mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 12:29:53 +00:00
Remove nim-regex dependency, improve performance
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ requires "nim >= 1.4.8"
requires "jester >= 0.5.0"
requires "karax#c71bc92"
requires "sass#e683aa1"
requires "regex#eeefb4f"
requires "nimcrypto#a5742a9"
requires "markdown#abdbe5e"
requires "packedjson#d11d167"
@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import strutils, strformat, times, uri, tables, xmltree, htmlparser, htmlgen
import std/enumerate
import regex
import std/[enumerate, re]
import types, utils, query
cards = "cards.twitter.com/cards"
tco = "https://t.co"
twitter = parseUri("https://twitter.com")
twRegex = re"(?<=(?<!\S)https:\/\/|(?<=\s))(www\.|mobile\.)?twitter\.com"
twLinkRegex = re"""<a href="https:\/\/twitter.com([^"]+)">twitter\.com(\S+)</a>"""
ytRegex = re"([A-z.]+\.)?youtu(be\.com|\.be)"
igRegex = re"(www\.)?instagram\.com"
@ -15,20 +22,11 @@ const
# Images aren't supported due to errors from Teddit when the image
# wasn't first displayed via a post on the Teddit instance.
twRegex = re"(?<=(?<!\S)https:\/\/|(?<=\s))(www\.|mobile\.)?twitter\.com"
twLinkRegex = re"""<a href="https:\/\/twitter.com([^"]+)">twitter\.com(\S+)</a>"""
cards = "cards.twitter.com/cards"
tco = "https://t.co"
wwwRegex = re"https?://(www[0-9]?\.)?"
m3u8Regex = re"""url="(.+.m3u8)""""
manifestRegex = re"\/(.+(.ts|.m4s|.m3u8|.vmap|.mp4))"
userPicRegex = re"_(normal|bigger|mini|200x200|400x400)(\.[A-z]+)$"
extRegex = re"(\.[A-z]+)$"
illegalXmlRegex = re"[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF]"
twitter = parseUri("https://twitter.com")
illegalXmlRegex = re"(*UTF8)[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]"
proc getUrlPrefix*(cfg: Config): string =
if cfg.useHttps: https & cfg.hostname
@ -54,45 +52,48 @@ proc shortLink*(text: string; length=28): string =
proc replaceUrls*(body: string; prefs: Prefs; absolute=""): string =
result = body
if prefs.replaceYouTube.len > 0 and ytRegex in result:
if prefs.replaceYouTube.len > 0 and "youtu" in result:
result = result.replace(ytRegex, prefs.replaceYouTube)
if prefs.replaceYouTube in result:
result = result.replace("/c/", "/")
if prefs.replaceTwitter.len > 0 and
(twRegex in result or twLinkRegex in result or tco in result):
if prefs.replaceTwitter.len > 0 and ("twitter.com" in body or tco in body):
result = result.replace(tco, https & prefs.replaceTwitter & "/t.co")
result = result.replace(cards, prefs.replaceTwitter & "/cards")
result = result.replace(twRegex, prefs.replaceTwitter)
result = result.replace(twLinkRegex, a(
prefs.replaceTwitter & "$2", href = https & prefs.replaceTwitter & "$1"))
if prefs.replaceReddit.len > 0 and (rdRegex in result or "redd.it" in result):
if prefs.replaceReddit.len > 0 and ("reddit.com" in result or "redd.it" in result):
result = result.replace(rdShortRegex, prefs.replaceReddit & "/comments/")
result = result.replace(rdRegex, prefs.replaceReddit)
if prefs.replaceReddit in result and "/gallery/" in result:
result = result.replace("/gallery/", "/comments/")
if prefs.replaceInstagram.len > 0 and igRegex in result:
if prefs.replaceInstagram.len > 0 and "instagram.com" in result:
result = result.replace(igRegex, prefs.replaceInstagram)
if absolute.len > 0 and "href" in result:
result = result.replace("href=\"/", "href=\"" & absolute & "/")
proc getM3u8Url*(content: string): string =
var m: RegexMatch
if content.find(m3u8Regex, m):
result = content[m.group(0)[0]]
var matches: array[1, string]
if re.find(content, m3u8Regex, matches) != -1:
result = matches[0]
proc proxifyVideo*(manifest: string; proxy: bool): string =
proc cb(m: RegexMatch; s: string): string =
result = "https://video.twimg.com/" & s[m.group(0)[0]]
if proxy: result = getVidUrl(result)
result = manifest.replace(manifestRegex, cb)
var replacements: seq[(string, string)]
for line in manifest.splitLines:
let url =
if line.startsWith("#EXT-X-MAP:URI"): line[16 .. ^2]
else: line
if url[0] == '/':
let path = "https://video.twimg.com" & url
replacements.add (url, if proxy: path.getVidUrl else: path)
return manifest.multiReplace(replacements)
proc getUserPic*(userPic: string; style=""): string =
let pic = userPic.replace(userPicRegex, "$2")
pic.replace(extRegex, style & "$1")
userPic.replacef(userPicRegex, "$2").replacef(extRegex, style & "$1")
proc getUserPic*(profile: Profile; style=""): string =
getUserPic(profile.userPic, style)
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import strutils, times, macros, htmlgen, unicode, options, algorithm
import regex, packedjson
import std/re
import packedjson
import types, utils, formatters
unRegex = re"(^|[^A-z0-9-_./?])@([A-z0-9_]{1,15})"
unReplace = "$1<a href=\"/$2\">@$2</a>"
@ -213,8 +214,8 @@ proc expandProfileEntities*(profile: var Profile; js: JsonNode) =
profile.bio = orig.replacedWith(replacements, 0 .. orig.len)
profile.bio = profile.bio.replace(unRegex, unReplace)
.replace(htRegex, htReplace)
profile.bio = profile.bio.replacef(unRegex, unReplace)
.replacef(htRegex, htReplace)
proc expandTweetEntities*(tweet: Tweet; js: JsonNode) =
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import strutils, strformat, uri, tables, base64
import nimcrypto, regex
import nimcrypto
hmacKey: string
Reference in a new issue