<ThreadSafetyStatement>Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <linklocation="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.</ThreadSafetyStatement>
<para>When clicked, a <seecref="T:Gtk.FontButton"/> shows a <seecref="T:Gtk.FontSelectionDialog"/> and when the dialog closes with a change, <seecref="E:Gtk.FontButton.FontSet"/> is evoked.</para>
<para>In the following example, a <seecref="T:Gtk.FontButton"/> is used to modify the font of a <seecref="T:Gtk.Label"/>.</para>
<codelang="C#">using System;
using Gtk;
using Pango;
public class FontButtonExample
static Label label;
static FontButton button;
public static void Main ()
Application.Init ();
Window myWindow = new Window ("FontButton Example");
<summary>Constructs and initializes a new instance of <seecref="T:Gtk.FontButton"/> using an existing unmanaged object as its base.</summary>
<paramname="raw">A <seecref="T:System.IntPtr"/> pointing to the raw object to be managed by the new instance.</param>
<remarks>This is not typically used by managed code. It is primarily used for enclosing an existing object, created by unmanaged code, in a managed wrapper.</remarks>
<summary>Constructs and initializes a new instance of <seecref="T:Gtk.FontButton"/> with a specified initial font.</summary>
<paramname="fontname">A <seecref="T:System.String"/> object containing the name of the initial font to use in the new instance.</param>
<remarks>The value of <paramrefname="fontname"/> is in the same format as described in the remarks on <seecref="P:Gtk.FontButton.FontName"/>.</remarks>
<summary>Gets and sets whether or not button label should be displayed using the selected font size.</summary>
<para>A <seecref="T:System.Boolean"/>. If <seelangword="true"/>, the button label will be displayed using the selected font size. Otherwise in the default system font size.</para>
<remarks>For a more WYSIWYG way to show the selected size, see the <seecref="P:Gtk.FontButton.UseFont"/> property.</remarks>
<para>The font name contains the name, style, and size. For example, <c>"Bistream Vera Serif Bold Italic 24"</c>. If the style is not specified, <c>"Regular"</c> is assumed, and if the size is not specified, <c>"0"</c> is assumed.</para>
<para>Default Value: <c>"Sans 12"</c>. This value is identical to the one that would be used by <seecref="M:Gdk.Font.Load(System.String)"/> and <seecref="M:Pango.FontDescription.FromString(System.String)"/>.</para>
<summary>Gets and sets whether or not button label should be displayed using the selected font.</summary>
<para>A <seecref="T:System.Boolean"/>. If <seelangword="true"/>, the button label will be displayed using the selected font. Otherwise in the default system font.</para>
<summary>Gets and sets the title used for the <seecref="T:Gtk.FontSelectionDialog"/> created by the currrent instance.</summary>
<value>A <seecref="T:System.String"/> object containing the title used for the <seecref="T:Gtk.FontSelectionDialog"/> created by the currrent instance.</value>
<remarks>Default Value: <c>"Pick a Font"</c> or a translated version.</remarks>
<summary>Gets and sets whether or not the font style will be shown with the font name in the button.</summary>
<para>A <seecref="T:System.Boolean"/>. If <seelangword="true"/>, the font style will be displayed along with the name of the selected font, unless the style is "Regular".</para>
<summary>Sets or updates the font displayed in the child <seecref="T:Gtk.FontSelectionDialog"/>.</summary>
<paramname="fontname">A <seecref="T:System.String"/> object containing the name of the font to display in the child <seecref="T:Gtk.FontSelectionDialog"/>.</param>
<returns>The result of <seecref="M:Gtk.FontSelectionDialog.SetFontName(System.String)"/> if the child dialog exists. Otherwise <seelangword="false"/>.</returns>