mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 23:17:38 +00:00
* audit : add a compatibility auditing framework. * audit/base/*.apiinfo : initial checkin of 1.0.10 API for diffs. * audit/extract-missing.cs : XPath tool to grab presence='missing'. * audit/get-apidiff.pl : diffs api-infos to the base. * audit/get-apiinfo.pl : drives a module-wide api-info extraction. * audit/get-missing.pl : drives the extract-missing.exe tool. * audit/makefile : all and check targets. no dist support. * audit/mono-api-info.cs: copied from mcs/tools/corcompare. * audit/mono-api-diff.cs: copied from mcs/tools/corcompare. svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=44872
968 lines
24 KiB
968 lines
24 KiB
// mono-api-info.cs - Dumps public assembly information to an xml file.
// Authors:
// Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com)
// Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace Mono.AssemblyInfo
class Driver
static int Main (string [] args)
if (args.Length == 0)
return 1;
AssemblyCollection acoll = new AssemblyCollection ();
foreach (string fullName in args) {
acoll.Add (fullName);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
acoll.Document = doc;
acoll.DoOutput ();
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter (Console.Out);
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
XmlNode decl = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration ("1.0", null, null);
doc.InsertBefore (decl, doc.DocumentElement);
doc.WriteTo (writer);
return 0;
class AssemblyCollection
XmlDocument document;
ArrayList assemblies;
public AssemblyCollection ()
assemblies = new ArrayList ();
public bool Add (string name)
Assembly ass = LoadAssembly (name);
if (ass == null)
return false;
assemblies.Add (ass);
return true;
public void DoOutput ()
if (document == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
XmlNode nassemblies = document.CreateElement ("assemblies", null);
document.AppendChild (nassemblies);
foreach (Assembly a in assemblies) {
AssemblyData data = new AssemblyData (document, nassemblies, a);
data.DoOutput ();
public XmlDocument Document {
set { document = value; }
static Assembly LoadAssembly (string aname)
Assembly ass = null;
try {
string name = aname;
if (!name.EndsWith (".dll"))
name += ".dll";
ass = Assembly.LoadFrom (name);
return ass;
} catch { }
try {
ass = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName (aname);
return ass;
} catch { }
return null;
abstract class BaseData
protected XmlDocument document;
protected XmlNode parent;
protected BaseData (XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parent)
this.document = doc;
this.parent = parent;
public abstract void DoOutput ();
protected void AddAttribute (XmlNode node, string name, string value)
XmlAttribute attr = document.CreateAttribute (name);
attr.Value = value;
node.Attributes.Append (attr);
class AssemblyData : BaseData
Assembly ass;
public AssemblyData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, Assembly ass)
: base (document, parent)
this.ass = ass;
public override void DoOutput ()
if (document == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
XmlNode nassembly = document.CreateElement ("assembly", null);
AssemblyName aname = ass.GetName ();
AddAttribute (nassembly, "name", aname.Name);
AddAttribute (nassembly, "version", aname.Version.ToString ());
parent.AppendChild (nassembly);
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (document, nassembly, ass.GetCustomAttributes (false));
Type [] types = ass.GetExportedTypes ();
if (types == null || types.Length == 0)
Array.Sort (types, TypeComparer.Default);
XmlNode nss = document.CreateElement ("namespaces", null);
nassembly.AppendChild (nss);
string currentNS = "$%&$&";
XmlNode ns = null;
XmlNode classes = null;
foreach (Type t in types) {
if (t.Namespace == null || t.Namespace == "")
if (t.IsNotPublic)
if (t.IsNestedPublic || t.IsNestedAssembly || t.IsNestedFamANDAssem ||
t.IsNestedFamORAssem || t.IsNestedPrivate)
if (t.DeclaringType != null)
continue; // enforce !nested
if (t.Namespace != currentNS) {
currentNS = t.Namespace;
ns = document.CreateElement ("namespace", null);
AddAttribute (ns, "name", currentNS);
nss.AppendChild (ns);
classes = document.CreateElement ("classes", null);
ns.AppendChild (classes);
TypeData bd = new TypeData (document, classes, t);
bd.DoOutput ();
abstract class MemberData : BaseData
MemberInfo [] members;
public MemberData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, MemberInfo [] members)
: base (document, parent)
this.members = members;
public override void DoOutput ()
XmlNode mclass = document.CreateElement (ParentTag, null);
parent.AppendChild (mclass);
foreach (MemberInfo member in members) {
XmlNode mnode = document.CreateElement (Tag, null);
mclass.AppendChild (mnode);
AddAttribute (mnode, "name", GetName (member));
if (!NoMemberAttributes)
AddAttribute (mnode, "attrib", GetMemberAttributes (member));
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (document, mnode,
member.GetCustomAttributes (false));
AddExtraData (mnode, member);
protected virtual void AddExtraData (XmlNode p, MemberInfo member)
protected virtual string GetName (MemberInfo member)
return "NoNAME";
protected virtual string GetMemberAttributes (MemberInfo member)
return null;
public virtual bool NoMemberAttributes {
get { return false; }
set {}
public virtual string ParentTag {
get { return "NoPARENTTAG"; }
public virtual string Tag {
get { return "NoTAG"; }
class TypeData : MemberData
Type type;
const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
public TypeData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, Type type)
: base (document, parent, null)
this.type = type;
public override void DoOutput ()
if (document == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
XmlNode nclass = document.CreateElement ("class", null);
AddAttribute (nclass, "name", type.Name);
string classType = GetClassType (type);
AddAttribute (nclass, "type", classType);
if (type.BaseType != null)
AddAttribute (nclass, "base", type.BaseType.FullName);
if (type.IsSealed)
AddAttribute (nclass, "sealed", "true");
if (type.IsAbstract)
AddAttribute (nclass, "abstract", "true");
if (type.IsSerializable)
AddAttribute (nclass, "serializable", "true");
string charSet = GetCharSet (type);
AddAttribute (nclass, "charset", charSet);
string layout = GetLayout (type);
if (layout != null)
AddAttribute (nclass, "layout", layout);
parent.AppendChild (nclass);
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (document, nclass, type.GetCustomAttributes (false));
Type [] interfaces = type.GetInterfaces ();
if (interfaces != null && interfaces.Length > 0) {
XmlNode ifaces = document.CreateElement ("interfaces", null);
nclass.AppendChild (ifaces);
foreach (Type t in interfaces) {
if (!t.IsPublic) {
// we're only interested in public interfaces
XmlNode iface = document.CreateElement ("interface", null);
AddAttribute (iface, "name", t.FullName);
ifaces.AppendChild (iface);
ArrayList members = new ArrayList ();
FieldInfo[] fields = GetFields (type);
if (fields.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (fields, MemberInfoComparer.Default);
FieldData fd = new FieldData (document, nclass, fields);
// Special case for enum fields
if (classType == "enum") {
string etype = fields [0].GetType ().FullName;
AddAttribute (nclass, "enumtype", etype);
members.Add (fd);
ConstructorInfo [] ctors = GetConstructors (type);
if (ctors.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (ctors, MemberInfoComparer.Default);
members.Add (new ConstructorData (document, nclass, ctors));
PropertyInfo[] properties = GetProperties (type);
if (properties.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (properties, MemberInfoComparer.Default);
members.Add (new PropertyData (document, nclass, properties));
EventInfo [] events = GetEvents (type);
if (events.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (events, MemberInfoComparer.Default);
members.Add (new EventData (document, nclass, events));
MethodInfo [] methods = GetMethods (type);
if (methods.Length > 0) {
Array.Sort (methods, MemberInfoComparer.Default);
members.Add (new MethodData (document, nclass, methods));
foreach (MemberData md in members)
md.DoOutput ();
Type [] nested = type.GetNestedTypes ();
if (nested != null && nested.Length > 0) {
XmlNode classes = document.CreateElement ("classes", null);
nclass.AppendChild (classes);
foreach (Type t in nested) {
TypeData td = new TypeData (document, classes, t);
td.DoOutput ();
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberInfo member)
if (member != type)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("odd");
return ((int) type.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public static bool MustDocumentMethod(MethodBase method)
// All other methods
return (method.IsPublic || method.IsFamily || method.IsFamilyOrAssembly);
static string GetClassType (Type t)
if (t.IsEnum)
return "enum";
if (t.IsValueType)
return "struct";
if (t.IsInterface)
return "interface";
if (typeof (Delegate).IsAssignableFrom (t))
return "delegate";
return "class";
private static string GetCharSet (Type type)
if (type.IsAnsiClass)
return CharSet.Ansi.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (type.IsAutoClass)
return CharSet.Auto.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (type.IsUnicodeClass)
return CharSet.Unicode.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return CharSet.None.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
private static string GetLayout (Type type)
if (type.IsAutoLayout)
return LayoutKind.Auto.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (type.IsExplicitLayout)
return LayoutKind.Explicit.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (type.IsLayoutSequential)
return LayoutKind.Sequential.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return null;
private FieldInfo[] GetFields (Type type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields (flags);
foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) {
if (field.IsSpecialName)
// we're only interested in public or protected members
if (!field.IsPublic && !field.IsFamily && !field.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
list.Add (field);
return (FieldInfo[]) list.ToArray (typeof (FieldInfo));
internal static PropertyInfo[] GetProperties (Type type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties (flags);
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) {
MethodInfo getMethod = null;
MethodInfo setMethod = null;
if (property.CanRead) {
try { getMethod = property.GetGetMethod (true); }
catch (System.Security.SecurityException) { }
if (property.CanWrite) {
try { setMethod = property.GetSetMethod (true); }
catch (System.Security.SecurityException) { }
bool hasGetter = (getMethod != null) && MustDocumentMethod (getMethod);
bool hasSetter = (setMethod != null) && MustDocumentMethod (setMethod);
// if neither the getter or setter should be documented, then
// skip the property
if (!hasGetter && !hasSetter) {
list.Add (property);
return (PropertyInfo[]) list.ToArray (typeof (PropertyInfo));
private MethodInfo[] GetMethods (Type type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods (flags);
foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) {
if (method.IsSpecialName)
// we're only interested in public or protected members
if (!MustDocumentMethod(method))
list.Add (method);
return (MethodInfo[]) list.ToArray (typeof (MethodInfo));
private ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors (Type type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
ConstructorInfo[] ctors = type.GetConstructors (flags);
foreach (ConstructorInfo constructor in ctors) {
// we're only interested in public or protected members
if (!constructor.IsPublic && !constructor.IsFamily && !constructor.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
list.Add (constructor);
return (ConstructorInfo[]) list.ToArray (typeof (ConstructorInfo));
private EventInfo[] GetEvents (Type type)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
EventInfo[] events = type.GetEvents (flags);
foreach (EventInfo eventInfo in events) {
MethodInfo addMethod = eventInfo.GetAddMethod (true);
if (addMethod == null || !MustDocumentMethod (addMethod))
list.Add (eventInfo);
return (EventInfo[]) list.ToArray (typeof (EventInfo));
class FieldData : MemberData
public FieldData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, FieldInfo [] members)
: base (document, parent, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberInfo member)
FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo) member;
return field.Name;
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberInfo member)
FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo) member;
return ((int) field.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
protected override void AddExtraData (XmlNode p, MemberInfo member)
base.AddExtraData (p, member);
FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo) member;
AddAttribute (p, "fieldtype", field.FieldType.FullName);
if (field.IsLiteral) {
object value = field.GetValue (null);
string stringValue = null;
if (value is Enum) {
// FIXME: when Mono bug #60090 has been
// fixed, we should just be able to use
// Convert.ToString
stringValue = ((Enum) value).ToString ("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
} else {
stringValue = Convert.ToString (value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (stringValue != null)
AddAttribute (p, "value", stringValue);
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "fields"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "field"; }
class PropertyData : MemberData
public PropertyData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, PropertyInfo [] members)
: base (document, parent, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberInfo member)
PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo) member;
return prop.Name;
protected override void AddExtraData (XmlNode p, MemberInfo member)
base.AddExtraData (p, member);
PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo) member;
AddAttribute (p, "ptype", prop.PropertyType.FullName);
MethodInfo _get = prop.GetGetMethod (true);
MethodInfo _set = prop.GetSetMethod (true);
bool haveGet = (_get != null && TypeData.MustDocumentMethod(_get));
bool haveSet = (_set != null && TypeData.MustDocumentMethod(_set));
MethodInfo [] methods;
if (haveGet && haveSet) {
methods = new MethodInfo [] {_get, _set};
} else if (haveGet) {
methods = new MethodInfo [] {_get};
} else if (haveSet) {
methods = new MethodInfo [] {_set};
} else {
string parms = Parameters.GetSignature (methods [0].GetParameters ());
AddAttribute (p, "params", parms);
MethodData data = new MethodData (document, p, methods);
data.NoMemberAttributes = true;
data.DoOutput ();
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberInfo member)
PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo) member;
return ((int) prop.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "properties"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "property"; }
class EventData : MemberData
public EventData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, EventInfo [] members)
: base (document, parent, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberInfo member)
EventInfo evt = (EventInfo) member;
return evt.Name;
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberInfo member)
EventInfo evt = (EventInfo) member;
return ((int) evt.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
protected override void AddExtraData (XmlNode p, MemberInfo member)
base.AddExtraData (p, member);
EventInfo evt = (EventInfo) member;
AddAttribute (p, "eventtype", evt.EventHandlerType.FullName);
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "events"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "event"; }
class MethodData : MemberData
bool noAtts;
public MethodData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, MethodBase [] members)
: base (document, parent, members)
protected override string GetName (MemberInfo member)
MethodBase method = (MethodBase) member;
string name = method.Name;
string parms = Parameters.GetSignature (method.GetParameters ());
return String.Format ("{0}({1})", name, parms);
protected override string GetMemberAttributes (MemberInfo member)
MethodBase method = (MethodBase) member;
return ((int) method.Attributes).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
protected override void AddExtraData (XmlNode p, MemberInfo member)
base.AddExtraData (p, member);
ParameterData parms = new ParameterData (document, p,
((MethodBase) member).GetParameters ());
parms.DoOutput ();
if (!(member is MethodInfo))
MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo) member;
AddAttribute (p, "returntype", method.ReturnType.FullName);
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (document, p,
method.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes.GetCustomAttributes (false));
public override bool NoMemberAttributes {
get { return noAtts; }
set { noAtts = value; }
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "methods"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "method"; }
class ConstructorData : MethodData
public ConstructorData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, ConstructorInfo [] members)
: base (document, parent, members)
public override string ParentTag {
get { return "constructors"; }
public override string Tag {
get { return "constructor"; }
class ParameterData : BaseData
private ParameterInfo[] parameters;
public ParameterData (XmlDocument document, XmlNode parent, ParameterInfo[] parameters)
: base (document, parent)
this.parameters = parameters;
public override void DoOutput ()
XmlNode parametersNode = document.CreateElement ("parameters", null);
parent.AppendChild (parametersNode);
foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in parameters) {
XmlNode paramNode = document.CreateElement ("parameter", null);
parametersNode.AppendChild (paramNode);
AddAttribute (paramNode, "name", parameter.Name);
AddAttribute (paramNode, "position", parameter.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
AddAttribute (paramNode, "attrib", ((int) parameter.Attributes).ToString());
string direction = "in";
if (parameter.ParameterType.IsByRef) {
direction = parameter.IsOut ? "out" : "ref";
Type t = parameter.ParameterType;
AddAttribute (paramNode, "type", t.FullName);
if (parameter.IsOptional) {
AddAttribute (paramNode, "optional", "true");
if (parameter.DefaultValue != System.DBNull.Value)
AddAttribute (paramNode, "defaultValue", (parameter.DefaultValue == null) ? "NULL" : parameter.DefaultValue.ToString ());
if (direction != "in")
AddAttribute (paramNode, "direction", direction);
AttributeData.OutputAttributes (document, paramNode, parameter.GetCustomAttributes (false));
class AttributeData : BaseData
object [] atts;
string target;
AttributeData (XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parent, object[] attributes, string target)
: base (doc, parent)
atts = attributes;
this.target = target;
AttributeData (XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parent, object [] attributes)
: this (doc, parent, attributes, null)
public override void DoOutput ()
if (document == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Document not set");
if (atts == null || atts.Length == 0)
XmlNode natts = parent.SelectSingleNode("attributes");
if (natts == null) {
natts = document.CreateElement ("attributes", null);
parent.AppendChild (natts);
for (int i = 0; i < atts.Length; ++i) {
Type t = atts [i].GetType ();
if (!t.IsPublic && !t.Name.EndsWith ("TODOAttribute"))
// we ignore attributes that inherit from SecurityAttribute on purpose as they:
// * aren't part of GetCustomAttributes in Fx 1.0/1.1;
// * are encoded differently and in a different metadata table; and
// * won't ever exactly match MS implementation (from a syntax pov)
if (t.IsSubclassOf (typeof (SecurityAttribute)))
XmlNode node = document.CreateElement ("attribute");
AddAttribute (node, "name", t.FullName);
XmlNode properties = null;
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in TypeData.GetProperties (t)) {
if (pi.Name == "TypeId")
if (properties == null) {
properties = node.AppendChild (document.CreateElement ("properties"));
try {
object o = pi.GetValue (atts [i], null);
XmlNode n = properties.AppendChild (document.CreateElement ("property"));
AddAttribute (n, "name", pi.Name);
if (o == null) {
AddAttribute (n, "null", "true");
string value = o.ToString ();
if (t == typeof (GuidAttribute))
value = value.ToUpper ();
AddAttribute (n, "value", value);
catch (TargetInvocationException) {
if (target != null) {
AddAttribute (node, "target", target);
natts.AppendChild (node);
public static void OutputAttributes (XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parent, object[] attributes)
AttributeData ad = new AttributeData (doc, parent, attributes, null);
ad.DoOutput ();
public static void OutputAttributes (XmlDocument doc, XmlNode parent, object [] attributes, string target)
AttributeData ad = new AttributeData (doc, parent, attributes, target);
ad.DoOutput ();
private static bool MustDocumentAttribute (Type attributeType)
// only document MonoTODOAttribute and public attributes
return attributeType.Name.EndsWith ("TODOAttribute") || attributeType.IsPublic;
class Parameters
private Parameters () {}
public static string GetSignature (ParameterInfo [] infos)
if (infos == null || infos.Length == 0)
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (ParameterInfo info in infos) {
string modifier;
if (info.IsIn)
modifier = "in ";
else if (info.IsRetval)
modifier = "ref ";
else if (info.IsOut)
modifier = "out ";
modifier = "";
string type_name = info.ParameterType.ToString ();
sb.AppendFormat ("{0}{1}, ", modifier, type_name);
sb.Length -= 2; // remove ", "
return sb.ToString ();
class TypeComparer : IComparer
public static TypeComparer Default = new TypeComparer ();
public int Compare (object a, object b)
Type ta = (Type) a;
Type tb = (Type) b;
int result = String.Compare (ta.Namespace, tb.Namespace);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return String.Compare (ta.Name, tb.Name);
class MemberInfoComparer : IComparer
public static MemberInfoComparer Default = new MemberInfoComparer ();
public int Compare (object a, object b)
MemberInfo ma = (MemberInfo) a;
MemberInfo mb = (MemberInfo) b;
return String.Compare (ma.Name, mb.Name);
class MethodBaseComparer : IComparer
public static MethodBaseComparer Default = new MethodBaseComparer ();
public int Compare (object a, object b)
MethodBase ma = (MethodBase) a;
MethodBase mb = (MethodBase) b;
int res = String.Compare (ma.Name, mb.Name);
if (res != 0)
return res;
ParameterInfo [] pia = ma.GetParameters ();
ParameterInfo [] pib = mb.GetParameters ();
if (pia.Length != pib.Length)
return pia.Length - pib.Length;
string siga = Parameters.GetSignature (pia);
string sigb = Parameters.GetSignature (pib);
return String.Compare (siga, sigb);