2017-09-04 22:36:28 -03:00

224 lines
6.9 KiB

/* Application main window
* Demonstrates a typical application window, with menubar, toolbar, statusbar.
using System;
using Gtk;
namespace GtkDemo
[Demo ("Application Window", "DemoApplicationWindow.cs")]
public class DemoApplicationWindow : Window
Statusbar statusbar;
VBox vbox;
static DemoApplicationWindow ()
// Register our custom toolbar icons, for themability
Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("gtk-logo-rgb.gif");
Gdk.Pixbuf transparent = pixbuf.AddAlpha (true, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
IconFactory factory = new IconFactory ();
factory.Add ("demo-gtk-logo", new IconSet (transparent));
factory.AddDefault ();
StockManager.Add (new StockItem ("demo-gtk-logo", "_GTK#", 0, 0, null));
const string uiInfo =
"<ui>" +
" <menubar name='MenuBar'>" +
" <menu action='FileMenu'>" +
" <menuitem action='New'/>" +
" <menuitem action='Open'/>" +
" <menuitem action='Save'/>" +
" <menuitem action='SaveAs'/>" +
" <separator/>" +
" <menuitem action='Quit'/>" +
" </menu>" +
" <menu action='PreferencesMenu'>" +
" <menu action='ColorMenu'>" +
" <menuitem action='Red'/>" +
" <menuitem action='Green'/>" +
" <menuitem action='Blue'/>" +
" </menu>" +
" <menu action='ShapeMenu'>" +
" <menuitem action='Square'/>" +
" <menuitem action='Rectangle'/>" +
" <menuitem action='Oval'/>" +
" </menu>" +
" <menuitem action='Bold'/>" +
" </menu>" +
" <menu action='HelpMenu'>" +
" <menuitem action='About'/>" +
" </menu>" +
" </menubar>" +
" <toolbar name='ToolBar'>" +
" <toolitem name='open' action='Open'/>" +
" <toolitem name='quit' action='Quit'/>" +
" <separator action='Sep1'/>" +
" <toolitem name='logo' action='Logo'/>" +
" </toolbar>" +
public DemoApplicationWindow () : base ("Application Window")
SetDefaultSize (200, 200);
vbox = new VBox (false, 0);
Add (vbox);
AddActions ();
statusbar = new Statusbar ();
UpdateStatus ();
vbox.PackEnd (statusbar, false, false, 0);
ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
sw.SetPolicy (PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic);
sw.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
vbox.PackEnd (sw, true, true, 0);
TextView textview = new TextView ();
textview.Buffer.MarkSet += new MarkSetHandler (MarkSet);
sw.Add (textview);
textview.GrabFocus ();
ShowAll ();
enum Color {
enum Shape {
void AddActions ()
ActionEntry[] actions = new ActionEntry[]
new ActionEntry ("FileMenu", null, "_File", null, null, null),
new ActionEntry ("PreferencesMenu", null, "_Preferences", null, null, null),
new ActionEntry ("ColorMenu", null, "_Color", null, null, null),
new ActionEntry ("ShapeMenu", null, "_Shape", null, null, null),
new ActionEntry ("HelpMenu", null, "_Help", null, null, null),
new ActionEntry ("New", Stock.New, "_New", "<control>N", "Create a new file", new EventHandler (ActionActivated)),
new ActionEntry ("Open", Stock.Open, "_Open", "<control>O", "Open a file", new EventHandler (ActionActivated)),
new ActionEntry ("Save", Stock.Save, "_Save", "<control>S", "Save current file", new EventHandler (ActionActivated)),
new ActionEntry ("SaveAs", Stock.SaveAs, "Save _As", null, "Save to a file", new EventHandler (ActionActivated)),
new ActionEntry ("Quit", Stock.Quit, "_Quit", "<control>Q", "Quit", new EventHandler (ActionActivated)),
new ActionEntry ("About", null, "_About", "<control>A", "About", new EventHandler (ActionActivated)),
new ActionEntry ("Logo", "demo-gtk-logo", null, null, "Gtk#", new EventHandler (ActionActivated))
ToggleActionEntry[] toggleActions = new ToggleActionEntry[]
new ToggleActionEntry ("Bold", Stock.Bold, "_Bold", "<control>B", "Bold", new EventHandler (ActionActivated), true)
RadioActionEntry[] colorActions = new RadioActionEntry[]
new RadioActionEntry ("Red", null, "_Red", "<control>R", "Blood", (int)Color.Red),
new RadioActionEntry ("Green", null, "_Green", "<control>G", "Grass", (int)Color.Green),
new RadioActionEntry ("Blue", null, "_Blue", "<control>B", "Sky", (int)Color.Blue)
RadioActionEntry[] shapeActions = new RadioActionEntry[]
new RadioActionEntry ("Square", null, "_Square", "<control>S", "Square", (int)Shape.Square),
new RadioActionEntry ("Rectangle", null, "_Rectangle", "<control>R", "Rectangle", (int)Shape.Rectangle),
new RadioActionEntry ("Oval", null, "_Oval", "<control>O", "Egg", (int)Shape.Oval)
ActionGroup group = new ActionGroup ("AppWindowActions");
group.Add (actions);
group.Add (toggleActions);
group.Add (colorActions, (int)Color.Red, new ChangedHandler (RadioActionActivated));
group.Add (shapeActions, (int)Shape.Square, new ChangedHandler (RadioActionActivated));
UIManager uim = new UIManager ();
uim.InsertActionGroup (group, 0);
uim.AddWidget += new AddWidgetHandler (AddWidget);
uim.AddUiFromString (uiInfo);
AddAccelGroup (uim.AccelGroup);
private void ActionActivated (object sender, EventArgs a)
Gtk.Action action = sender as Gtk.Action;
MessageDialog md;
md = new MessageDialog (this, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.Close,
"You activated action: \"{0}\" of type \"{1}\"",
action.Name, action.GetType ());
md.Run ();
md.Destroy ();
private void RadioActionActivated (object sender, ChangedArgs args)
RadioAction action = args.Current;
MessageDialog md;
if (action.Active) {
md = new MessageDialog (this, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.Close,
"You activated radio action: \"{0}\" of type \"{1}\".\nCurrent value: {2}",
action.Name, action.GetType (),
md.Run ();
md.Destroy ();
protected override bool OnDeleteEvent (Gdk.Event evt)
Destroy ();
return true;
protected override bool OnWindowStateEvent (Gdk.EventWindowState evt)
if ((evt.ChangedMask & (Gdk.WindowState.Maximized | Gdk.WindowState.Fullscreen)) != 0)
HasResizeGrip = (evt.NewWindowState & (Gdk.WindowState.Maximized | Gdk.WindowState.Fullscreen)) == 0;
return false;
const string fmt = "Cursor at row {0} column {1} - {2} chars in document";
int row, column, count = 0;
void MarkSet (object o, MarkSetArgs args)
TextIter iter = args.Location;
row = iter.Line + 1;
column = iter.VisibleLineOffset;
count = args.Mark.Buffer.CharCount;
UpdateStatus ();
void UpdateStatus ()
statusbar.Pop (0);
statusbar.Push (0, String.Format (fmt, row, column, count));
void AddWidget (object sender, AddWidgetArgs a)
a.Widget.Show ();
vbox.PackStart (a.Widget, false, true, 0);