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synced 2025-03-31 04:27:02 +00:00
new partial HyperText demo
clean up DemoMain fix distcheck svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=32961
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@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
// Author: John Luke <john.luke@gmail.com>
// ported from gtk-demo in GTK+
// Demostrates HyperLinks in the TextView
using System;
using Gtk;
namespace GtkDemo
public class DemoHyperText : Gtk.Window
bool hoveringOverLink = false;
Gdk.Cursor handCursor, regularCursor;
TextIter lastIter;
public DemoHyperText () : base ("HyperText")
this.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (OnWindowDelete);
this.SetDefaultSize (450, 450);
CreateCursors ();
this.Add (CreateScrolledWindow ());
this.ShowAll ();
void CreateCursors ()
handCursor = new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.Hand2);
regularCursor = new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.Xterm);
ScrolledWindow CreateScrolledWindow ()
ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
sw.Add (CreateTextView ());
return sw;
TextView CreateTextView ()
TextTagTable ttt = new TextTagTable ();
TextBuffer buffer = new TextBuffer (ttt);
TextView view = new TextView ();
view.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word;
view.KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnKeyPress);
view.MotionNotifyEvent += new MotionNotifyEventHandler (OnMotionNotify);
view.VisibilityNotifyEvent += new VisibilityNotifyEventHandler (OnVisibilityNotify);
view.ButtonReleaseEvent += new ButtonReleaseEventHandler (OnButtonRelease);
view.Buffer.InsertText += new InsertTextHandler (OnTextInserted);
ShowPage (view.Buffer, 1);
return view;
// Inserts a piece of text into the buffer, giving it the usual
// appearance of a hyperlink in a web browser: blue and underlined.
// Additionally, attaches some data on the tag, to make it recognizable
// as a link.
void InsertLink (TextBuffer buffer, TextIter iter, string text, int page)
TextTag tag = new TextTag ("link");
tag.Foreground = "blue";
tag.Underline = Pango.Underline.Single;
tag.Data.Add ("page", page);
buffer.TagTable.Add (tag);
buffer.InsertWithTags (iter, text, tag);
// Fills the buffer with text and interspersed links. In any real
// hypertext app, this method would parse a file to identify the links.
void ShowPage (TextBuffer buffer, int page)
buffer.Text = "";
TextIter iter = buffer.GetIterAtOffset (0);
if (page == 1)
buffer.Insert (iter, "Some text to show that simple ");
InsertLink (buffer, lastIter, "hypertext", 3);
buffer.Insert (lastIter, " can easily be realized with ");
InsertLink (buffer, lastIter, "tags", 2);
buffer.Insert (lastIter, ".");
else if (page == 2)
buffer.Insert (iter,
"A tag is an attribute that can be applied to some range of text. " +
"For example, a tag might be called \"bold\" and make the text inside " +
"the tag bold. However, the tag concept is more general than that; " +
"tags don't have to affect appearance. They can instead affect the " +
"behavior of mouse and key presses, \"lock\" a range of text so the " +
"user can't edit it, or countless other things.\n");
InsertLink (buffer, lastIter, "Go back", 1);
else if (page == 3)
TextTag tag = new TextTag ("bold");
tag.Weight = Pango.Weight.Bold;
buffer.InsertWithTags (iter, "hypertext:\n", tag);
buffer.Insert (lastIter,
"machine-readable text that is not sequential but is organized" +
"so that related items of information are connected.\n");
InsertLink (buffer, lastIter, "Go back", 1);
// Looks at all tags covering the position of iter in the text view,
// and if one of them is a link, follow it by showing the page identified
// by the data attached to it.
void FollowIfLink (TextView view, TextIter iter)
foreach (TextTag tag in iter.Tags)
int page = (int) tag.Data ["page"];
if (page != 0)
ShowPage (view.Buffer, page);
// Looks at all tags covering the position (x, y) in the text view,
// and if one of them is a link, change the cursor to the "hands" cursor
// typically used by web browsers.
void SetCursorIfAppropriate (TextView view, int x, int y)
bool hovering = false;
TextIter iter = view.GetIterAtLocation (x, y);
foreach (TextTag tag in iter.Tags)
int page = (int) tag.Data ["page"];
if (page != 0) {
hovering = true;
if (hovering != hoveringOverLink)
hoveringOverLink = hovering;
if (hoveringOverLink)
view.GdkWindow.Cursor = handCursor;
view.GdkWindow.Cursor = regularCursor;
void OnButtonRelease (object sender, ButtonReleaseEventArgs a)
if (a.Event.Button != 1)
TextView view = sender as TextView;
TextIter start, end, iter;
int x, y;
view.Buffer.GetSelectionBounds (out start, out end);
if (start.Offset != end.Offset)
view.WindowToBufferCoords (TextWindowType.Widget, (int) a.Event.X, (int) a.Event.Y, out x, out y);
iter = view.GetIterAtLocation (x, y);
FollowIfLink (view, iter);
// Links can be activated by pressing Enter.
void OnKeyPress (object sender, KeyPressEventArgs a)
TextView view = sender as TextView;
switch ((Gdk.Key) a.Event.KeyValue) {
case Gdk.Key.Return:
case Gdk.Key.KP_Enter:
TextIter iter = view.Buffer.GetIterAtMark (view.Buffer.InsertMark);
FollowIfLink (view, iter);
//Update the cursor image if the pointer moved.
void OnMotionNotify (object sender, MotionNotifyEventArgs a)
TextView view = sender as TextView;
int x, y;
view.WindowToBufferCoords (TextWindowType.Widget, (int) a.Event.X, (int) a.Event.Y, out x, out y);
SetCursorIfAppropriate (view, x, y);
// When inserting text, iters are invalidated
// but the default handler provides us the iter
// at the end of inserted text
void OnTextInserted (object sender, InsertTextArgs a)
lastIter = a.Pos;
// Also update the cursor image if the window becomes visible
// (e.g. when a window covering it got iconified).
void OnVisibilityNotify (object sender, VisibilityNotifyEventArgs a)
TextView view = sender as TextView;
int wx, wy, bx, by;
view.GetPointer (out wx, out wy);
view.WindowToBufferCoords (TextWindowType.Widget, wx, wy, out bx, out by);
SetCursorIfAppropriate (view, bx, by);
void OnWindowDelete (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
this.Hide ();
this.Destroy ();
a.RetVal = true;
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using Gdk;
@ -23,6 +22,8 @@ namespace GtkDemo
private TextBuffer sourceBuffer = new TextBuffer (null);
private TreeView treeView;
private TreeStore store;
private TreeIter oldSelection;
public static void Main (string[] args)
Application.Init ();
@ -34,18 +35,14 @@ namespace GtkDemo
SetupDefaultIcon ();
window = new Gtk.Window ("Gtk# Code Demos");
window.SetDefaultSize (600,400);
window.SetDefaultSize (600, 400);
window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (WindowDelete);
HBox hbox = new HBox (false, 0);
window.Add (hbox);
TreeView tree = CreateTree ();
tree.AppendColumn ("Widget (double click for demo)", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0);
tree.Model = FillTree ();
tree.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (OnTreeChanged);
tree.RowActivated += new RowActivatedHandler (OnRowActivated);
hbox.PackStart (tree, false, false, 0);
treeView = CreateTree ();
hbox.PackStart (treeView, false, false, 0);
Notebook notebook = new Notebook ();
hbox.PackStart (notebook, true, true, 0);
@ -88,29 +85,41 @@ namespace GtkDemo
sourceBuffer.Text = s;
// this is to highlight the sourceBuffer
private void Fontify ()
// TODO: Display system error
private void SetupDefaultIcon ()
Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("gtk-logo-rgb.gif");
if (pixbuf != null)
// The gtk-logo-rgb icon has a white background, make it transparent
// The gtk-logo-rgb icon has a white background
// make it transparent instead
Pixbuf transparent = pixbuf.AddAlpha (true, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
Gtk.Window.DefaultIconList = new Gdk.Pixbuf [] {transparent};
// BUG: I have to click twice close in order for the dialog to disappear
private void ResponseCallback (object obj, ResponseArgs args)
private TreeView CreateTree ()
Dialog dialog = (Dialog) obj ;
dialog.Destroy ();
TreeView view = new TreeView ();
view.Model = FillTree ();
CellRendererText cr = new CellRendererText ();
TreeViewColumn column = new TreeViewColumn ("Widget (double click for demo)", cr, "text", 0);
column.AddAttribute (cr, "style" , 2);
view.AppendColumn (column);
view.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (OnTreeChanged);
view.RowActivated += new RowActivatedHandler (OnRowActivated);
view.ExpandAll ();
view.SetSizeRequest (200, -1);
view.Selection.Mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.Browse;
return view;
private ScrolledWindow CreateText (TextBuffer buffer, bool IsSource)
@ -119,11 +128,7 @@ namespace GtkDemo
scrolledWindow.SetPolicy (PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic);
scrolledWindow.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
TextView textView = new TextView ();
textView.Buffer = buffer;
TextView textView = new TextView (buffer);
textView.Editable = false;
textView.CursorVisible = false;
@ -144,40 +149,39 @@ namespace GtkDemo
return scrolledWindow;
private TreeView CreateTree ()
treeView = new TreeView ();
return treeView;
private TreeStore FillTree ()
store = new TreeStore (typeof (string));
store.AppendValues ("Application Window (75% complete)");
store.AppendValues ("Button Boxes");
store.AppendValues ("Change Display");
store.AppendValues ("Color Selector");
store.AppendValues ("Dialog and Message Boxes");
store.AppendValues ("Drawing Area");
store.AppendValues ("Images");
store.AppendValues ("Item Factory (5% complete)");
store.AppendValues ("Menus");
store.AppendValues ("Paned Widget");
store.AppendValues ("Pixbuf");
store.AppendValues ("Size Groups");
store.AppendValues ("Stock Item and Icon Browser (10% complete)");
store.AppendValues ("Text Widget (95% complete)");
TreeIter iter = store.AppendValues ("Tree View");
store.AppendValues (iter, "Editable Cells");
store.AppendValues (iter, "List Store");
store.AppendValues (iter, "Tree Store");
// title, filename, italic
store = new TreeStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (bool));
TreeIter parent;
store.AppendValues ("Application Window (75% complete)", "DemoApplicationWindow.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Button Boxes", "DemoButtonBox.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Change Display (0%)", "DemoChangeDisplay.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Color Selector", "DemoColorSelection.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Dialog and Message Boxes", "DemoDialog.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Drawing Area", "DemoDrawingArea.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Images", "DemoImages.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Item Factory (5% complete)", "DemoItemFactory.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Menus", "DemoMenus.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Paned Widget", "DemoPanes.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Pixbuf", "DemoPixbuf.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Size Groups", "DemoSizeGroup.cs", false);
store.AppendValues ("Stock Item and Icon Browser (10% complete)", "DemoStockBrowser.cs", false);
parent = store.AppendValues ("Text Widget");
store.AppendValues (parent, "HyperText (50%)", "DemoHyperText.cs", false);
store.AppendValues (parent, "Multiple Views (95%)", "DemoTextView.cs", false);
parent = store.AppendValues ("Tree View");
store.AppendValues (parent, "Editable Cells", "DemoEditableCells", false);
store.AppendValues (parent, "List Store", "DemoListStore.cs", false);
store.AppendValues (parent, "Tree Store", "DemoTreeStore.cs", false);
return store;
//FIXME: italicize selected row
private void OnTreeChanged (object o, EventArgs args)
TreeIter iter;
@ -185,68 +189,13 @@ namespace GtkDemo
if (treeView.Selection.GetSelected (out model, out iter))
TreePath path;
path = store.GetPath (iter);
string file = (string) model.GetValue (iter, 1);
if (file != null)
LoadFile (file);
switch (path.ToString()) {
case "0":
LoadFile ("DemoApplicationWindow.cs");
case "1":
LoadFile ("DemoButtonBox.cs");
case "2":
case "3":
LoadFile ("DemoColorSelection.cs");
case "4":
LoadFile ("DemoDialog.cs");
case "5":
LoadFile ("DemoDrawingArea.cs");
case "6":
LoadFile ("DemoImages.cs");
case "7":
LoadFile ("DemoItemFactory.cs");
case "8":
LoadFile ("DemoMenus.cs");
case "9":
LoadFile ("DemoPanes.cs");
case "10":
LoadFile ("DemoPixbuf.cs");
case "11":
LoadFile ("DemoSizeGroup.cs");
case "12":
LoadFile ("DemoStockBrowser.cs");
case "13":
LoadFile ("DemoTextView.cs");
case "14":
// do nothing
case "14:0":
LoadFile ("DemoEditableCells.cs");
case "14:1":
LoadFile ("DemoListStore.cs");
case "14:2":
LoadFile ("DemoTreeStore.cs");
model.SetValue (iter, 2, true);
model.SetValue (oldSelection, 2, false);
oldSelection = iter;
@ -293,10 +242,16 @@ namespace GtkDemo
new DemoStockBrowser ();
case "13":
ToggleRow (args.Path);
case "13:0":
new DemoHyperText ();
case "13:1":
new DemoTextView ();
case "14":
// do nothing
ToggleRow (args.Path);
case "14:0":
new DemoEditableCells ();
@ -312,6 +267,15 @@ namespace GtkDemo
void ToggleRow (TreePath path)
bool isExpanded = treeView.GetRowExpanded (path);
if (isExpanded)
treeView.CollapseRow (path);
treeView.ExpandRow (path, false);
private void WindowDelete (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
Application.Quit ();
@ -319,3 +283,4 @@ namespace GtkDemo
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ sources = \
DemoDialog.cs \
DemoDrawingArea.cs \
DemoEditableCells.cs \
DemoHyperText.cs \
DemoImages.cs \
DemoItemFactory.cs \
DemoListStore.cs \
@ -26,23 +27,24 @@ sources = \
images = \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gnome-foot.png,gnome-foot.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/MonoIcon.png,MonoIcon.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gnome-calendar.png,gnome-calendar.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gnome-gmush.png,gnome-gmush.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gnu-keys.png,gnu-keys.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gnome-applets.png,gnome-applets.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gnome-gsame.png,gnome-gsame.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/alphatest.png,alphatest.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gnome-gimp.png,gnome-gimp.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/apple-red.png,apple-red.png \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/background.jpg,background.jpg \
/resource:$(srcdir)/images/gtk-logo-rgb.gif,gtk-logo-rgb.gif \
images/gnome-foot.png,gnome-foot.png \
images/MonoIcon.png,MonoIcon.png \
images/gnome-calendar.png,gnome-calendar.png \
images/gnome-gmush.png,gnome-gmush.png \
images/gnu-keys.png,gnu-keys.png \
images/gnome-applets.png,gnome-applets.png \
images/gnome-gsame.png,gnome-gsame.png \
images/alphatest.png,alphatest.png \
images/gnome-gimp.png,gnome-gimp.png \
images/apple-red.png,apple-red.png \
images/background.jpg,background.jpg \
images/gtk-logo-rgb.gif,gtk-logo-rgb.gif \
build_sources = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(sources))
resources = $(addprefix /resource:, $(sources))
build_images = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/, $(images))
resources = $(addprefix /resource:, $(build_sources), $(build_images))
GtkDemo.exe: $(build_sources) $(assemblies)
$(CSC) /debug /out:GtkDemo.exe $(build_sources) $(references) $(images) $(resources)
$(CSC) /debug /out:GtkDemo.exe $(build_sources) $(references) $(resources)
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- general C#-ification
- embed PixBufs instead of loading from disk
- syntax highlighting
- ItemFactory stuff
@ -16,3 +18,6 @@ DemoStockBrowser
- small issue with international text
- finish
Reference in a new issue