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synced 2025-03-08 10:09:58 +00:00
* generator/*.cs: Add a LogWriter class which formats warnings consistently on the console. Supports the concept of non-fatal validation warnings, since it doesn't rely on the unrolling of the validation stack to associate a warning to a given type. Main purpose was to add a non-fatal warning for missing element_type attributes on list return values, though it results in cleaner log output, and also updates some warning messages to be more helpful in how to resolve them.
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359 lines
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// GtkSharp.Generation.InterfaceGen.cs - The Interface Generatable.
// Author: Mike Kestner <mkestner@speakeasy.net>
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Mike Kestner
// Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Novell, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
namespace GtkSharp.Generation {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
public class InterfaceGen : ObjectBase {
bool consume_only;
public InterfaceGen (XmlElement ns, XmlElement elem) : base (ns, elem, true)
consume_only = elem.HasAttribute ("consume_only");
foreach (XmlNode node in elem.ChildNodes) {
if (!(node is XmlElement)) continue;
XmlElement member = (XmlElement) node;
switch (member.Name) {
case "signal":
object sig = sigs [member.GetAttribute ("name")];
if (sig == null)
sig = new Signal (node as XmlElement, this);
if (!base.IsNodeNameHandled (node.Name))
new LogWriter (QualifiedName).Warn ("Unexpected node " + node.Name);
public bool IsConsumeOnly {
get {
return consume_only;
public override string CallByName (string var, bool owned)
return String.Format ("{0} == null ? IntPtr.Zero : (({0} is GLib.Object) ? ({0} as GLib.Object).{1} : ({0} as {2}Adapter).{1})", var, owned ? "OwnedHandle" : "Handle", QualifiedName);
public override string FromNative (string var, bool owned)
return QualifiedName + "Adapter.GetObject (" + var + ", " + (owned ? "true" : "false") + ")";
public override bool ValidateForSubclass ()
if (!base.ValidateForSubclass ())
return false;
LogWriter log = new LogWriter (QualifiedName);
ArrayList invalids = new ArrayList ();
foreach (Method method in methods.Values) {
if (!method.Validate (log))
invalids.Add (method);
foreach (Method method in invalids)
methods.Remove (method.Name);
invalids.Clear ();
return true;
void GenerateStaticCtor (StreamWriter sw)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic {0} iface;", class_struct_name);
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic " + Name + "Adapter ()");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tGLib.GType.Register (_gtype, typeof({0}Adapter));", Name);
foreach (InterfaceVM vm in interface_vms) {
if (vm.Validate (new LogWriter (QualifiedName)))
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tiface.{0} = new {0}NativeDelegate ({0}_cb);", vm.Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateInitialize (StreamWriter sw)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic int class_offset = 2 * IntPtr.Size;"); // Class size of GTypeInterface struct
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic void Initialize (IntPtr ptr, IntPtr data)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tIntPtr ifaceptr = new IntPtr (ptr.ToInt64 () + class_offset);");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0} native_iface = ({0}) Marshal.PtrToStructure (ifaceptr, typeof ({0}));", class_struct_name);
foreach (InterfaceVM vm in interface_vms)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tnative_iface." + vm.Name + " = iface." + vm.Name + ";");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tMarshal.StructureToPtr (native_iface, ifaceptr, false);");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tGCHandle gch = (GCHandle) data;");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tgch.Free ();");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateCallbacks (StreamWriter sw)
foreach (InterfaceVM vm in interface_vms) {
vm.GenerateCallback (sw, null);
void GenerateCtors (StreamWriter sw)
// Native GObjects do not implement the *Implementor interfaces
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tGLib.Object implementor;", Name);
sw.WriteLine ();
if (!IsConsumeOnly) {
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic " + Name + "Adapter ()");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tInitHandler = new GLib.GInterfaceInitHandler (Initialize);");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic {0}Adapter ({0}Implementor implementor)", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tif (implementor == null)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tthrow new ArgumentNullException (\"implementor\");");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\telse if (!(implementor is GLib.Object))");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tthrow new ArgumentException (\"implementor must be a subclass of GLib.Object\");");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tthis.implementor = implementor as GLib.Object;");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic " + Name + "Adapter (IntPtr handle)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tif (!_gtype.IsInstance (handle))");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tthrow new ArgumentException (\"The gobject doesn't implement the GInterface of this adapter\", \"handle\");");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\timplementor = GLib.Object.GetObject (handle);");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateGType (StreamWriter sw)
Method m = GetMethod ("GetType");
if (m == null)
throw new Exception ("Interface " + QualifiedName + " missing GetType method.");
m.GenerateImport (sw);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tprivate static GLib.GType _gtype = new GLib.GType ({0} ());", m.CName);
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic override GLib.GType GType {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tget {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn _gtype;");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateHandleProp (StreamWriter sw)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic override IntPtr Handle {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tget {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn implementor.Handle;");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic IntPtr OwnedHandle {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tget {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn implementor.OwnedHandle;");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateGetObject (StreamWriter sw)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic static " + Name + " GetObject (IntPtr handle, bool owned)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tGLib.Object obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (handle, owned);");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\treturn GetObject (obj);");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic static " + Name + " GetObject (GLib.Object obj)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tif (obj == null)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn null;");
if (!IsConsumeOnly) {
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\telse if (obj is " + Name + "Implementor)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn new {0}Adapter (obj as {0}Implementor);", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\telse if (obj as " + Name + " == null)");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn new {0}Adapter (obj.Handle);", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\telse");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn obj as {0};", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateImplementorProp (StreamWriter sw)
sw.WriteLine ("\t\tpublic " + Name + "Implementor Implementor {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tget {");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn implementor as {0}Implementor;", Name);
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}");
sw.WriteLine ();
void GenerateAdapter (GenerationInfo gen_info)
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer = gen_info.OpenStream (Name + "Adapter");
sw.WriteLine ("namespace " + NS + " {");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\tusing System;");
sw.WriteLine ("\tusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("#region Autogenerated code");
sw.WriteLine ("\tpublic partial class " + Name + "Adapter : GLib.GInterfaceAdapter, " + QualifiedName + " {");
sw.WriteLine ();
if (!IsConsumeOnly) {
GenerateClassStruct (gen_info);
GenerateStaticCtor (sw);
GenerateCallbacks (sw);
GenerateInitialize (sw);
GenerateCtors (sw);
GenerateGType (sw);
GenerateHandleProp (sw);
GenerateGetObject (sw);
if (!IsConsumeOnly)
GenerateImplementorProp (sw);
GenProperties (gen_info, null);
foreach (Signal sig in sigs.Values)
sig.GenEvent (sw, null, "GLib.Object.GetObject (Handle)");
Method temp = methods ["GetType"] as Method;
if (temp != null)
methods.Remove ("GetType");
GenMethods (gen_info, new Hashtable (), this);
if (temp != null)
methods ["GetType"] = temp;
sw.WriteLine ("#endregion");
AppendCustom (sw, gen_info.CustomDir, Name + "Adapter");
sw.WriteLine ("\t}");
sw.WriteLine ("}");
sw.Close ();
gen_info.Writer = null;
void GenerateImplementorIface (GenerationInfo gen_info)
if (IsConsumeOnly)
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer;
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\t[GLib.GInterface (typeof (" + Name + "Adapter))]");
string access = IsInternal ? "internal" : "public";
sw.WriteLine ("\t" + access + " partial interface " + Name + "Implementor : GLib.IWrapper {");
sw.WriteLine ();
Hashtable vm_table = new Hashtable ();
foreach (InterfaceVM vm in interface_vms) {
vm_table [vm.Name] = vm;
foreach (InterfaceVM vm in interface_vms) {
if (vm_table [vm.Name] == null)
else if (!vm.Validate (new LogWriter (QualifiedName))) {
vm_table.Remove (vm.Name);
} else if (vm.IsGetter || vm.IsSetter) {
string cmp_name = (vm.IsGetter ? "Set" : "Get") + vm.Name.Substring (3);
InterfaceVM cmp = vm_table [cmp_name] as InterfaceVM;
if (cmp != null && (cmp.IsGetter || cmp.IsSetter)) {
if (vm.IsSetter)
cmp.GenerateDeclaration (sw, vm);
vm.GenerateDeclaration (sw, cmp);
vm_table.Remove (cmp.Name);
} else
vm.GenerateDeclaration (sw, null);
vm_table.Remove (vm.Name);
} else {
vm.GenerateDeclaration (sw, null);
vm_table.Remove (vm.Name);
AppendCustom (sw, gen_info.CustomDir, Name + "Implementor");
sw.WriteLine ("\t}");
public override void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info)
GenerateAdapter (gen_info);
StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer = gen_info.OpenStream (Name);
sw.WriteLine ("namespace " + NS + " {");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("\tusing System;");
sw.WriteLine ();
sw.WriteLine ("#region Autogenerated code");
string access = IsInternal ? "internal" : "public";
sw.WriteLine ("\t" + access + " partial interface " + Name + " : GLib.IWrapper {");
sw.WriteLine ();
foreach (Signal sig in sigs.Values) {
sig.GenerateDecl (sw);
sig.GenEventHandler (gen_info);
foreach (Method method in methods.Values) {
if (IgnoreMethod (method, this))
method.GenerateDecl (sw);
foreach (Property prop in props.Values)
prop.GenerateDecl (sw, "\t\t");
AppendCustom (sw, gen_info.CustomDir);
sw.WriteLine ("\t}");
GenerateImplementorIface (gen_info);
sw.WriteLine ("#endregion");
sw.WriteLine ("}");
sw.Close ();
gen_info.Writer = null;