account in accountPool:
list[account.id] = %*{
"apis": newJObject(),
"pending": token.pending,
"init": $token.init,
"lastUse": $token.lastUse
"pending": account.pending,
for api in token.apis.keys:
list[token.tok]["apis"][$api] = %token.apis[api]
for api in account.apis.keys:
list[account.id]["apis"][$api] = %account.apis[api].remaining
maxReqs =
case api
of Api.search: 100000
of Api.search: 50
of Api.photoRail: 180
of Api.timeline: 187
of Api.userTweets, Api.userTimeline: 300
of Api.userTweetsAndReplies, Api.userRestId,
Api.userScreenName, Api.tweetDetail, Api.tweetResult,
Api.list, Api.listTweets, Api.listMembers, Api.listBySlug, Api.userMedia: 500
of Api.userSearch: 900
reqs = maxReqs - token.apis[api].remaining
of Api.userTweets, Api.userTweetsAndReplies, Api.userMedia,
Api.userRestId, Api.userScreenName,
Api.tweetDetail, Api.tweetResult,
Api.list, Api.listTweets, Api.listMembers, Api.listBySlug: 500
reqs = maxReqs - account.apis[api].remaining
reqsPerApi[$api] = reqsPerApi.getOrDefault($api, 0) + reqs
return %*{
"amount": tokenPool.len,
"amount": accountPool.len,
"requests": totalReqs,
"pending": totalPending,
"apis": reqsPerApi,
"tokens": list
"accounts": list
proc rateLimitError*(): ref RateLimitError =
newException(RateLimitError, "rate limited")
proc fetchToken(): Future[Token] {.async.} =
if getTime() - lastFailed < failDelay:
raise rateLimitError()
let client = newAsyncHttpClient(headers=headers)
resp = await client.postContent(activate)
tokNode = parseJson(resp)["guest_token"]
tok = tokNode.getStr($(tokNode.getInt))
time = getTime()
return Token(tok: tok, init: time, lastUse: time)
except Exception as e:
echo "[tokens] fetching token failed: ", e.msg
if "Try again" notin e.msg:
echo "[tokens] fetching tokens paused, resuming in 30 minutes"
lastFailed = getTime()
proc expired(token: Token): bool =
let time = getTime()
token.init < time - maxAge or token.lastUse < time - maxLastUse
proc isLimited(token: Token; api: Api): bool =
if token.isNil or token.expired:
proc isLimited(account: GuestAccount; api: Api): bool =
if account.isNil:
return true
if api in token.apis:
let limit = token.apis[api]
if api in account.apis:
let limit = account.apis[api]
return (limit.remaining <= 10 and limit.reset > epochTime().int)
return false
proc isReady(token: Token; api: Api): bool =
not (token.isNil or token.pending > maxConcurrentReqs or token.isLimited(api))
proc isReady(account: GuestAccount; api: Api): bool =
not (account.isNil or account.pending > maxConcurrentReqs or account.isLimited(api))
proc release*(token: Token; used=false; invalid=false) =
if token.isNil: return
if invalid or token.expired:
if invalid: log "discarding invalid token"
elif token.expired: log "discarding expired token"
proc release*(account: GuestAccount; used=false; invalid=false) =
if account.isNil: return
if invalid:
log "discarding invalid account: " & account.id
let idx = tokenPool.find(token)
if idx > -1: tokenPool.delete(idx)
let idx = accountPool.find(account)
if idx > -1: accountPool.delete(idx)
elif used:
dec token.pending
token.lastUse = getTime()
dec account.pending
proc getToken*(api: Api): Future[Token] {.async.} =
for i in 0 ..< tokenPool.len:
proc getGuestAccount*(api: Api): Future[GuestAccount] {.async.} =
for i in 0 ..< accountPool.len:
if result.isReady(api): break
result = tokenPool.sample()
result = accountPool.sample()
if not result.isReady(api):
result = await fetchToken()
log "added new token to pool"
tokenPool.add result
if not result.isNil:
if not result.isNil and result.isReady(api):
inc result.pending
log "no accounts available for API: " & $api
raise rateLimitError()
proc setRateLimit*(token: Token; api: Api; remaining, reset: int) =
proc setRateLimit*(account: GuestAccount; api: Api; remaining, reset: int) =
# avoid undefined behavior in race conditions
if api in token.apis:
let limit = token.apis[api]
if api in account.apis:
let limit = account.apis[api]
if limit.reset >= reset and limit.remaining < remaining:
if limit.reset == reset and limit.remaining >= remaining:
account.apis[api].remaining = remaining
token.apis[api] = RateLimit(remaining: remaining, reset: reset)
account.apis[api] = RateLimit(remaining: remaining, reset: reset)
proc poolTokens*(amount: int) {.async.} =
var futs: seq[Future[Token]]
for i in 0 ..< amount:
futs.add fetchToken()
for token in futs:
var newToken: Token
try: newToken = await token
except: discard
if not newToken.isNil:
log "added new token to pool"
tokenPool.add newToken
proc initTokenPool*(cfg: Config) {.async.} =
proc initAccountPool*(cfg: Config; accounts: JsonNode) =
enableLogging = cfg.enableDebug
while true:
if tokenPool.countIt(not it.isLimited(Api.userTimeline)) < cfg.minTokens:
await poolTokens(min(4, cfg.minTokens - tokenPool.len))
await sleepAsync(2000)
for account in accounts:
accountPool.add GuestAccount(
id: account{"user", "id_str"}.getStr,
oauthToken: account{"oauth_token"}.getStr,
oauthSecret: account{"oauth_token_secret"}.getStr,
@ -17,11 +17,8 @@ type
Api* {.pure.} = enum
@ -36,9 +33,11 @@ type
remaining*: int
reset*: int
Token* = ref object
tok*: string
init*: Time
GuestAccount* = ref object
id*: string
oauthToken*: string
oauthSecret*: string
# init*: Time
lastUse*: Time
pending*: int
apis*: Table[Api, RateLimit]
Reference in a new issue