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synced 2025-03-27 16:15:09 +00:00
* Fix minor bugs and improve code formatting of Python build tool * Prepend $PATH to give it higher priority * Invoke WiX tools through variable to ensure correct path * Make build script ensure pacman dependencies are installed * pacman -Sy causes dependency break on AppVeyor * Skip deps version check and don't show progress bar
147 lines
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147 lines
5.6 KiB
import json
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import join
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
from vsgen.project import VSGProject
from yattag import indent
class CoreVSProject(VSGProject):
CoreVSProject extends :class:`~vsgen.project.VSGProject` with data and logic needed to create a `.xproj` file.
:ivar str TargetFrameworkVersion: The target framework version.
:ivar str BaseIntermediateOutputPath: Intermediate path for building the output.
:ivar str ProjectXml: Override the xml within the .xproj file.
:ivar str ProjectJson: Override the json within the project.lock file.
__project_type__ = 'netcore'
__writable_name__ = "Visual Studio .Net Core Project"
__registerable_name__ = "Visual Studio C# Compiler"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
:param kwargs: List of arbitrary keyworded arguments to be processed as instance variable data
super(CoreVSProject, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def _import(self, datadict):
Internal method to import instance variables data from a dictionary
:param dict datadict: The dictionary containing variables values.
super(CoreVSProject, self)._import(datadict)
self.TargetFrameworkVersion = datadict.get('TargetFrameworkVersion', 'v4.6.1')
self.BaseIntermediateOutputPath = datadict.get('BaseIntermediateOutputPath', '.\obj')
self.ProjectXml = datadict.get('ProjectXml', None)
self.ProjectJson = datadict.get('ProjectJson', None)
self.Version = datadict.get('Version', '1.0.0-*')
self.Depends = datadict.get('Depends', {'NETStandard.Library': '1.6.0'})
self.Frameworks = datadict.get('Frameworks', None)
self.BuildOptions = datadict.get('BuildOptions', None)
def get_project_json(self):
Get the json for use in Project.lock
data = OrderedDict()
ver = {'version': self.Version}
depends = self.Depends
depends2 = {'dependencies': depends}
if self.Frameworks is not None:
frameworks = {'frameworks': self.Frameworks}
frameworks = {'frameworks': {'netstandard1.6': {'imports': 'dnxcore50'}}}
if self.BuildOptions is not None:
buildopts = {'buildOptions': self.BuildOptions}
return data
def get_project_xml(self):
Get the xml for use in the xproj file
xml_projroot = et.Element('Project')
xml_projroot.set('ToolsVersion', '14.0')
xml_projroot.set('DefaultTargets', 'Build')
xml_projroot.set('xmlns', 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003')
propgroup1 = et.SubElement(xml_projroot, 'PropertyGroup')
studiover = et.SubElement(propgroup1, 'VisualStudioVersion')
studiover.set('Condition', "'$(VisualStudioVersion)' == ''")
studiover.text = '14.0'
vstoolspath = et.SubElement(propgroup1, 'VSToolsPath')
vstoolspath.set('Condition', "'$(VSToolsPath)' == ''")
vstoolspath.text = r"$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)"
import1 = et.SubElement(xml_projroot, 'Import')
import1.set('Project', '$(VSToolsPath)\DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.Props')
import1.set('Condition', "'$(VSToolsPath)' != ''")
propgroup2 = et.SubElement(xml_projroot, 'PropertyGroup')
propgroup2.set('Label', 'Globals')
projguid = et.SubElement(propgroup2, 'ProjectGuid')
projguid.text = self.lower(self.GUID)
rootnamespace = et.SubElement(propgroup2, 'RootNamespace')
rootnamespace.text = self.RootNamespace
baseintermediateoutputpath = et.SubElement(propgroup2, 'BaseIntermediateOutputPath')
baseintermediateoutputpath.set('Condition', "'$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)'=='' ")
baseintermediateoutputpath.text = self.BaseIntermediateOutputPath
targetframeworkversion = et.SubElement(propgroup2, 'TargetFrameworkVersion')
targetframeworkversion.text = self.TargetFrameworkVersion
propgroup3 = et.SubElement(xml_projroot, 'PropertyGroup')
schemaver = et.SubElement(propgroup3, 'SchemaVersion')
schemaver.text = '2.0'
import2 = et.SubElement(xml_projroot, 'Import')
import2.set('Project', '$(VSToolsPath)\DotNet\Microsoft.DotNet.targets')
import2.set('Condition', "'$(VSToolsPath)' != ''")
etstr = et.tostring(xml_projroot, encoding='utf-8', method='xml').decode('utf-8')
outtxt = indent(etstr)
return outtxt
def write(self):
Creates the project files.
npath = os.path.normpath(self.FileName)
(filepath, filename) = os.path.split(npath)
os.makedirs(filepath, exist_ok=True)
projectFileName = os.path.normpath(self.FileName)
projxml = ''
if self.ProjectXml is None:
projxml = self.get_project_xml()
projxml = self.ProjectXml
with open(projectFileName, 'wt') as f:
jsonFileName = join(filepath, 'project.json')
if self.ProjectJson is None:
projjson = self.get_project_json()
projjson = self.ProjectJson
with open(jsonFileName, 'w') as f:
txt = json.dumps(projjson, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))