mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 19:05:24 +00:00
/*< private >*/ comments. * parser/gapi2xml.pl: Use those comments to determine the accessibility of struct/object fields, and set the "access" attribute on fields with non-default accessibiliy (private for structs, public for objects). Also, output a StudlyName for each field as well as a c_name. * */*-api.raw: Regen * generator/Field.cs (StudlyName): Use the parser-generated studly name rather than studlifying Name, which might have been mangled to avoid conflicts with an all-lowercase keyword. (Generate): Respect the access property on all field types rather than always making certain types public. Don't bother outputting wrapper properties for private fields, since the only code that could use them is the generated code, which won't. See doc/ChangeLog for the (very minimal) fallout from these changes. * en/Art/AlphaGamma.xml: * en/Gtk/TextAttributes.xml (Refcount): * en/Pango/GlyphString.xml (Space): these are now private * en/Gda/XqlItem.xml: * en/Glade/SignalInfo.xml: * en/Gnome.Vfs/ModuleCallbackSaveAuthenticationIn.xml: * en/Gnome.Vfs/ModuleCallbackFullAuthenticationIn.xml: * en/Gnome.Vfs/ModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn.xml: rename Objekt to Object. * en/Atk/KeyEventStruct.xml: rename Str1ng to String svn path=/trunk/gtk-sharp/; revision=37853
1037 lines
28 KiB
Executable file
1037 lines
28 KiB
Executable file
# gapi2xml.pl : Generates an XML representation of GObject based APIs.
# Author: Mike Kestner <mkestner@speakeasy.net>
# Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Mike Kestner
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Novell, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
use XML::LibXML;
if (!$ARGV[2]) {
die "Usage: gapi_pp.pl <srcdir> | gapi2xml.pl <namespace> <outfile> <libname>\n";
$ns = $ARGV[0];
$libname = $ARGV[2];
# Check if the filename provided exists. We parse existing files into
# a tree and append the namespace to the root node. If the file doesn't
# exist, we create a doc tree and root node to work with.
if (-e $ARGV[1]) {
#parse existing file and get root node.
$doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_file($ARGV[1]);
$root = $doc->getDocumentElement();
} else {
$doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new();
$root = $doc->createElement('api');
$warning_node = XML::LibXML::Comment->new ("\n\n This file was automatically generated.\n Please DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, modify .metadata files instead.\n\n");
$ns_elem = $doc->createElement('namespace');
$ns_elem->setAttribute('name', $ns);
$ns_elem->setAttribute('library', $libname);
# First we parse the input for typedefs, structs, enums, and class_init funcs
# and put them into temporary hashes.
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
if ($line =~ /typedef\s+(struct\s+\w+\s+)\*+(\w+);/) {
$ptrs{$2} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /typedef\s+(struct\s+\w+)\s+(\w+);/) {
next if ($2 =~ /Private$/);
# fixme: siiigh
$2 = "GdkDrawable" if ($1 eq "_GdkDrawable");
$types{$2} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /typedef\s+struct/) {
$sdef = $line;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
$sdef .= $line;
last if ($line =~ /^}/);
$sdef =~ s!/\*.*?(\*/|\n)!!g;
$sdef =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$types{$1} = $sdef if ($sdef =~ /.*\}\s*(\w+);/);
} elsif ($line =~ /typedef\s+(unsigned\s+\w+)\s+(\**)(\w+);/) {
$types{$3} = $1 . $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /typedef\s+(\w+)\s+(\**)(\w+);/) {
$types{$3} = $1 . $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /typedef\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+);/) {
$etypes{$1} = $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /^((deprecated)?typedef\s+)?\benum\b/) {
$edef = $line;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
$edef .= $line;
last if ($line =~ /^(deprecated)?}\s*(\w+)?;/);
$edef =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$edef =~ s|/\*.*?\*/||g;
if ($edef =~ /typedef.*}\s*(\w+);/) {
$ename = $1;
} elsif ($edef =~ /^(deprecated)?enum\s+(\w+)\s*{/) {
$ename = $2;
} else {
print "Unexpected enum format\n$edef";
$edefs{$ename} = $edef;
} elsif ($line =~ /typedef\s+\w+\s*\**\s*\(\*\s*(\w+)\)\s*\(/) {
$fname = $1;
$fdef = "";
while ($line !~ /;/) {
$fdef .= $line;
$line = <STDIN>;
$fdef .= $line;
$fdef =~ s/\n\s+//g;
$fpdefs{$fname} = $fdef;
} elsif ($line =~ /^(private|deprecated)?struct\s+(\w+)/) {
next if ($line =~ /;/);
$sname = $2;
$sdef = $line;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
$sdef .= $line;
last if ($line =~ /^(deprecated)?}/);
$sdef =~ s!/\*[^<].*?(\*/|\n)!!g;
$sdef =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$sdefs{$sname} = $sdef;
} elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)_(class|base)_init\b/) {
$class = StudlyCaps($1);
$pedef = $line;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
$pedef .= $line;
last if ($line =~ /^}/);
$pedefs{lc($class)} = $pedef;
} elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)_get_type\b/) {
$class = StudlyCaps($1);
$pedef = $line;
while ($line = <STDIN>) {
$pedef .= $line;
if ($line =~ /g_boxed_type_register_static/) {
$boxdef = $line;
while ($line !~ /;/) {
$boxdef .= ($line = <STDIN>);
$boxdef =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$boxdef =~ /\(\"(\w+)\"/;
my $boxtype = $1;
$boxtype =~ s/($ns)Type(\w+)/$ns$2/;
$boxdefs{$boxtype} = $boxdef;
last if ($line =~ /^}/);
$typefuncs{lc($class)} = $pedef;
} elsif ($line =~ /^(deprecated)?(const|G_CONST_RETURN)?\s*(struct\s+)?\w+\s*\**\s*(\w+)\s*\(/) {
$fname = $4;
$fdef = "";
while ($line !~ /;/) {
$fdef .= $line;
$line = <STDIN>;
$fdef .= $line;
$fdef =~ s/\n\s*//g;
if ($fdef !~ /^_/) {
$fdefs{$fname} = $fdef;
} elsif ($line =~ /CHECK_(\w*)CAST/) {
$cast_macro = $line;
while ($line =~ /\\$/) {
$line = <STDIN>;
$cast_macro .= $line;
$cast_macro =~ s/\\\n\s*//g;
$cast_macro =~ s/\s+/ /g;
if ($cast_macro =~ /G_TYPE_CHECK_(\w+)_CAST.*,\s*(\w+),\s*(\w+)/) {
if ($1 eq "INSTANCE") {
$objects{$2} = $3 . $objects{$2};
} else {
$objects{$2} .= ":$3";
} elsif ($cast_macro =~ /GTK_CHECK_CAST.*,\s*(\w+),\s*(\w+)/) {
$objects{$1} = $2 . $objects{$1};
} elsif ($cast_macro =~ /GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST.*,\s*(\w+),\s*(\w+)/) {
$objects{$1} .= ":$2";
} elsif ($line =~ /INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE.*,\s*(\w+),\s*(\w+)/) {
$ifaces{$1} = $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /^BUILTIN\s*\{\s*\"(\w+)\".*GTK_TYPE_BOXED/) {
$boxdefs{$1} = $line;
} elsif ($line =~ /^BUILTIN\s*\{\s*\"(\w+)\".*GTK_TYPE_(ENUM|FLAGS)/) {
# ignoring these for now.
} elsif ($line =~ /^(deprecated)?\#define/) {
my $test_ns = uc ($ns);
if ($line =~ /^deprecated\#define\s+(\w+)\s+\"(.*)\"/) {
$defines{"deprecated$1"} = $2;
} elsif ($line =~ /\#define\s+(\w+)\s+\"(.*)\"/) {
$defines{$1} = $2;
} elsif ($line !~ /\/\*/) {
print $line;
# Produce the enum definitions.
%enums = ();
foreach $cname (sort(keys(%edefs))) {
$def = $edefs{$cname};
$cname = $etypes{$cname} if (exists($etypes{$cname}));
$enums{lc($cname)} = $cname;
$enum_elem = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'enum', $cname, $ns);
if ($def =~ /^deprecated/) {
$enum_elem->setAttribute("deprecated", "1");
$def =~ s/deprecated//g;
if ($def =~ /=\s*1\s*<<\s*\d+/) {
$enum_elem->setAttribute('type', "flags");
} else {
$enum_elem->setAttribute('type', "enum");
$def =~ /\{(.*)\}/;
@vals = split(/,\s*/, $1);
@v0 = split(/_/, $vals[0]);
if (@vals > 1) {
$done = 0;
for ($idx = 0, $regex = ""; $idx < @v0; $idx++) {
$regex .= ($v0[$idx] . "_");
foreach $val (@vals) {
$done = 1 if ($val !~ /$regex/);
last if $done;
$common = join("_", @v0[0..$idx-1]);
} else {
$common = join("_", @v0[0..$#v0-1]);
foreach $val (@vals) {
if ($val =~ /$common\_?(\w+)\s*=\s*(\-?\d+.*)/) {
$name = $1;
if ($2 =~ /1u?\s*<<\s*(\d+)/) {
$enumval = "1 << $1";
} else {
$enumval = $2;
} elsif ($val =~ /$common\_?(\w+)/) {
$name = $1; $enumval = "";
} else {
die "Unexpected enum value: $val for common value $common\n";
$val_elem = addNameElem($enum_elem, 'member');
$val_elem->setAttribute('cname', "$common\_$name");
$val_elem->setAttribute('name', StudlyCaps(lc($name)));
if ($enumval) {
$val_elem->setAttribute('value', $enumval);
# Parse the callbacks.
foreach $cbname (sort(keys(%fpdefs))) {
next if ($cbname !~ /$ns/);
$fdef = $cb = $fpdefs{$cbname};
$cb_elem = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'callback', $cbname, $ns);
$cb =~ /typedef\s+(.*)\(.*\).*\((.*)\);/;
$ret = $1; $params = $2;
addReturnElem($cb_elem, $ret);
if ($params && ($params ne "void")) {
addParamsElem($cb_elem, split(/,/, $params));
# Parse the interfaces list.
foreach $type (sort(keys(%ifaces))) {
$iface = $ifaces{$type};
($inst, $dontcare) = split(/:/, delete $objects{$type});
$initfunc = $pedefs{lc($inst)};
$ifacetype = delete $types{$iface};
delete $types{$inst};
$iface_el = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'interface', $inst, $ns);
$elem_table{lc($inst)} = $iface_el;
$classdef = $sdefs{$1} if ($ifacetype =~ /struct\s+(\w+)/);
if ($initfunc) {
parseInitFunc($iface_el, $initfunc);
} else {
warn "Don't have an init func for $inst.\n" if $debug;
addVirtualMethods ($classdef, $iface_el);
# Parse the classes by walking the objects list.
foreach $type (sort(keys(%objects))) {
($inst, $class) = split(/:/, $objects{$type});
$class = $inst . "Class" if (!$class);
$initfunc = $pedefs{lc($inst)};
$typefunc = $typefuncs{lc($inst)};
$insttype = delete $types{$inst};
$classtype = delete $types{$class};
$instdef = $classdef = "";
$instdef = $sdefs{$1} if ($insttype =~ /struct\s+(\w+)/);
$classdef = $sdefs{$1} if ($classtype =~ /struct\s+(\w+)/);
$classdef =~ s/deprecated//g;
$instdef =~ s/\s+(\*+)([^\/])/\1 \2/g;
warn "Strange Class $inst\n" if (!$instdef && $debug);
$obj_el = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'object', $inst, $ns);
$elem_table{lc($inst)} = $obj_el;
# Check if the object is deprecated
if ($instdef =~ /^deprecatedstruct/) {
$obj_el->setAttribute("deprecated", "1");
$instdef =~ s/deprecated//g;
# Extract parent and fields from the struct
if ($instdef =~ /^struct/) {
$instdef =~ /\{(.*)\}/;
$fieldstr = $1;
$fieldstr =~ s|/\*[^<].*?\*/||g;
@fields = split(/;/, $fieldstr);
addFieldElems($obj_el, 'private', @fields);
$obj_el->setAttribute('parent', $obj_el->firstChild->getAttribute('type'));
} elsif ($instdef =~ /privatestruct/) {
# just get the parent for private structs
$instdef =~ /\{\s*(\w+)/;
$obj_el->setAttribute('parent', "$1");
# Get the props from the class_init func.
if ($initfunc) {
parseInitFunc($obj_el, $initfunc);
} else {
warn "Don't have an init func for $inst.\n" if $debug;
# Get the interfaces from the class_init func.
if ($typefunc) {
parseTypeFunc($obj_el, $typefunc);
} else {
warn "Don't have a GetType func for $inst.\n" if $debug;
# Parse the remaining types.
foreach $key (sort (keys (%types))) {
$lasttype = $type = $key;
while ($type && ($types{$type} !~ /struct/)) {
$lasttype = $type;
$type = $types{$type};
if ($types{$type} =~ /struct\s+(\w+)/) {
$type = $1;
if (exists($sdefs{$type})) {
$def = $sdefs{$type};
} else {
$def = "privatestruct";
} elsif ($types{$type} =~ /struct/ && $type =~ /^$ns/) {
$def = $types{$type};
} else {
$elem = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'alias', $key, $ns);
$elem->setAttribute('type', $lasttype);
warn "alias $key to $lasttype\n" if $debug;
# fixme: hack
if ($key eq "GdkBitmap") {
$struct_el = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'object', $key, $ns);
} elsif (exists($boxdefs{$key})) {
$struct_el = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'boxed', $key, $ns);
} else {
$struct_el = addNameElem($ns_elem, 'struct', $key, $ns);
if ($def =~ /^deprecated/) {
$struct_el->setAttribute("deprecated", "1");
$def =~ s/deprecated//g;
$elem_table{lc($key)} = $struct_el;
$def =~ s/\s+/ /g;
if ($def =~ /privatestruct/) {
$struct_el->setAttribute('opaque', 'true');
} else {
$def =~ /\{(.+)\}/;
addFieldElems($struct_el, 'public', split(/;/, $1));
# really, _really_ opaque structs that aren't even defined in sources. Lovely.
foreach $key (sort (keys (%ptrs))) {
next if $ptrs{$key} !~ /struct\s+(\w+)/;
$type = $1;
$struct_el = addNameElem ($ns_elem, 'struct', $key, $ns);
$struct_el->setAttribute('opaque', 'true');
$elem_table{lc($key)} = $struct_el;
# This should probably be done in a more generic way
foreach $define (sort (keys (%defines))) {
next if $define !~ /[A-Z]_STOCK_/;
if ($stocks{$ns}) {
$stock_el = $stocks{$ns};
} else {
$stock_el = addNameElem($ns_elem, "object", $ns . "Stock", $ns);
$stocks{$ns} = $stock_el;
$string_el = addNameElem ($stock_el, "static-string", $define);
$string_name = lc($define);
$string_name =~ s/\w+_stock_//;
$string_el->setAttribute('name', StudlyCaps($string_name));
$string_el->setAttribute('value', $defines{$define});
# Output the tree
if ($ARGV[1]) {
open(XMLFILE, ">$ARGV[1]") ||
die "Couldn't open $ARGV[1] for writing.\n";
print XMLFILE $doc->toString();
} else {
print $doc->toString();
# Generate a few stats from the parsed source.
$scnt = keys(%sdefs); $fcnt = keys(%fdefs); $tcnt = keys(%types);
print "structs: $scnt enums: $ecnt callbacks: $cbcnt\n";
print "funcs: $fcnt types: $tcnt classes: $classcnt\n";
print "props: $propcnt childprops: $childpropcnt signals: $sigcnt\n\n";
sub addFieldElems
my ($parent, $defaultaccess, @fields) = @_;
my $access = $defaultaccess;
foreach $field (@fields) {
if ($field =~ m!^/\*< (public|private) >.*\*/(.*)$!) {
$access = $1;
$field = $2;
next if ($field !~ /\S/);
$field =~ s/\s+(\*+)/\1 /g;
$field =~ s/(\w+)\s+const /const \1 /g;
$field =~ s/const /const\-/g;
$field =~ s/struct /struct\-/g;
$field =~ s/.*\*\///g;
next if ($field !~ /\S/);
if ($field =~ /(\S+\s+\*?)\(\*\s*(.+)\)\s*\((.*)\)/) {
$elem = addNameElem($parent, 'callback', $2);
addReturnElem($elem, $1);
addParamsElem($elem, $3);
} elsif ($field =~ /(unsigned )?(\S+)\s+(.+)/) {
my $type = $1 . $2; $symb = $3;
foreach $tok (split (/,\s*/, $symb)) {
if ($tok =~ /(\w+)\s*\[(.*)\]/) {
$elem = addNameElem($parent, 'field', $1, "");
$elem->setAttribute('array_len', "$2");
} elsif ($tok =~ /(\w+)\s*\:\s*(\d+)/) {
$elem = addNameElem($parent, 'field', $1, "");
$elem->setAttribute('bits', "$2");
} else {
$elem = addNameElem($parent, 'field', $tok, "");
$elem->setAttribute('type', "$type");
if ($access ne $defaultaccess) {
$elem->setAttribute('access', "$access");
} else {
die "$field\n";
sub addFuncElems
my ($obj_el, $inst, $prefix);
$fcnt = keys(%fdefs);
foreach $mname (sort (keys (%fdefs))) {
next if ($mname =~ /^_/);
$obj_el = "";
$prefix = $mname;
$prepend = undef;
while ($prefix =~ /(\w+)_/) {
$prefix = $key = $1;
$key =~ s/_//g;
# FIXME: lame Gdk API hack
if ($key eq "gdkdraw") {
$key = "gdkdrawable";
$prepend = "draw_";
if (exists ($elem_table{$key})) {
$prefix .= "_";
$obj_el = $elem_table{$key};
$inst = $key;
} elsif (exists ($enums{$key}) && ($mname =~ /_get_type/)) {
delete $fdefs{$mname};
next if (!$obj_el);
$mdef = delete $fdefs{$mname};
if ($mname =~ /$prefix(new)/) {
$el = addNameElem($obj_el, 'constructor', $mname);
if ($mdef =~ /^deprecated/) {
$el->setAttribute("deprecated", "1");
$mdef =~ s/deprecated//g;
$drop_1st = 0;
} else {
$el = addNameElem($obj_el, 'method', $mname, $prefix, $prepend);
if ($mdef =~ /^deprecated/) {
$el->setAttribute("deprecated", "1");
$mdef =~ s/deprecated//g;
$mdef =~ /(.*?)\w+\s*\(/;
addReturnElem($el, $1);
$mdef =~ /\(\s*(const)?\s*(\w+)/;
if (lc($2) ne $inst) {
$el->setAttribute("shared", "true");
$drop_1st = 0;
} else {
$drop_1st = 1;
parseParms ($el, $mdef, $drop_1st);
sub parseParms
my ($el, $mdef, $drop_1st) = @_;
if (($mdef =~ /\((.*)\)/) && ($1 ne "void")) {
@parms = ();
$parm = "";
$pcnt = 0;
foreach $char (split(//, $1)) {
if ($char eq "(") {
} elsif ($char eq ")") {
} elsif (($pcnt == 0) && ($char eq ",")) {
@parms = (@parms, $parm);
$parm = "";
$parm .= $char;
if ($parm) {
@parms = (@parms, $parm);
# @parms = split(/,/, $1);
($dump, @parms) = @parms if $drop_1st;
if (@parms > 0) {
addParamsElem($el, @parms);
sub addStaticFuncElems
my ($global_el, $ns_prefix);
@mnames = sort (keys (%fdefs));
$mcount = @mnames;
return if ($mcount == 0);
$ns_prefix = "";
$global_el = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $mcount; $i++) {
$mname = $mnames[$i];
$prefix = $mname;
next if ($prefix =~ /^_/);
if ($ns_prefix eq "") {
my (@toks) = split(/_/, $prefix);
for ($j = 0; $j < @toks; $j++) {
if (join ("", @toks[0 .. $j]) eq lc($ns)) {
$ns_prefix = join ("_", @toks[0 .. $j]);
next if ($ns_prefix eq "");
next if ($mname !~ /^$ns_prefix/);
if ($mname =~ /($ns_prefix)_([a-zA-Z]+)_\w+/) {
$classname = $2;
$key = $prefix = $1 . "_" . $2 . "_";
$key =~ s/_//g;
$cnt = 1;
if (exists ($enums{$key})) {
$cnt = 1;
} elsif ($classname ne "set" && $classname ne "get" &&
$classname ne "scan" && $classname ne "find" &&
$classname ne "add" && $classname ne "remove" &&
$classname ne "free" && $classname ne "register" &&
$classname ne "execute" && $classname ne "show" &&
$classname ne "parse" && $classname ne "paint" &&
$classname ne "string") {
while ($mnames[$i+$cnt] =~ /$prefix/) { $cnt++; }
if ($cnt == 1) {
$mdef = delete $fdefs{$mname};
if (!$global_el) {
$global_el = $doc->createElement('class');
$global_el->setAttribute('name', "Global");
$global_el->setAttribute('cname', $ns . "Global");
$el = addNameElem($global_el, 'method', $mname, $ns_prefix);
if ($mdef =~ /^deprecated/) {
$el->setAttribute("deprecated", "1");
$mdef =~ s/deprecated//g;
$mdef =~ /(.*?)\w+\s*\(/;
addReturnElem($el, $1);
$el->setAttribute("shared", "true");
parseParms ($el, $mdef, 0);
} else {
$class_el = $doc->createElement('class');
$class_el->setAttribute('name', StudlyCaps($classname));
$class_el->setAttribute('cname', StudlyCaps($prefix));
for ($j = 0; $j < $cnt; $j++) {
$mdef = delete $fdefs{$mnames[$i+$j]};
$el = addNameElem($class_el, 'method', $mnames[$i+$j], $prefix);
if ($mdef =~ /^deprecated/) {
$el->setAttribute("deprecated", "1");
$mdef =~ s/deprecated//g;
$mdef =~ /(.*?)\w+\s*\(/;
addReturnElem($el, $1);
$el->setAttribute("shared", "true");
parseParms ($el, $mdef, 0);
$i += ($cnt - 1);
sub addNameElem
my ($node, $type, $cname, $prefix, $prepend) = @_;
my $elem = $doc->createElement($type);
if (defined $prefix) {
my $match;
if ($cname =~ /$prefix(\w+)/) {
$match = $1;
} else {
$match = $cname;
if ($prepend) {
$name = $prepend . $match;
} else {
$name = $match;
$elem->setAttribute('name', StudlyCaps($name));
if ($cname) {
$elem->setAttribute('cname', $cname);
return $elem;
sub addParamsElem
my ($parent, @params) = @_;
my $parms_elem = $doc->createElement('parameters');
my $parm_num = 0;
foreach $parm (@params) {
$parm =~ s/\s+(\*+)/\1 /g;
$parm =~ s/(\w+)\s+const /const \1 /g;
$parm =~ s/(\*+)\s*const\s+/\1 /g;
$parm =~ s/const\s+/const-/g;
if ($parm =~ /(.*)\(\s*\**\s*(\w+)\)\s+\((.*)\)/) {
my $ret = $1; my $cbn = $2; my $params = $3;
$cb_elem = addNameElem($parms_elem, 'callback', $cbn);
addReturnElem($cb_elem, $ret);
if ($params && ($params ne "void")) {
addParamsElem($cb_elem, split(/,/, $params));
} elsif ($parm =~ /\.\.\./) {
$parm_elem = $doc->createElement('parameter');
$parm_elem->setAttribute('ellipsis', 'true');
$parm_elem = $doc->createElement('parameter');
my $name = "";
if ($parm =~ /struct\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$parm_elem->setAttribute('type', $1);
$name = $2;
}elsif ($parm =~ /(unsigned )?(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$parm_elem->setAttribute('type', $1 . $2);
$name = $3;
} elsif ($parm =~ /(\S+)/) {
$parm_elem->setAttribute('type', $1);
$name = "arg" . $parm_num;
if ($name =~ /(\w+)\[.*\]/) {
$name = $1;
$parm_elem->setAttribute('array', "true");
$parm_elem->setAttribute('name', $name);
sub addReturnElem
my ($parent, $ret) = @_;
$ret =~ s/const|G_CONST_RETURN/const-/g;
$ret =~ s/\s+//g;
my $ret_elem = $doc->createElement('return-type');
$ret_elem->setAttribute('type', $ret);
return $ret_elem;
sub addPropElem
my ($spec, $node, $is_child) = @_;
my ($name, $mode, $docs);
$spec =~ /g_param_spec_(\w+)\s*\((.*)\s*\)\s*\)/;
my $type = $1;
my @params = split(/,/, $2);
$name = $params[0];
if ($defines{$name}) {
$name = $defines{$name};
} else {
$name =~ s/\s*\"//g;
$mode = $params[$#params];
if ($type =~ /boolean|float|double|^u?int|pointer/) {
$type = "g$type";
} elsif ($type =~ /string/) {
$type = "gchar*";
} elsif ($type =~ /boxed|object/) {
$type = $params[$#params-1];
$type =~ s/TYPE_//;
$type =~ s/\s+//g;
$type = StudlyCaps(lc($type));
} elsif ($type =~ /enum|flags/) {
$type = $params[$#params-2];
$type =~ s/TYPE_//;
$type =~ s/\s+//g;
$type = StudlyCaps(lc($type));
$prop_elem = $doc->createElement($is_child ? "childprop" : "property");
$prop_elem->setAttribute('name', StudlyCaps($name));
$prop_elem->setAttribute('cname', $name);
$prop_elem->setAttribute('type', $type);
$prop_elem->setAttribute('readable', "true") if ($mode =~ /READ/);
$prop_elem->setAttribute('writeable', "true") if ($mode =~ /WRIT/);
$prop_elem->setAttribute('construct-only', "true") if ($mode =~ /CONS/);
sub parseTypeToken
my ($tok) = @_;
if ($tok =~ /G_TYPE_(\w+)/) {
my $type = $1;
if ($type eq "NONE") {
return "void";
} elsif ($type eq "INT") {
return "gint32";
} elsif ($type eq "UINT") {
return "guint32";
} elsif ($type eq "ENUM" || $type eq "FLAGS") {
return "gint32";
} elsif ($type eq "STRING") {
return "gchar*";
} elsif ($type eq "OBJECT") {
return "GObject*";
} else {
return "g" . lc ($type);
} else {
$tok =~ s/_TYPE//;
$tok =~ s/\|.*STATIC_SCOPE//;
$tok =~ s/\s+//g;
return StudlyCaps (lc($tok));
sub addSignalElem
my ($spec, $class, $node) = @_;
$spec =~ s/\n\s*//g; $class =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$sig_elem = $doc->createElement('signal');
if ($spec =~ /\(\"([\w\-]+)\"/) {
$sig_elem->setAttribute('name', StudlyCaps($1));
$sig_elem->setAttribute('cname', $1);
$sig_elem->setAttribute('when', $1) if ($spec =~ /_RUN_(\w+)/);
my $method = "";
if ($spec =~ /_OFFSET\s*\(\w+,\s*(\w+)\)/) {
$method = $1;
} else {
@args = split(/,/, $spec);
my $rettype = parseTypeToken ($args[7]);
addReturnElem($sig_elem, $rettype);
$parmcnt = $args[8];
$parmcnt =~ s/.*(\d+).*/\1/;
$parms_elem = $doc->createElement('parameters');
$parm_elem = $doc->createElement('parameter');
$parm_elem->setAttribute('name', "inst");
$parm_elem->setAttribute('type', "$inst*");
for (my $idx = 0; $idx < $parmcnt; $idx++) {
my $argtype = parseTypeToken ($args[9+$idx]);
$parm_elem = $doc->createElement('parameter');
$parm_elem->setAttribute('name', "p$idx");
$parm_elem->setAttribute('type', $argtype);
return $class;
if ($class =~ /;\s*(G_CONST_RETURN\s+)?(\w+\s*\**)\s*\(\*\s*$method\)\s*\((.*?)\);/) {
$ret = $2; $parms = $3;
addReturnElem($sig_elem, $ret);
if ($parms && ($parms ne "void")) {
addParamsElem($sig_elem, split(/,/, $parms));
$class =~ s/;\s*(G_CONST_RETURN\s+)?\w+\s*\**\s*\(\*\s*$method\)\s*\(.*?\);/;/;
} else {
die "$method $class";
return $class;
sub addVirtualMethods
my ($class, $node) = @_;
$class =~ s/\n\s*//g;
$class =~ s/\/\*.*?\*\///g;
while ($class =~ /;\s*(G_CONST_RETURN\s+)?(\S+\s*\**)\s*\(\*\s*(\w+)\)\s*\((.*?)\);/) {
$ret = $1 . $2; $cname = $3; $parms = $4;
if ($cname !~ /reserved/) {
$vm_elem = $doc->createElement('virtual_method');
$vm_elem->setAttribute('name', StudlyCaps($cname));
$vm_elem->setAttribute('cname', $cname);
addReturnElem($vm_elem, $ret);
if ($parms && ($parms ne "void")) {
addParamsElem($vm_elem, split(/,/, $parms));
$class =~ s/;\s*(G_CONST_RETURN\s+)?\S+\s*\**\s*\(\*\s*\w+\)\s*\(.*?\);/;/;
sub addImplementsElem
my ($spec, $node) = @_;
$spec =~ s/\n\s*//g;
if ($spec =~ /,\s*(\w+)_TYPE_(\w+),/) {
$impl_elem = $doc->createElement('interface');
$name = StudlyCaps (lc ("$1_$2"));
$impl_elem->setAttribute ("cname", "$name");
sub parseInitFunc
my ($obj_el, $initfunc) = @_;
my @init_lines = split (/\n/, $initfunc);
my $linenum = 0;
while ($linenum < @init_lines) {
my $line = $init_lines[$linenum];
if ($line =~ /#define/) {
# FIXME: This ignores the bool helper macro thingie.
} elsif ($line =~ /g_object_class_install_prop/) {
my $prop = $line;
do {
$prop .= $init_lines[++$linenum];
} until ($init_lines[$linenum] =~ /\)\s*;/);
addPropElem ($prop, $obj_el, 0);
} elsif ($line =~ /gtk_container_class_install_child_property/) {
my $prop = $line;
do {
$prop .= $init_lines[++$linenum];
} until ($init_lines[$linenum] =~ /\)\s*;/);
addPropElem ($prop, $obj_el, 1);
} elsif ($line =~ /\bg.*_signal_new/) {
my $sig = $line;
do {
$sig .= $init_lines[++$linenum];
} until ($init_lines[$linenum] =~ /;/);
$classdef = addSignalElem ($sig, $classdef, $obj_el);
addVirtualMethods ($classdef, $obj_el);
sub parseTypeFunc
my ($obj_el, $typefunc) = @_;
my @type_lines = split (/\n/, $typefunc);
my $linenum = 0;
$impl_node = undef;
while ($linenum < @type_lines) {
my $line = $type_lines[$linenum];
if ($line =~ /#define/) {
# FIXME: This ignores the bool helper macro thingie.
} elsif ($line =~ /g_type_add_interface_static/) {
my $prop = $line;
do {
$prop .= $type_lines[++$linenum];
} until ($type_lines[$linenum] =~ /;/);
if (not $impl_node) {
$impl_node = $doc->createElement ("implements");
$obj_el->appendChild ($impl_node);
addImplementsElem ($prop, $impl_node);
# Converts a dash or underscore separated name to StudlyCaps.
%num2txt = ('1', "One", '2', "Two", '3', "Three", '4', "Four", '5', "Five",
'6', "Six", '7', "Seven", '8', "Eight", '9', "Nine", '0', "Zero");
sub StudlyCaps
my ($symb) = @_;
$symb =~ s/^([a-z])/\u\1/;
$symb =~ s/^(\d)/\1_/;
$symb =~ s/[-_]([a-z])/\u\1/g;
$symb =~ s/[-_](\d)/\1/g;
$symb =~ s/^2/Two/;
$symb =~ s/^3/Three/;
return $symb;