
88 lines
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"""Base class for Settings profiles"""
import os, shutil
from os.path import abspath, join
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
from pybuild.Helper import Helper
class ProfileBase(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Class Init"""
self._NuGetPath = 'nuget.exe'
self._SrcDir = '../'
self._BuildDir = './build'
self._PackageDestination = './nupkg'
self._NuGet_PackageName = ''
self._MsysPath = 'C:\\msys64'
self._LinuxBashPath = '/bin/bash'
self._Version = '0.0.0'
def NuGetPath(self):
return self._NuGetPath
def SrcDir(self):
return abspath(self._SrcDir)
def BuildDir(self):
return abspath(self._BuildDir)
def Build_NugetDir(self):
return abspath(join(self._BuildDir, 'nuget'))
def PackageDestination(self):
return abspath(self._PackageDestination)
def NuGet_PackageName(self):
return self._NuGet_PackageName
def MsysPath(self):
return abspath(self._MsysPath)
def LinuxBashPath(self):
return abspath(self._LinuxBashPath)
def Version(self):
return self._Version
def clean(self):
"""Clean the build dir"""
print ("Clean finished")
def build_nuget(self):
"""Package up a nuget file based on the default build"""
# Copy Nuget Spec file
shutil.copy('./misc/GtkSharp.nuspec', self.Build_NugetDir)
# Edit the XML version / package name in the .nuspec file
nuspecfile = join(self.Build_NugetDir, 'GtkSharp.nuspec')
et.register_namespace('', '')
tree = et.parse(nuspecfile)
xmlns = {'nuspec': '{}'}
tree.find('.//{nuspec}version'.format(**xmlns)).text = self.Version
tree.find('.//{nuspec}id'.format(**xmlns)).text = self.NuGet_PackageName
# Run Nuget
Helper.run_cmd([self.NuGetPath, 'pack', 'GtkSharp.nuspec'], self.Build_NugetDir)
# Copy Nuget files out of build directory
nugetfile = join(self.Build_NugetDir, self.NuGet_PackageName + '.' + self.Version + '.nupkg')
os.makedirs(self.PackageDestination, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(nugetfile, self.PackageDestination)
print ('Generation of Nuget package complete - ' + self.NuGet_PackageName)