<MemberSignatureLanguage="C#"Value="public const int IgnorePipe = 2147483647;"/>
<summary>IgnorePipe field.</summary>
<remarks>Pass this value to <seecref="M:GLib.Process.SpawnAsyncWithPipes"/> to ignore a pipe parameter.</remarks>
<MemberSignatureLanguage="C#"Value="public const int RequestPipe = 0;"/>
<summary>RequestPipe field.</summary>
<remarks>Pass this value to <seecref="M:GLib.Process.SpawnAsyncWithPipes"/> to request a request a pipe descriptor be returned in the parameter.</remarks>
<paramname="command_line">The command line with arguments.</param>
<summary>Spawns a child process asynchronously.</summary>
<returns>A boolean value indicating spawning success.</returns>
<para>This method does not wait for the child process to complete before returning. It is a convenience method for the more detailed <seecref="M:GLib.Process.SpawnAsync"/> method.</para>
try {
GLib.Process.SpawnCommandLineAsync ("echo \"[Async echo process running]\"");
} catch (GException e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Exception in Spawn operation: " + e);
<MemberSignatureLanguage="C#"Value="public static bool SpawnCommandLineSync (string command_line, out string stdout, out string stderr, out int exit_status);"/>
<paramname="command_line">The command line with arguments.</param>
<paramname="stdout">Returns the stdout output of the child process as a string.</param>
<paramname="stderr">Returns the stderr output of the child process as a string.</param>
<paramname="exit_status">Returns the exit code returned by the process.</param>
<summary>Spawns a child process synchronously.</summary>
<returns>A boolean value indicating spawning success.</returns>
<para>The method waits for the child process to complete prior to returning. This is a convenience method for the more detailed <seecref="M:GLib.Process.SpawnSync"/> method.</para>
try {
string stdout, stderr;
int exit_status;
GLib.Process.SpawnCommandLineSync ("pwd", out stdout, out stderr, out exit_status);
<paramname="working_directory">The directory in which to execute the process, or <seelangword="null"/> to use the current directory of the parent process.</param>
<paramname="argv">A string array containing the program name in the first element.</param>
<paramname="envp">An array of environment values in the form 'var=value', or <seelangword="null"/>.</param>
Console.WriteLine ("Exception in Spawn operation: " + e);
<MemberSignatureLanguage="C#"Value="public void Close ();"/>
<summary>Closes a process.</summary>
<remarks>Processes spawned with <seecref="M:GLib.SpawnFlags.DoNotReapChild"/> must use this method to ensure zombie processes are not stranded.</remarks>
<paramname="working_directory">The directory in which to execute the process, or <seelangword="null"/> to use the current directory of the parent process.</param>
<paramname="argv">A string array containing the program name in the first element.</param>
<paramname="envp">An array of environment values in the form 'var=value', or <seelangword="null"/>.</param>
<paramname="child_setup">A child process setup callback, or <seelangword="null"/>.</param>
<paramname="child_process">Returns the child process.</param>
<summary>Spawns a child process asynchronously.</summary>
<returns>A boolean value indicating spawning success.</returns>
<para>The method does not wait for the child process to complete before returning. This is a convenience method for the more detailed <seecref="M:GLib.Process.SpawnAsyncWithPipes"/> method. This method throws <seecref="T:GLib.GException"/> if an error occurs creating the process.</para>
try {
GLib.Process proc;
GLib.Process.SpawnAsync (null, new string[] {"echo", "[Async echo is running]"}, null, GLib.SpawnFlags.SearchPath, null, out proc);
} catch (GException e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Exception in Spawn operation: " + e);
<MemberSignatureLanguage="C#"Value="public static bool SpawnAsyncWithPipes (string working_directory, string[] argv, string[] envp, GLib.SpawnFlags flags, GLib.SpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup, out GLib.Process child_process, ref int stdin, ref int stdout, ref int stderr);"/>
<paramname="working_directory">The directory in which to execute the process, or <seelangword="null"/> to use the current directory of the parent process.</param>
<paramname="argv">A string array containing the program name in the first element.</param>
<paramname="envp">An array of environment values in the form 'var=value', or <seelangword="null"/>.</param>